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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Phrase of the week: tariff whiplash…It’s becoming more apparent to me that Rep. Al Green (D-TX) did reputational harm to the Democrats with his incoherent outburst at Trump’s Tuesday night speech.  For at least the next several days, he is now one of the faces of the Democratic party…NewsBusters shades HBO’s hit series “White Lotus” for last Sunday’s episode where one of the female characters admitted to her horrified two friends that her husband voted for Trump and that she goes to church every Sunday.  “The intent feels clear,” concluded writer Dawn Slusher, “a ‘scathing dig’ at Trump and a shaming of his voters, especially women.” IMHO, I though the scene was a realistic portrayal of a real-life situation that many of us may have encountered…Influential right wing author Douglas Murray believes MAGA is wrong about Ukraine, according to an article he wrote for the UK’s Spectator…. AMAC, the conservative alternative to AARP, argues that Maine is now a bellwether for how the nation is leaning politically.  And it’s moving to the right…This will only antagonize the right:  Texas A&M University is under fire from a Democrat-led campaign to compel the school to reinstate drag shows on the campus. My two cents: this is a stupid issue and Dems shouldn’t waste political capital on it.  Furthermore, it creates the perception that Dems are the party of drag shows, which is a losing political proposition.  And it gives Trump and his minions a talking point to bludgeon the Democrats. (Daily Caller)…In today’s news roundup, there are two stories with the same headline that reflects the sad truth of March 2025: “Dems in Disarray,” courtesy of the Daily Signal and… I’m taking a personal day on Monday. Back at you Tuesday…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Trump Is the Working People’s Champion

source: WND

The bureaucracy has tried twice and failed to destroy him. Donald Trump's potential to free America and bring jobs back was first recognized by American labor.

Trump Must Stand Tall Against the Left’s Rage

source: Washington Times

Do not let the protesters’ noise drown out the voices of hardworking taxpayers. This is the message for President Trump and everyone who voted for him in November.

Trump Has No Meaningful Opposition

source: Human Events

While Trump had many sarcastic barbs for the government’s wasted money Tuesday night, he kept jibes at the expense of the opposing party mostly in reserve, though at one point he did point out that the Democrats wouldn’t applaud, even if he cured a life-threatening disease.

Axed Government Watchdog Says Trump Was Right to Fire Him

source: Fox News

One of the government watchdogs fired by Trump not only declined to sue him but filed an amicus brief supporting the administration's ability to terminate his role

The Golden Speech for the Golden Age

source: Washington Reporter

Praise pours in for Trump's golden address.

Dems Descend into Madness

source: American Thinker

For anyone who may have doubted it before the State of the Union address, the Democrats went into overdrive to hammer home the message that they’re all going nuts.

Snap Out of It, Democrats

source: Wall Street Journal

By Peggy Noonan: On Tuesday they looked as if they aren’t going to win for a long time. That’s dangerous for America.

Al Green Sabotages the Democrats

source: American Spectator

A congressional Democrat’s TV performance that damaged the leftist cause.

The Dems in Disarray

source: Daily Signal

Their leadership class is utterly exhausted. Rep. Nancy Pelosi was at the address; she looked simultaneously bored and lost. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries seemed confused and bemused. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer disappeared into the wallpaper.

Dems in Disarray


Democrats have no backbone, no heart, no message, and no leader. They refuse to stand for American heroes. They celebrate foreign conflicts over domestic priorities. And their response to losing power? Throwing a tantrum while America moves forward without them.

Cleaning Up Biden’s Bird Flu Mess Fails to Trump

source: The Blaze

Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins hinted at reconsidering the former administration’s avian flu vaccine plan. Now it’s up to RFK Jr. to make sure it gets scrapped entirely.

Cheers for Jeff Bezos, Fighting for Truth at Washington Post

source: NY Post

Becoming the MSNBC of print has not only hurt the paper's credibility, but also its bottom line — and owner Jeff Bezos has finally had enough.

The War on Woke Isn’t Won

source: Washington Examiner

In his first months in office, President Donald Trump has begun to defang the DEI industry. You know, the harmful grift that discriminates against people who happen to be white on the pretext of remedying the effects of past discrimination against people who mostly died generations ago.

Elon Musk’s Suggestion Box

source: Ann Coulter

Want to be popular? Abolish the TSA. Mostly a full employment program for “body positive” gals who didn’t work out at Target, TSA is doing something that doesn’t need to be done and failing at it.

Do We Have an Amy Coney Barrett Problem?

source: Townhall

Was putting Justice Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court a mistake? It wouldn’t be the first.

Eliminate Vehicle Inspections in New Hampshire

source: Granite Grok

We do not need our state to be our nanny anymore; we are responsible citizens.NH should be a shining beacon, first in the region with no inspections in all of New England, and lead the way instead of being followers. Let’s start taking Live Free or Die seriously!

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Once again, it’s another day and another Wall Street Journal editorial throwing shade on President Trump. Last night’s headline nailed it: The Trump Tariff Roller Coaster. The article was framed perfectly with this subhead: “He gives a one month reprieve to car makers but everyone else loses”…Trump’s Tuesday night speech generated significant viewer interest as it drew 36.6 million viewers, more than Biden’s first 2021 address.  However, 70% of the audience was 55 and older.  Fox News was the most watched of any network. (Deadline)… Good Jimmy Kimmel Trump joke from Tuesday night: “According to a new poll from CNN, 52 percent of Americans do not approve of the way Trump is handling his job as president. The other 48 percent responded in Russian,” cracked the ABC late night comedian, according to NewsBusters…Dept. of Sticks & Stones: The Washington Beacon called Rep. Al Green (D-TX), who disrupted Trump’s Tuesday night speech, a “ponytail geezer”… Human Events is sounding the alarm about Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.  It seems she’s not conservative enough. “Barrett’s track record has been a rollercoaster of disappointment, with too many stops on the liberal side of the tracks,” wrote pundit and Pizzagate-theory-promoter Jack Posobiec. “This isn’t just a critique—it’s a red alert for Republicans: stop playing DEI games with judicial picks, or we’ll keep getting burned”…The American Conservative identified four unconventional politicians who could be the answer to the prayers of Democrats as they search for their own Trump in 2028.  They are:  AOC, ESPN chatterbox Stephen Smith, Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett, and Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania.  My advice: keep praying…if you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Dems Biggest Problem Now Is That They Are Uncool

source: The Federalist

Do Democrats have a plan other than being awful and making fools of themselves?