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Hunter Biden: Leave the Gun, Take the Cocaine

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

Once upon a time, a crack cocaine-ridden addict named Hunter Biden slept with his sister-in-law. His brother’s widow, named Hallie, took Hunter’s (ummm…AHEM) gun and dumped it in a trashcan behind a grocery store.

Delusional in Davos

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

Maybe beneath the Davos veneer of self-congratulation and cliché there is a democratic realist plotting the renewal of American power. If not, we're in trouble. An individual in the grip of delusion endangers himself and others. A delusional superpower endangers itself—and the world.

The Elites’ Absurd Davos Crusade to Destroy Freedom to Save Humanity

source: NY Post

NY Post

Who would have guessed freedom of speech would become the biggest barrier to saving humanity? Luckily, a fix is pending from the billionaires, political poohbahs and other weasels attending this week’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Commie Rag’s “Palestinian Correspondent” Gives Us a Dark Hint of What’s to Come

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

The Nation, a magazine farther to the left than Stalin, proudly features Mohammed El-Kurd as its “first-ever Palestine Correspondent.” Apparently El-Kurd took that to mean “Hamas correspondent,” as he just declared, in a chilling glimpse of what the left has in store for us, “We must normalize massacres as the status quo.”

The World Has Fundamentally Changed, One Local Retail Outlet at a Time

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

What’s happening in leftist-run cities is a warning to the rest of America about how we’re being corralled away from our local capitalist comforts.

Homeless Don’t Have the “Right” to Trash Our Neighborhoods

source: Newsmax


Tired of stepping over needles and human waste, and navigating around half-conscious addicts and homeless encampments? You're not alone. Most decent, hardworking people want clean sidewalks for getting to work and walking their kids to school.


First Plagiarism, Now Lying: What’s Happening to America’s Universities?

source: FrontPage


Those who claim to be “marginalized” have all the power – and use it ruthlessly.

Trump Recycles Tired 2020 Election Allegations

source: National Review

National Review

By Brad Raffensperger: The former president just won’t let his loss go, even if that means returning to long-disproven allegations about the outcome.

After Trump’s Iowa Landslide, It’s Time to Stop Pretending There’s a GOP Primary

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Trump winning the majority in Iowa confirms he is best equipped to face off with Biden in the general election.

As Trump Nears GOP Nomination, Elitist Media Again Treat Voters Like They’re Stupid

source: NY Post

NY Post

It’s 2016 all over again.

Joy Reid Burns with Bigotry After Trump Win in Iowa

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

After Donald Trump resoundingly won the Iowa caucuses on Monday night, the folks at MSNBC went haywire, refusing to air his victory speech. Rachel Maddow wailed about the “potential rise of fascism.” But Joy Reid added her own special touch: including both racism and anti-Christianity in a diatribe.

Trump Triggering the Leftists Never Ceases to Amuse and Entertain

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

Trump terrifies Tapper, Maddow, and their ilk so much that they're afraid to let their rabid leftist audiences hear him speak. What if some truth rubs off on one of them and they begin to be honest with themselves about the fact that there truly is a dangerous invasion in progress on our southern border?

The Deplorable Is Now Just the Disgusting

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

The mainstream media went off the cliff on Monday night as they found every way possible to censor Donald Trump, denigrate his character, or lump all of his supporters into a group to be hated, certainly not respected.

The Intellectual Foundations of MAGA

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

The MAGA position is founded on a solid intellectual and moral foundation, aspiring to the optimal well-being of all Americans and ultimately to the benefit of everyone else in the world as well.

Far-Left ABC Cancels Debate After Trump and Haley Refuse to Participate

source: Breitbart


Trump has been too savvy to participate in any of these stupid primary debates. Only stupid Republicans allow Democrat operatives disguised as lousy journalists to have free reign over them.

NeoCon Nikki Haley Gushed Over Depopulationist Bill Gates and His Massive “Vaccine” Investments

source: America First Report

America First Report

The New Hampshire primary is next week and corporate media is aflutter over the prospects of Nikki Haley beating Donald Trump. One can argue that the UniParty Swamp and their Deep State puppet masters are betting everything on the state as their last desperate attempt to stop Trump from getting the GOP nomination.

Nikki Haley Is the Left’s Favorite Republican

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Her views on sending troops overseas to fight in globalist wars alone should disqualify her from being a Republican nominee, not because she can’t have her own opinions, but because it’s so far out of step with how the GOP base sees these issues.