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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Wanna know more about how Fox News became a huge force in politics and culture?  Slate just dropped a multipart podcast series The Rise of Fox News.  (Here’s the trailer) Count me in…Attention doom preppers: My Patriot Supply is advertising on Breitbart a four-week emergency food kit in case there’s an unruly mob of protestors “wearing Islamic kufiyahs” threatening your security and you’ve got to bolt quickly.  “Get the life-saving food your family needs,” boasts the ad. The kit costs $187 and includes meals like mushroom rice pilaf, creamy stroganoff and buttermilk pancakes…The Wall Street Journal just gave a rave review to the Daily Wire’s new theatrically released documentary “Am I a Racist” starring podcaster Matt Walsh.  Writer Jason Riley called it “hilarious”…Midweek Watch: Last night, the Max streamer debuted “Stopping the Steal,” a sobering full-length documentary about Trump’s attempt to subvert the election.  There are few major revelations but the accumulating details of the attempted subversion of the election over the course of 90 minutes lands like a gut-punch. (Check out the trailer)…Movie recommendation of the week for Trump and Vance: the 1996 romantic comedy The Truth About Cats and Dogs…Dept. of Surprises: has published an op-ed by Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA!) touting his state’s success increasing the minimum wage.  It’s smart of Newsom’s staff to try to reach the Fox audience…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The Virtues of Trump’s Disruptive Partners

source: American Greatness

Part of what defines candidates is who endorses them. Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard, Ramaswamy, and Haley bring extraordinary credibility to their endorsement of Trump.

ABC’s David Muir Appears to Be Paying the Price for His Extremely Biased Debate Performance

source: Western Journal

"World News Tonight" has hemorrhaged viewers since Muir's disgraceful performance as a moderator at last week's presidential debate.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! After 5 days in LA, it's great to be back in NYC…JD Vance has an op-ed in Blaze Media where he wonders if the incident on the Mayor of Mar-A-Lago’s Palm Beach links was “another Trump  assassination plot.”  The Veep-wannabe adds without  any irony that he admires “Trump for calling for peace and calm,” and suggests it’s the left that is “out of control” with violent rhetoric. For good measure, he claims that a nefarious foreign government may be behind multiple bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio…Last Friday on “Late Night with Bill Maher,” the HBO gabfest host said he thinks that it’s finally over for Trump because he’s gone too far with his migrants-eating-pets riffs. I’d like to believe The Donald is going down to defeat once again. Maher famously and correctly predicted many times that The Donald would resist leaving the Oval Office if he lost the 2020 election and I hope he is once again prescient about Trump losing. Still, it’s dangerous to underestimate Trump’s chances of again seizing power. That’s something too many mainstreamers have been guilty of since he descended the Trump Tower escalator to announce his 2016 White House run. He is at his most dangerous and resilient when he’s backed into a corner. My two cents: it ain’t close to being over…The Fox Nation streaming service just dropped the anti-trans documentary Transfixed, which boasts that it “exposes the dark side of the transgender movement.”  The 12-time NCAA champion swimmer Riley Gaines hosts….A happy 7th birthday to TheRighting.  We launched in the early dark days of the Trump administration. I’m still waiting for the dawn…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.

Somebody Up There Likes Trump

source: American Thinker

Trump survives again and that indicates that someone wants him to make it to election day.

They Must Kill Trump to Stop Him

source: WND

Ultimately, the government secret agencies have no choice but to try to assassinate Trump. He threatens everything they plot against We the People. They will fail in their attempts to destroy President Trump, because the very hand of God rests upon him.

Dems Aren’t Going to Stop If They Kill Trump

source: Townhall

In recent years, the progressive left – after having purged itself of any sense of moderates – has embraced political violence as a means of motivation for their militant enforcement wing. Rather than distance themselves from the destructive, violent left, the Democratic Party became their masters.

Dems’ Apocalyptic Rhetoric About Trump Only Increased After First Assassination Attempt

source: NY Post

If Democrats didn’t believe they’d put Donald Trump in an assassin’s crosshairs the first time, they have no excuse for pleading ignorance now.

The Media Blame the Victim

source: National Review

There is something appalling about the surly media response to the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Another Trump Assassination Attempt and More Shame for the Media

source: Liberty Nation News

We are reminded that some left-wing reporters and political pundits are willing to practically brush off an attempted murder because the target was a man whose political agenda they don’t like.

Journalists Pounce on Trump Following Second Assassination Attempt

source: Washington Free Beacon

Doing what comes naturally, the mainstream media sought to downplay the violent episode while seizing the opportunity to blame Trump for inciting violence against himself.

Assassin Was Able to Hang Around Trump Golf Course for 12 Hours

source: FrontPage

Incompetence or weaponized incompetence?

Journalist Calling Trump “a Threat to Democracy” Is Incitement

source: NewsBusters

As the nation reels from a second attempt on Donald Trump’s life, many conservatives are pointing an accusatory finger at the media for their role in radicalizing much of the political left.

Trump vs the Left’s Incitement to Violence

source: American Spectator

The would-be assassins were incited to violence by the leftist media and their Democrat allies.

Social Media Claims That Ukraine-Tied Trump Would-Be Assassin Will Get “Epsteined”

source: America First Report

Critics on social media speculated that Ryan Wesley Routh, the accused-attempted assassin behind the second threat to Trump’s life, could face a fatal outcome in jail. Some even suggested he might end up being “Epsteined.” The term refers to Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender whose controversial death left many questions unanswered.

Video Shows Ohio Immigrants Grilling Neighborhood Cats

source: PJ Media

There are verified eyewitness reports of Haitians consuming geese and ducks. Police reports and 911 calls really do back this up. And now, we may have evidence that immigrants are eating cats. Writer Christopher Rufo investigated the claims and says he's authenticated a 2023 video showing a cat being grilled in Ohio.

Cats and Dogs the Least of Springfield’s Worries

source: Newsmax

Imagine a one-third bump in your town's population over four years.

If We Really Want Fewer School Shootings, End Easy Divorce

source: The Federalist

Accordingly to an international academic study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine in 2018, “separation from a parent during childhood is strongly associated with elevated risk for later violent criminality” in contrast to children “who lived continuously with both parents.”

Conservative Movies Crash the Box Office

source: Hollywood in Toto

Over the weekend, three right-leaning titles bullied their way into the box office charts. “Am I Racist?” came in fourth with $4.75 million. The Daily Wire original documentary exposes DEI radicals.The fifth most popular film was “Reagan,” which recalls the life of the 40th president. Coming in at number 10 was “God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust.”