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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Talk about a small MAGA demo.  There’s a group called Mommy Milkers for Trump whose “membership” consists of big breasted, lactating, Trump-supporting women.  The Daily Caller has details (and photos)….The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan doesn’t care for Kamala or The Donald.  Here’s the headline of today’s Noonan op-ed: A Great Democracy Faces a Bad Choice....Florida DNC chairwoman Nikki Fried warns that Jews are turning toward the GOP (FrontPage)… Dept. of No Surprises:  A new poll from Inside Higher Ed, claims only 8% of the 1,100 college faculty members surveyed are voting MAGA. The outlet notes that because they sense their politics  lean more to the left of many of their students, many academics are keeping their voting preferences to themselves…One benefit of all the presidential politicking in October is that I am now well-versed in the meaning of “fascist”… My two cents: If you begin to tell an anecdote with the phrase long story short, you have automatically made it longer…Weekend Watch Retro Edition: “Ides of March,”  the 2011 political thriller,( a $3.99 rental on Prime; coming to Max Nov. 6), sports a superstar cast, including Philip Seymour Hoffman, George Clooney, Paul Giamatti, Jeffrey Wright and a young Ryan Gosling (see trailer). I’ve recommended this film before but it seems particularly appropriate this pre-Election Day weekend…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

If Trump Wins, He Should Arrest and Prosecute Jimmy Kimmel

source: The Federalist

The law is the law, and Jimmy Kimmel broke it. Or at least, he broke the law as it has been outrageously interpreted according to President Joe Biden’s Justice Department, which prosecuted and jailed Douglass Mackey for making an almost identical joke to the one Kimmel made on Wednesday night.

Trump Sues CBS News for Gigantic Sum Over “60 Minutes” Fail

source: RedState

It was the journalism fail heard around the world. CBS News’“60 Minutes” interviewed Kamala Harris in early October—but presented two different versions of her answering a question about Israel. Trump is suing the network for a staggering 10 billion dollars in damages, stating the network practiced ‘deceptive conduct’ for the purpose of election interference.

Bannon’s Imprisonment Was All About Politics

source: Daily Caller

Steve Bannon’s release from federal prison on Oct. 29 after serving four months on the political charge of contempt of Congress is a stark reminder of the rules that the Democrats chose to enforce. It is galling to listen to Democrats worry about being imprisoned by a weaponized federal government under Donald Trump.

Orange Revolution Rumbles in on Trump Garbage Truck

source: Washington Times

It’s the greatest closing campaign pitch of all time. Donald Trump: America’s Garbageman.

Men, Get Out and Vote, and Don’t Let Kamala Lie Her Way into the White House

source: NY Post

Among mail-in and in-person early votes cast across the country there is currently reckoned to be a ten-point gap between male and female voters, with 54% of such votes cast by women as opposed to just 44% by men.

Kamala’s Campaign Is Done, Stick a Fork in It

source: American Spectator

You know the Harris campaign is in trouble when you see headlines like these: “What If Joe Biden was the better candidate all along?” “Forget Kamala Harris: Should Democrats Have Picked Michelle Obama."

Three Reasons Why Kamala Will Lose the Election

source: Wall Street Journal

Traditional Democrats are deserting the party, she was unprepared, and she has no clear message.

America’s Adversaries Are Rooting for Kamala

source: American Greatness

In Kamala Harris, America’s adversaries see a president who would be substantially weaker than Joe Biden, whom they could easily manipulate and defy to destroy the U.S.-led global order.

Kamala and Walz Declare War on America

source: The American Conservative

Walz’s education advisor provides the key to understanding the ticket’s true radical vision.

Do We Really Want a Californian in the White House?

source: Townhall

The incomparable beauty of the state attracted countless irresponsible pleasure seekers who weren’t there to work; they were there to play. They became indigent, amoral, selfish, and parasitic. And, like rabbits, they multiplied in huge numbers.

Doug Emhoff Is the Ideal Man Per AOC

source: Victory Girls

By Toni Williams: My “ideal representation of masculinity” does not involve “schtupping and knocking up the nanny OR smacking around a girlfriend after the inevitable divorce from the first wife.

AOC Slobbers Over Scummy Doug Emhoff, Proving Lefty Moralizing Is Fake

source: NY Post

Emhoff looks to be precisely the type of man progs like AOC usually excoriate as lacking respect for even the women in his life, let alone the wider feminist project. But the Harris campaign has worked to paint him as a model of modern masculinity; the lapdog press has played along — and now AOC is on the PR bandwagon.

Hollywood Is the Democratic Base

source: Washington Examiner

Hollywood studios that make movies in California pay the second least amount of taxes (behind Georgia) compared to making movies in other states, and they are going to have to pay even less, while Californians shoulder the fifth-highest tax burden of any state. Tax burdens for thee, tax breaks for Hollywood elites.

This Is the Most Dishonest Administration in History


They continue to get caught covering up the truth. They tried to cover up Joe Biden calling Trump supporters "garbage." They lied about crime statistics and had to revise the data showing that violent crime went up, not down. They lied about job numbers and had to revise them by 818,000

Now, More Than Even, Christians Must Vote

source: Newsmax

Christians are obligated to influence culture and politics. It means that Christians must exercise at a minimum their most basic civic duty and vote. It means that to shirk one’s duty in this regard is a sin, an offense against a future stable society

Iraq’s Christians Pray for Trump

source: European Conservative

Unlike Biden's Administration, Trump recognized and aided the persecuted Christian peoples of Iraq.

Who’s the Fascist Here?

source: FrontPage

The Democrats are accusing Trump of what they’re guilty of doing.