TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin
Why the GOP Is Winning Over Minorities
source: Wall Street Journal
The Democrats have nothing to offer but grievance, victimhood and welfare.
It’s Leftism, Stupid
source: National Review
Democrats will come up with all sorts of explanations for Kamala Harris’s defeat just to avoid the obvious one.
The Left Will Regret Their Meltdown as the People Have Spoken
source: Conservative View from NH
It is fun to watch the Left meltdown in such a monumental manner, but it is also sad. The lack of protests and any displays of angst and aggression suggests that most on the Left recognize this was not a close race but a landslide.
The Left’s Woke Agenda Died Last Week
source: Daily Signal
Voters have rejected wokeism—defined here as an unhealthy obsession with viewing all of life as a struggle between oppressors and oppressed, or, as the woke would put it, being “awake” to the misfortunes of the marginalized.
James Carville Should Listen to James Carville
source: Washington Examiner
Worse than getting it wrong, however, is Carville should have seen this coming. For years, the irascible Cajun has stood practically alone among liberal strategists, warning repeatedly that a Democratic Party unwilling to loosen its embrace of off-putting progressive pieties and ultra-left-wing culture is a Democratic Party doomed to electoral failure.
Desperate Dems Learned Nothing Last Week
source: American Spectator
From Supreme Court maneuvers to energy restrictions, they are trying to subvert the will of the people.
The Biggest Losers on Election Night Were the Obamas
source: The Federalist
In some ways, voters chose Trump as a rejection of the Obamas’ brand of leftism.
Trump Takes a Crowbar to the Obama Coalition
source: Washington Times
His bold agenda can pry it wide open.
Trump’s Landslide Victory Signals the Death of Obamaism
source: Daily Caller
It is evident that the 2008 Barack Obama Democratic Party intersectional coalition has died. It is not that the coalition is wounded or endangered; it is that it is dead.
Trump’s Stunning Comeback Victory Has Cured America from the Woke Mind Virus
source: NY Post
By Piers Morgan: The astonishing scale of his victory signifies the sudden death of what Elon Musk calls the Woke Mind Virus, and with it all the virtue-signaling, identity politics bullsh-t that has contaminated American society. The left love to proudly call their disingenuous claptrap ‘progressive’ but, in reality, it’s proven to be horribly regressive.
Is California Setting the Stage for Secession?
source: WND
Echoes of the American Civil War were heard this week in the governor's press room. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has called a special legislative session to take the first steps to secede from an America led by Donald Trump. California will be kept free of Washington-imposed slavery.
Will Kamala Be President Soon?
source: SteveGruber.com
Could Kamala still snag the title of first woman president sometime soon? With the way things are unfolding in the Biden saga, including the recent coup against him, it’s not too far-fetched to imagine her stepping in before Trump’s return to the Oval Office on January 20, 2025.
Biden Coup 2.0? CNN Guest Says Biden Should Resign and Install Kamala as President
source: The Gateway Pundit
During a CNN panel discussion hosted by Trump-hater Dana Bash on Sunday, former Harris comms director Jamal Simmons proposed, “There’s one promise left that he could fulfill: being a transitional figure.” In order to save face for the Democrats, Biden needs to resign “in the next 30 days” and “make Kamala Harris the President of the United States.”
Democrat Seth Moulton Wants Boys Out of Girls Sports
source: Victory Girls
Sometimes Democrats, some of them anyway, live in reality. In this case it is Congressman Seth Moulton. He had the audacity to advocate for boys to stay OUT of girls sports.
The Left Must Stop Blaming White Women for Its Shellacking
source: Liberty Nation News
If anyone should carry the blame for a Trump victory, it should be Hispanic/Latin voters, but pointing the finger at a minority group is a political no-no for progressives. It’s much easier to turn their sights on an old, familiar demographic – white women.
TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin
Fox News Was the Other Big Election Day Winner
source: American Thinker
The conservative cable outlet was the most-watched channel on all of television — as it delivered a knockout blow to mainstream broadcast TV.
A Landslide Against the Media
source: Wall Street Journal
News organizations tried to prop Biden and Harris up. How did that work out?