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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  Kyle Rittenhouse has a new gig. You may remember Rittenhouse as the trigger-happy 17-year-old teen who shot and killed two men during civil unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, four years ago.  Much to the joy of the right, he beat the rap. The 21-year-old Rittenhouse was just named outreach director for a prominentTexas gun rights group (Big League Politics)…The Granite Grok sounds the alarm about the hamlet of Conway, NH. Why?  Because the Grok charges the town has invited a “member of (a) pedophile and bestiality group to host drag queen story hour.”…Dept. of Bad Excuses: Steve Bannon’s lawyers argued that the insurrection-happy, ex-Trump advisor doesn’t deserve the jail time he has coming in July, because he’s the host of a podcast with millions of listeners. If that lousy defense doesn’t play and Bannon lands in the slammer, his legions of fans will have to make do with old radio broadcasts of Benito Mussolini to get their fascist juices flowing (Vanity Fair)…Looney Laura Loomer has a big hate on a group of six GOP governors who won’t bend the knee before The Donald.  Here’s her list of the outliers who have yet to endorse Trump’s White House bid: Brian Kemp, Georgia; Greg Gianforte, Montana; Jim Pillen, Nebraska; Mike DeWine, Ohio; Spencer Cox, Utah; and Mark Gordon, Wyoming.  Because the Gang of Six has yet to fall in line behind the  Count of Mar-a-Lago, Loomer charges that they are the “enemies among us”… What the world doesn’t need in 2025: Sylvester Stallone’s memoir “The Steps,” which is slated for publication next year (Deadline)… If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Why Universities Are Retreating from Culture Wars

source: National Review

The 10/7 firestorm made clear that Harvard needed to revise its approach to public statements, a member of the Institutional Voice Working Group told NR.

How Liberals Pay Off Their Bimbos

source: Ann Coulter

When Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, his campaign hired a sleazy private detective, Jack Palladino, to threaten journalists and private individuals in order to prevent voters from finding out about the horny hick’s legion of sexual conquests and sexual assaults — or “bimbo eruptions,” as campaign aide Betsey Wright charmingly put it.

The Second Coming of the Late 70s?

source: Townhall

Shouldn't Europeans be concerned in the same way as many Americans about open borders, high taxes, jobs taken by migrants, lawlessness, crime, inflation, centralized government in Brussels, Russia's hunger for expansion, and a general feeling of despair about where their individual countries and continent are headed?

No Summer Vacation from the 2024 Presidential Race

source: Wall Street Journal

By Karl Rove: A presidential campaign never stops, but there are lulls. We’re entering one: the period between the Donald Trump and Hunter Biden verdicts and the first debate, two weeks from now. If you need a rest from politics, take advantage because when that debate starts, from then on it’s going to be a breakneck pace.

Secret Justice Alito Recordings a New Low in the Left’s Drive to Smear Justices

source: NY Post

In some combination of ignorance and cynicism, lefty circles are abuzz about the supposed “Christian Nationalist” threat to the republic, and now the hysteria has joined with the drive to delegitimize the Supreme Court, or at least the justices least inclined to rubber-stamp the left’s agenda.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of No Surprise: The Trump campaign released a vile statement last night about the Hunter Biden guilty verdict. Key phrase in the press release: “This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family”…Dept. of Surprise: The European Conservative weighs in on RFJ Jr’s presidential candidacy and concludes that he’s a “candidate to take seriously.” Why? According to the European Conservative,  he appeals to libertarians and the far left….Dept. of Crazy:  Rep. Anna Pauline Luna (R-FL, natch), told Fox News this morning that  she’s “vowing to force a vote on Attorney General Merrick Garland's arrest if the Department of Justice fails to act on a criminal contempt resolution backed by House GOP leaders”…The Gateway Pundit informs its readers that “J6 political prisoner” Chris Kuehne was part of Ronald Reagan’s 21-gun salute when he was laid to rest 20 years ago this week…On his “War Room” podcast, an unhinged Steve Bannon fired his venom at ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.  If Trump re-captures the White House, Bannon said, “We’re going to come and get you, and it’s gonna be totally constitutional and totally by the rule of law.” Sounds like a threat to me.…One of my favorite comedians, Bill Burr,  admitted he “hates f*cking liberals.” Outkick has the details on the comic’s epic San Francisco set where he torched progressives…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

With an Open Border as Terror Threats Soar, Brace Yourself for Another 9/11

source: NY Post

The pre-9/11 warning lights are flashing once again, thanks largely to President Biden’s refusal to control the southern border. Will America be caught asleep at the switch? One ominous sign: a sting last week nabbed six Russian nationals with suspected ISIS ties in Los Angeles, Philadelphia and New York.

The Hunter Biden Case Smells Strongly of Corruption

source: Daily Signal

"What’s happening with Hunter is essentially they picked the lowest level thing that didn’t connect to President Biden, the thing they could paint in the light of addiction, the most sympathetic light, as a means to absolve him for guilt in everything else,” says Howell, executive director for the Oversight Project at The Heritage Foundation.

Hunter Verdict Is a Distraction. Don’t Fall for It

source: Uncategorized

The slam-dunk prosecution of Hunter on a charge is much different from the foreign bribery allegations that implicated Joe Biden. This is what they want you distracted from.

Biden Justice Department Fails to Protect Hunter

source: Washington Examiner

Without half a decade of relentless and accelerating public pressure from whistleblowers, journalists, and Republican interest groups, Hunter Biden would likely have never seen the inside of a criminal courtroom, let alone the prospect of a prison cell

Liberal Media Pathetically Tries to Convince Us That Hunter Biden Is a Loss for Trump

source: RedState

You knew they’d either ignore Hunter Biden’s conviction on federal gun charges—or spin the narrative into something completely unrecognizable. For the moment, mainstream leftist propaganda media has chosen the latter.

After a Lot of Crack, Hunter Biden Goes Down

source: FrontPage

After Hunter Biden left behind enough evidence of assorted crimes to put away ten men for life, he was finally convicted of lying on a firearms form that probably half the country has lied about. Admittedly that half of the country probably wasn’t smoking crack, conducting drug deals and in bed with enemy nationals.

The Hunter Verdicts Won’t Stop the Desperate Pro-Biden Spin

source: NewsBusters

Hunter Biden is 54 and network anchors refer to him as a “child.” The contrast in tone tells you that the media elites loathe Trump, but treat the Biden family like they’re close friends who they want to surround and protect. There was a sense of glee when Democrats began crowing about Trump the “convicted felon.”

Biden’s Mental Decline Jeopardizes U.S. Security

source: Fox News

President Woodrow Wilson had similar health issues to Biden while in office and that undermined national security.

The Left’s Mad That Conservative Justices Aren’t Misogynists with Their Wives

source: Daily Caller

The left has this idea that all conservative women are weak or meek and their husbands wholly “control” them, but Virginia ‘Ginni’ Thomas and Martha-Ann Alito crush these fantasies by proving to be neither.

Supreme Court Silly Season, Alito-Ambush Edition

source: National Review

Secretly recorded conversations with Justice Alito and his wife tell us mostly that the justice worries about polarization and his wife handles the flags.

Leftist Colleges Tend to Produce Leftist Scientific Studies

source: American Spectator

Americans haven’t come to terms with their scientifically politicized reality.

The Shady Wealth Bankrolling Jihad Funds More Than Campus Protests

source: American Thinker

Campus protests, and yes, terrorism itself, is being traced to these foundations brimming with idle rich leftists.