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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  We’re a day past the autumnal equinox, where each 24-hours is filled with more darkness than light.  Here’s hoping that’s not a metaphor for Election Day.…Just what we don’t need: Sometime in the next two weeks The Donald  has vowed to take his presidential  campaign circus to Springfield, Ohio, where the  ex-POTUS has caused mayhem with his lies about Haitian immigrants feasting on dogs, cats and geese. With any luck, he’ll wind up in Springfield, Illinois (NY Times)…Craziest headline from the right for the week of Sept. 16: Washington Free Beacon’s Horny Dads for Kamala….Do Jews need protection from Donald Trump and his MAGA minions? The Jewish Telegraphic Agency says there are serious reasons for concern.….Flame-throwing NY Post columnist Miranda Devine claims she has the real dope on what really happened in Ukraine with Hunter and Joe Biden.  (Spoiler alert: she asserts they were up to no good.)   All the alleged sordid details are in her new tome  The Big Guy: How a President and His Son Sold Out AmericaThe NY Post published an excerpt  yesterday.  Devine has to be  unhappy that “Big Guy” Biden dropped out of the White House race, making her book seem like old news…Dept. Of Disbelief: Trump told conservative commentator Sharyl Attkisson that he won’t run in 2028 if he loses his current presidential bid. Here’s the full transcript of the interview. Who believes him?…The Springfield Sun published an editorial over the weekend denouncing JD Vance’s lies about Haitian immigrants eating their neighbors pets..  My question:  what took the Springfield, Ohio, daily so long to stand up to the lying Veep wannabee?...If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

London Hospitals Are Pushing Non-English Speaking Patients to the Front of the Line

source: Breitbart

The policy is supposedly intended to cut costs for interpreters by reducing the number of hours worked. However, this results in English speakers being deliberately passed over.

Dem Donor Charged with Plotting to Assassinate Six Supreme Court Justices

source: Loomered

The DOJ has charged Democrat donor Panos Anastasiou for threatening to assassinate six U.S. Supreme Court Justices. It should come as no surprise that the DOJ is not releasing the names of the six Justices Anastasiou is charged with planning to assassinate, but conservatives currently hold a 6-3 majority on the U.S. Supreme Court.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Wall Street Journal contributor Lance Morrow has penned a perceptive column about how George Wallace, the former governor of Alabama who was an avowed segregationist, foretold Donald Trump.  “His rhetoric foreshadowed MAGA, especially in his emphasis on middle American common sense and a resentful pride—implicitly underdog—that was arrayed against ‘the elites,’” writes Morrow.  It’s worth recalling for those of us fuzzy on the history of the 60s, that Wallace ran for president in 1968 as an independent and garnered  13.5% of the popular vote.  He also won 45 electoral votes and was especially popular with young male…WND reports that about 20 people attending a Trump rally in Arizona last week suffered blurred vision and some went to the ER.  No cause was mentioned.  Notably, Democrats were not blamed…Looks like New York Magazine’s star political reporter Olivia Nuzzi couldn’t curb her enthusiasm for RFK Jr. who she profiled a year ago.  She was just placed on leave after an alleged sexting relationship with the former third party candidate.  RFK Jr. is married to “Curb Your Enthusiasm” star Cheryl Hines (Status News)…Weekend Watch:  “American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez.” I’ve only seen the first two episodes of the multi-part series which bowed on Hulu this week, but I’m already hooked. (Here’s the two-minute trailer.) It’s a riveting character study of former NFL superstar tight end Hernandez and an indictment of college and professional football.  The troubled New England Patriots star was convicted for the murder of a friend and committed suicide in prison in 2017…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Oprah’s Kamala Special Was a Shameless Tongue Bath

source: The Federalist

Oprah Winfrey’s glitzy hour-long special with Vice President Kamala Harris Thursday night was not a feature of a serious presidential campaign, but instead a celebrity-obsessed public relations program intended to win what’s become a popularity contest.

Oprah and Kamala Are the Saddest Spectacle of the 2024 Election

source: Liberty Nation News

This was not an interview in any meaningful sense of the word. With guest appearances by Hollywood staples such as Ben Stiller, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lopez, and others, including guest spots by campaign surrogates, the scene seemed more like a DNC rehash.

Kamala Delivers a Full Word Salad of Drivel to Voter Questions at Oprah Forum

source: American Thinker

Kamala Harris in all her vapid, vacant, vacuous glory.

Not Even Oprah Could Save Kamala’s Word Salad Fiasco During Livestream Event

source: Townhall

What the hell was she even saying? It’s become an evergreen observation concerning anything Kamala Harris-related. The vice president did a livestream event with Oprah Winfrey, which should have been a Beaucoup Bucks event. Barely 10,000 people tuned into the event.

The Economy Will Defeat Kamala

source: Washington Times

By Newt Gingrich: Despite the propaganda media’s best efforts, the economy is preventing Vice President Kamala Harris from breaking through with the American people.

Kamala’s Money Machine

source: FrontPage

“Kamala demands a life of luxury,” a former aide revealed. “She treats the campaign like a personal checking account to fund a lifestyle she aspires to,” another aide warned.

Kamala Had Minority Journalists at “Hello”

source: NewsBusters

The easiest thing in the world to predict is that Kamala Harris is going to be cuddled by minority journalists. If you speak the mantra “diversity, equity, inclusion” you’re rooting for a Harris victory. So when Harris finally consented to a sit-down with three liberals for the National Association of Black Journalists, the title of the event could have been “You Had Me at Hello.”

Kamala Would Fill Her Administration with Anti-Israel Radicals

source: The Washington Examiner

Harris surrounding herself with the likes of Ellison, Gordon, Goldenberg, and Abdellal, and even considering them for Cabinet positions, should send a chill down the spine of every Jewish American.

The Politicization of Science Sinks to New Depths for Kamala

source: National Review

Scientific American’s blatantly partisan election endorsement is only the latest example of the deterioration of scientific inquiry.

Kamala Is Nowhere to Be Seen with Election Day Less Than Two Months Away

source: New York Post

Kamala Harris LOOOOOOOVES democracy so much she’s refusing to speak to the people she wants to vote for her. She has done three — three! — interviews since July 21 and has held zero — zero! — press conferences. It's the same strategy from Biden’s 2020 run. Hide the candidate in the basement and hope that the legacy media will cooperate and go easy.

Kamala Failed Oakland and Would Do the Same for America

source: Fox News

Harris’s hometown consistently ranks as one of the most dangerous cities in America. Crime rose dramatically in the few years after the pandemic shutdowns.

Why Are the Nutjobs Trying to Kill Political Opponents All Left-Wingers?

source: American Spectator

Murderous political violence in the United States today is not an all-of-the-above phenomenon.

There Are Five Known Assassination Teams in America Out to Kill Trump

source: The Gateway Pundit

President Trump’s life may be in greater danger than anyone realizes according to Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz. Three of the teams are foreign.

Iran Hacked the Trump Campaign and Gave Info to Team Biden

source: Victory Girls

Given the antipathy of Iran against Donald Trump, no one should be shocked that they hacked into the Trump campaign files.

Matthew Perry Believed the Big Lie of the Sexual Revolution

source: European Conservative

"Friends" deliberately pushed the envelope on a host of social issues, normalizing same-sex ‘marriage,’ surrogacy, pornography addiction, and cross-dressing, wrapped carefully in comedy and showcased by brilliant, attractive actors. But it was casual hookups and predatory sexual behavior that made up the core of the show.