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Trump Visits Harlem Bodega After Wrapping up Day in Court


Trump proved on Tuesday evening that he is an unstoppable force of nature when it comes to keeping his mission focus on reclaiming the White House. Just moments after leaving the second day in court, he made his way to a Harlem business where a clerk was robbed and attacked in July 2022.

Americans Were Way Better Off Under Trump


Trump boldly and efficiently led the country by utilizing policies that put America’s economic welfare first. His approach resulted in a higher standard of living for everyone, as well as attainable housing prices, affordable grocery bills, and conceivable automobile price tags.

Trump Calls Out Weaponized Federal Agencies for Waging Illegal Psychological Campaign Against Americans


Trump scorched the Biden administration and the “weaponized” federal agencies that have infected the moral integrity of Americans during remarks made post-arraignment on Tuesday night in Bedminster, NJ. He accused “weaponized” agencies of waging “illegal psychological warfare campaigns against the American people much as they would try to destabilize a foreign country.”