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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Society News:  Donald Trump acolyte and ex-advisor Hope Hicks is engaged,  per the New York Post.  Hicks, 35, who tearfully testified Friday in Defendant Trump’s election interference and hush money trial, is set to tie the knot with Goldman Sachs senior executive James Donovan, 58…Another of The Donald’s sycophants, Kellyanne Conway, brought her motor mouth to HBO's “Real Time with Bill Maher” Friday night.  In classic Conway fashion, she spewed a perpetual stream of pro-Trump talking points and anti-Biden jabs, punctuating sentences with a coquettish smirk.  Still,  the Queen of Alternative Facts misstated that Trump was the only president in the last 72 years to not start a war.  Props to Maher for correcting her on the spot by referencing Jimmy Carter’s presidency. “I think it’s incorrect, but I’ll give it to you,” she cackled…We’re going to need a bigger gag order: Over the weekend, Trump truthed on Truth Social to  “arrest Jack Smith. He is a criminal.” In case you’re not hip to right wing lingo, a “truth” is a tweet on the Truth Social platform.  (Somebody call the irony police.)…Celebrity Updates: Jerry Seinfeld’s spouse Jessica kicked in $5,000 to fund last week’s pro-Israel demonstration at UCLA that turned violent (Newsweek).  Her traditionally apolitical husband has been drawing heat from the left for statements on the war in Gaza….Yada yada yada: Seinfeld is giving a commencement address at Duke University on May 12.  Expect pro-Palestinian demonstrations…TheRighting’s redesigned website launched Friday afternoon. Take a look…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. — Howard

The Real Threat to Democracy Is…

source: Bernard Goldberg

Biden? Trump? No, consider this...  

Are Trump’s Polls Understating His Lead?

source: The Spectator

Just as they did in 2016 and 2020, it is likely that they understate Trump's actual support.

Taxpayers Subsidize College Extremism

source: Townhall


Nearly every student loan taken in the U.S. is either given by the government or fully guaranteed by taxpayers. This sounds wonderful in the abstract since it allows every student a chance at higher education. The reality, however, is that we have incentivized universities to create hordes of debt-ridden, credentialed nitwits.

It’s Time to Defund the Universities

source: Daily Wire

Daily Wire

By Ben Shapiro: The professors at Columbia are fighting mad at the administration because the administration dared to call the cops on the good little cosplay terrorists. 

LA Mayor Only Upset at Campus Violence When Jews Fight Back

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

A Jewish woman was beaten to unconsciousness by pro-Hamas occupiers at UCLA while campus security refused to intervene. A group of Jewish students exacted revenge and then, only then, did Mayor Karen Bass (D) finally find a voice to condemn “detestable violence on campus”. How convenient. How transparent.

Antifa Returns with a Vengeance in College Mobs

source: Fox News

Fox News

College mobs highlight Antifa's influence and coordination. The group might just be getting started.

When the Woke Begin to Hate

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

College students are marinated in readings, lectures, and group sessions teaching them to banish impure thoughts about race and ethnicity, yet many of these activists are quick to resort to the basest barroom racial, ethnic, and religious taunts.

On PBS, Amanpour Lauds Columbia as “Heart of the Pro-Palestinian Peace Movement”

source: NewsBusters


On Monday’s Amanpour & Co., which runs on PBS and CNN International, host Christiane Amanpour took the side of the pro-Hamas campus protesters who are spewing anti-Jewish rhetoric on “progressive” college campuses nationwide -- no surprise given her long-standing journalistic hostility toward Israel.

Why Is the Media Running Interference for Professional Pro-Hamas Thugs

source: NY Post

NY Post

Members of the press wanted to stick to the narrative that the protests come solely from a wellspring of youthful outrage — which made it easier to obliquely cheer the pro-Hamas occupiers from the sidelines while conveniently staying out of the political violence where they might get hurt.

Trump to the Rescue

source: RSBN


Trump: “We’re not letting the radical left morons take over this country.”

Trump Had a Better Week Than Biden

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

The "Free Palestine" campus Hitler Youth have become a real pain for Joe Biden and the people running what's left of his brain. The plan was to have Biden tucked away from the spotlight in a modified basement strategy, hiding behind the news of Trump being in court and finally having the walls close in on him.

March Traffic Craters at News Websites, But Trump’s Truth Social Soars

source: A Righting Original

A Righting Original

News websites representing both sides of the political spectrum suffered huge drops in unique visitors in March 2024 compared to March 2020. But Donald Trump’s Truth Social generated 5 million unique visitors in March, its largest traffic volume ever since its February 2022 launch.

RFK Jr. Hates Conservatives

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

Those conservatives who think he’s the bridge between left and right need to know how much he despises their values.

This Is Joe Biden’s Democracy

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

From Day One of his administration, our border has been thrown open, and millions of undocumented, unvetted, illegal migrants have come into our country and dispersed throughout the country, making every state a border state.

The Democratic Party Is the Purveyor of Antisemitism

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

One of America’s two major political parties — the Democrat Party — has not only become the command central platform for today’s outbreak of antisemitism; for those who came in late, antiisemitism has always had a home on the left and specifically in the Democratic Party.

Americans Are Fleeing Blue Cities and Their Suburbs

source: Blaze Media

Blaze Media

This is all a result of the catastrophic mismanagement and arrogance of urban governments in one-party, Democrat-controlled cities.

Don’t Bring Gaza to America

source: National Review

National Review

Letting in thousands of Palestinian refugees would be a security nightmare and diplomatic debacle.