TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin
Harris-Biden Gestapo DOJ Threaten Elon Musk Over His $1 Million Giveaway to Voters
source: The Gateway Pundit
As Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign spirals into a tailspin, her regime is resorting to desperate tactics to suppress the First Amendment rights of the world’s richest man and potentially suppress votes.
TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin
Pray for Trump to Win the 2024 Election in a Landslide
source: NY Post
It’s exactly what America needs. A decisive victory would bring a great moment of clarity for our nation and sound a certain trumpet around the world.
Trump Is Right. There Is an Enemy Within
source: Townhall
While the goon squad mob on the left are undoubtedly an enemy within our country, so too is the left-wing industrial complex that props it up. The media – so-called journalists – people who coined and echoed the phrase “mostly peaceful” as people’s lives were destroyed, businesses were destroyed and dozens were murdered.
Trump’s Media Presence Is a Winning Strategy
source: Human Events
Trump's dominance over mainstream and alternative media has forced Vice President Kamala Harris into a media blitz of her own that has monumentally fallen flat.
Kamala Sits Down for NBC Interview and Beclowns Herself
source: American Thinker
Last night, Kamala Harris sat down with NBC’s Hallie Jackson for an interview where things went about as badly as they did with Bret Baier—and this was a friendly and sympathetic media outlet!
Kamala Crashes and Burns in Yet Another Interview
source: DonaldJTrump.com
Kamala’s latest sit-down interview on NBC was just as big of a humiliating disaster as each that proceeded it. She's desperate — and it shows.
Kamala Is Not a Girl’s Girl
source: The Federalist
With her Clinton-esque pantsuit girlboss persona and promise to keep Trump from turning America into the Republic of Gilead, she has won over many older women. With younger women, it is not so easy. She is reminiscent of an awkward college professor trying to relate to students with an outdated playlist of “girl power” anthems and years-old memes in her PowerPoints.
Kamala’s Close Connection to BLM’s Co-Founder Alicia Garza Exposed
source: Loomered
Kamala is close to Garza via Lateefah Simon, an individual Kamala Harris has mentored since her days as San Francisco’s DA. Kamala Harris’s close friendship with Simon granted Garza a meeting with Kamala in August 2020, where Garza and Kamala deeply discussed policy issues.
Kamala Isn’t Losing Because of Sexism
source: PJ Media
Voting for Trump in and of itself doesn't make one a misogynist, just as voting for Kamala in and of itself doesn't make one a misandrist.
Team Kamala Colluding with Far-Left British Operatives to “Kill Musk’s Twitter”
source: The Gateway Pundit
The real foreign interference in this election is not coming from Russia but rather from Harris campaign officials colluding with political operatives from the United Kingdom. And the world’s richest man is right in the bullseye. As The Gateway Pundit has tirelessly reported, the Harris-Biden regime has been relentlessly trying to put Musk "in his place."
Are We Going to Have a Fair Election?
source: Conservative View from NH
The Harris team, with the help of the Biden Justice Department, is suing any state that dares to purge their voting rolls of non-citizens. The right to vote used to be a right to citizenship, but not under the new rules of the Democrat Party. For the last three-plus years, any illegal who visits a town hall or federal department to request assistance has been given a voter registration card.
Don’t Ignore Dem Threats of Post-Election Violence
source: Conservative HQ
This Democrat panic over the prospect of a second Trump administration bent on reform and draining the DC Swamp has caused some prominent Democrats to say the quiet part out loud – they are not planning on going quietly and peacefully transferring power to Donald Trump a second time.
Michigan Voter Rolls Are 500,000 Bigger Than the State’s Voting Population
source: SteveGruber.com
The Republican National Committee (RNC) has been banging on the courtroom doors, demanding Michigan clean up its bloated voter rolls. They claim it’s an open invitation for fraud but Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s team calls it just another attempt to create election skepticism.
Why So Many of the Rich Support Democrats
source: American Spectator
Government regulation is their bread and butter — just as long as it is not directed at them.
California’s Unelected Tyrants
source: American Greatness
A bureaucratic culture of intimidation, extortion, and political retaliation, mixed with gross incompetence, is life in California. We may hope it doesn’t become life in America.
What’s the Matter with Black Males?
source: National Review
The Left demands that they fall in with Kamala Harris.
Texas Couple Allegedly Assaulted by Cops J6 While Praying Sentenced to Prison
source: Blaze Media
Mark and Jalise Middleton handed 30- and 20-month sentences, respectively, for acting in what they say was self-defense.