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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of Sticks & Stones, Part I: The Donald had a busy Father’s Day taunting J. B. Pritzker, among others. On Truth Social, Trump described the Illinois’ governor as a “rotund” politico who makes “Chris Christie look like a male model.”  I’m surprised The Donald knew a two-syllable word like “rotund”… Dept. of Sticks & Stones, Part II: Townhall calls “Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough “Bagdad Bob,” after Saddam Hussein’s Information Minister,  Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf. Here’s the key barb from Townhall’s Jeff Crouere, “(Scarborough) is ready, willing, and able to serve the Biden campaign in whatever capacity is needed”…Pete Buttigieg in 2028! NewsBusters watched yesterday’s  “CBS Sunday Morning” positive profile of  Pete Buttigieg and called the segment a “gross campaign infomercial” for a Mayor Pete 2028 White House run …Trump pal Bryson DeChambeau won the U.S. Open golf tournament yesterday on the final hole.  No wonder there were chants of “USA, USA” as DeChambeau stormed from behind to beat  Ireland’s popular Rory McIlroy.  Western Journal has the details about the Mayor of Bedminster’s over-the-top praise for DeChambeau…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

How Left-Wing Conspiracies Work

source: American Greatness

When we hear such things in the months to come, remember that these mythologies are usually a warning: what the left is alleging is, quite often, precisely what the left is already doing.

The Left’s Marriage and Family Dilemma Is a Nuclear Self-Own

source: The Federalist

The left’s anti-family ideology took hold and replicated so strongly that this virus will end up killing its hosts.

Morgan Freeman Slams Black History Month

source: The Gateway Pundit

"My history is American history!"

Teach Your Children How to Change a Tire, Shoot a Gun and Treat Everyone with Respect

source: Daily Caller

It is up to us to overcome the lies of the Left, teach our kids basic values, and encourage the next generation to keep on fighting for a better tomorrow.

America Is Bringing Back the Draft

source: European Conservative

Is Congress willing to recognize the major problems a mandatory draft will create?

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Today may be the last day that the notorious right wing disinformation site Infowars publishes.  A court will determine its fate later today (Infowars)…Is the Washington Free Beacon giving the right wing comedy website The Babylon Bee a run for its money?  The Beacon just dropped its second satirical article this week, an “excerpt” from an imaginary Brian Stelter young adult fantasy novel about a woke female journalist working in Washington, DC.  The title of the imagined book says it all: “Reporting for Duty: Liberty’s Last Stand.” Stelter, you may recall, was the prominent and outspoken CNN media critic who got bounced from the network nearly two years ago.  However,  he still remains an active and provocative media watchdog, regularly annoying the right…FrontPage reports gleefully that the lefty Southern Poverty Law Center has fired a quarter of its staff… Low blow against Joe:  Leave it to Trump to release a one-minute video on Truth Social of Biden’s most baffling word salads under the surprisingly anodyne headline “Timeless Quotes by Joe Biden”…Weekend Watch: The obvious pick is opening episode of season two of HBO “Game of Thrones” prequel House of the Dragon.  I’ll be tuning in Sunday night, although I must say it’s been so long since season one that I’m sure I’ll have trouble following all the characters and political intrigue….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The Dishonorable Attack on the Alito’s

source: Wall Street Journal

By Peggy Noonan: A left-wing activist impressed her comrades, hardened her foes, and got attention. So what? There was something quite inhuman in what the left-wing activist did.

No Bill Maher, the Trump Verdict Will Not Start a Race War

source: Human Events

By Austin Petersen: Race war is the kind of thing that a Van Jones or an Ibram Kendi would talk about, but Bill Maher? The only conclusion I can come to is that even with all his unwoke opinions, Maher still has the same Hollywood liberal paranoia that everyone who votes Republican is a KKK member that has existed at least since the nineties.

Trump Shares Surprising Stance on UFOs

source: Outkick

Donald Trump isn't a big believer in UFOs.

Why Hunter Biden’s Guilty Verdict is Nothing Like Trump’s

source: Blaze Media

By Glenn Beck: Comparing Donald Trump's trial to Hunter Biden's trial isn't like comparing apples to oranges — it's like comparing apples to eggs. They are completely different. They don't even share the same source. The Donald Trump trial comes from a very rotten tree. The other one comes from the butt of a chicken.

Maddow and Stelter Concoct Crazy Theories on Trump’s “Revenge”

source: NewsBusters

Trump and his closest lieutenants have openly talked a big game about taking revenge on anti-Trump media outlets, so that concern is legitimate. It's the crazy talk about prison camps for cable-news hosts that sounds cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs. But Stelter thinks it's right to "be thinking aloud."

AOC Claims Trump Will Throw Her in Jail

source: Conservative View from NH

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has to be the most incredible narcissist in Washington, and in a city of massive egos, that is saying something. She has such a high opinion of herself and a level of self-importance that is off the charts to think that she has a bullseye on her back.

Joe Is Behaving More Strangely Than Hunter on Coke

source: American Spectator

Winning, like speaking without trailing off, now seems beyond this politician.

Team Biden Takes a Beating in Court Over Radical Trans Agenda

source: Washington Stand

In a blow to his pet LGBT agenda, a federal judge is blocking the White House’s radical rewrite of Title IX, set to take effect August 1.

Why Hollywood Can’t Save Biden

source: Hollywood in Toto

Will witty remarks and carefully curated content be enough to boost Biden’s standing among the young and restless?The answer is almost certainly no. When it comes to Biden, young voices across the political landscape are expressing a range of grievances, from disgust to distrust, driven by a sense of disconnection from the current administration.

Americans’ Purchasing Power Is Down Under Biden

source: Townhall

When it comes to the blame game, most Americans are pointing their finger at Biden for the poor economy overall and the persistent inflation that has made their lives appreciably worse over the past three-and-half years.

Climate Change Information Is Sanitized for Your Protection

source: Washington Times

Climate change information disseminated to the public has a huge political filter. This can be stated with certainty by those of us who have worked in the atmospheric science field for a few decades.  

The Left’s Climate Policies Are Counterproductive and Obnoxious

source: Washington Examiner

If we heeded the calls of the leftist protesters who want to eliminate fossil fuel use immediately, we would destroy modern civilization as we know it. Alternatives to fossil fuels are simply not ready to take over the world’s skyrocketing energy demand alone.