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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Time to lift the Cohen of Silence:  Ex-Donald Trump fixer Michael Cohen takes the stand today in what is sure to be another high point in The Don’s election interference trial…It’s a sad day for progressive NY Giants football fans.  Legendary Giant linebacker Lawrence Taylor and bruising fullback Ottis Anderson showed up at Trump's Saturday New Jersey rally to support the ex-POTUS (Townhall)… Bobby Kennedy  Jr. gets ripped by failed GOP presidential candidate  Doug Burgum.  The North Dakota governor sounds the alarm about RFK Jr.’s White House run. “(H)is ideas are downright dangerous, and anyone who identifies as a conservative, or simply as somebody who loves their country,” Burgum  writes in a Daily Caller op-ed. “Best steer clear.”…Right wing Christian media powerhouse Salem Media appears to have hit some financial potholes.  Salem controls a national network of radio stations, and runs several prominent right wing outlets like Townhall and PJ Media. On Friday, the company announced the sale of its former HQ. Since last year, Salem has sold off some radio stations and its church products division, according to Inside Radio…On Friday’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,"  the eponymous host called out  “inconsistencies” in Stormy Daniels’ testimony in the Trump trial last week, echoing Megyn Kelly’s comments on her podcast.  The Gateway Pundit has the details including the video of Maher’s 2018 interview with Daniels in which she told a much less dramatic tale of her bedroom romp with Trump. It’s hard to disagree with Maher after viewing the video…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Dems Love Abortion More Than Their Black Voters

source: Blaze Media

It’s time to shine light on the fact that 90% of black voters in America support a party that thinks it’s good that fewer of us are born

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Veteran  GOP consultant Karl Rove gives Donald Trump some unsolicited advice choosing a running mate: “Don’t sweat it because it doesn’t matter that much,” he opines in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.  Nonetheless, my money is on The Donald selecting Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) because of her epic  beat down of the elite college presidents last December.  Many voters are discouraged by campus protests, and Stefanik’s anti-elitist vibe might resonate with millions and could be a plus for Trump…New York’s Celebrate Israel Parade is scheduled for June 2 with revelers marching up Manhattan’s posh Fifth Avenue.  The parade is considered the largest confab in the world supporting Israel. Sad to say, but it seems like an inevitable target for pro-Palestinian protesters.…Conservative political consultant and scribe Ryan James Girdusky’s National Populist weekly Substack newsletter is gaining fans on the right…She may have a point: On her hit podcast, Megyn Kelly blasts Stormy Daniels’ sex romp courtroom testimony, according to the NY Post. On her podcast, Kelly calls it “bullshit #MeToo revisionism.”  I’m glad Daniels is pulling back the covers on her alleged tryst with Donald “you remind me of my daughter” Trump, but her courtroom  recollections made it seem darker and more sinister than previous descriptions over the past several years….Weekend Watch:  The Netflix series, A Man in Full, based on the bestselling Tom Wolfe novel about an unsavory Atlanta real estate developer, got slammed by critics. I’ve watched four episodes and I beg to differ…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Biden Sides with Satan

source: Daily Wire

By Ben Shapiro: What Biden is doing right now is the least pragmatic move I’ve ever seen a politician make with foreign policy. He has created an entire incentive structure for Hamas to walk away from the table. He has created an incentive structure for Hezbollah to get into a war with Israel.

Biden Sells Out Israel to the Antisemitic Mob

source: WND

Biden has sacrificed them to the mobs of Columbia University and Dearborn, Michigan, and The Washington Post editorial board. Biden could have given Israel this ultimatum privately. But he went on TV to do it precisely because it is meant for the ears of Israel haters.

Biden in a Pretzel Over Antisemitism and Bigotry

source: Townhall

For any voter weighing options at the ballot box, one thing is certain – the current occupant of the Oval Office, if he follows his own logic, would run against himself for his doublespeak on antisemitism and denounce his own record when it comes to statements of bigotry that he rightly calls out as “un-American.” The country deserves better than to be led by a pretzel.

Did Biden Betray Israel?

source: American Spectator

Or did Biden's brain betray him?

Biden’s Israel Arms Embargo Will Go Down as One of the Worst American Betrayals

source: New York Post

The White House determined that to win reelection the president needed to cater to pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, anti-American Arab-Americans in Michigan and to young Americans with similar views.

Biden Risks American Lives to Protect Hamas

source: FrontPage

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin recently admitted at a congressional hearing that American soldiers operating Biden’s disastrous “aid pier” for Gaza could come under attack from terrorists. Biden has not sent soldiers to recover American hostages being held by Hamas, but there are now soldiers in the line of fire in order to send aid to Gaza.

Netanyahu Is a Magnifying Glass on Biden’s Pathetic Weakness

source: PJ Media

The way it's supposed to play out is that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is supposed to have Israel capitulate to Biden's whims, giving Biden a diplomatic flex and making it appear that he's in charge of something.  Thus far, it's not working out that way. That's because Netanyahu is a strong, focused leader who has principles.

Ivy League Schools Polarize Students About Israel, Palestine War

source: Hungarian Conservative

If you believe a land is yours, you are free to attack it, terrorize its residents, and claim it. Looking at what is going on at U.S. campuses, that seems to be what Ivy League schools are teaching to their students today.

College Professors Are the Most Dangerous People in America

source: Daily Signal

They are dangerous because they encourage impressionable young college students to adhere to the doctrines of the professors they choose without giving them the chance to meaningfully challenge those doctrines.

The Dumbest Kids on Campus

source: MacIver Institute

It was altogether fitting that the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee students who set up a pro-Hamas protest camp erected a “No Cops Allowed” sign reminiscent of the “No Girls Allowed” warnings on a young boy’s treehouse: These protesters are childishly naïve rubes at best and dangerously misinformed bigots at worst.

NAACP Refuses to Provide Evidence After Smearing Ole Miss Students as Racists

source: Outkick

The University of Mississippi NAACP chapter is refusing to provide evidence or answer questions after accusing multiple students of racism, despite repeated inquiries from Ole Miss was engulfed by protests last week as anti-America/anti-Israel/pro-Hamas rallies on college campuses hit a boiling point. After one such protest formed on campus, a large group of mostly young men gathered in response to make it known sympathizing with terrorists wouldn't be tolerated in Oxford.

Colleges Prioritize Unrest Over Students and Education

source: Newmax

The Left and their media allies want you to believe the protests roiling college campuses are spontaneous uprisings of morally fervent students worried about Gaza war victims. Don't fall for that claim. It's a scam.

Fraternities Are a Cure for What Ails Higher Education

source: Wall Street Journal

Greek culture stands for patriotism, civility and camaraderie, virtues embodied by the courageous young men who defended the flag at UNC.

Stormy Daniels Self-Destructed Under a Devastating Cross-Examination

source: Fox News

Stormy Daniels is only casually acquainted with the concept of truth. She massages it or offends it whenever it suits her.

Trump Trials Falling Like a House of Cards

source: Conservative View from NH

Why should we be surprised? The multiple trials and 91 counts of indictments were Biden’s equivalence of Iran shooting hundreds of missiles and drones into Israel.

Judge Drops Charges Against Illegals Rioting at Border and Busting Through the Fence

source: The Gateway Pundit

If they were conservatives, they'd get more than ten years in prison.