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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! I usually have many bones to pick with the Washington Free Beacon’s political coverage, but this headline today put a smile on my face: Bearded Vance Overcomes Century-Old “Fur Ceiling” with VP Nom.  Any guesses on who will be the first Oval Office occupant with a tattoo?...The National Review suggests that public schools can combat declining patriotism, which the Republican 2024 platform identifies as a significant problem…Trump’s Truth Social stock skyrocketed 30% after the weekend assassination attempt.  So, Trump is not only lucky, he’s richer (ABC News)…After watching Nikki Haley’s speech at the RNC last night, I couldn’t shake the feeling that’s she’s running for president in 2028…Bloomberg’s Devin Leonard used TheRighting’s exclusive research on declining traffic to news websites (especially on the right) to form the backbone of this story that was posted Monday…”Twisters,” is the big blockbuster movie opening Friday featuring killer tornadoes and dare-devil stormer chasers.  What it doesn’t have is a climate change message and that’s OK with FrontPage. According to writer Daniel Greenfield, “How and why did 'Twisters' avoid the same woke gutter as so many other movies? Maybe the producers decided they wanted to make money. Who knows?”PS: the trailer looks awesome and it should hit box office gold… In case anyone cares: I’ve called my big sister “JD” well before JD Vance hit my radar.  I like her politics way better…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Biden’s Self-Centered Nature on Full Display in NBC Interview

source: Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden further patronized his supporters Monday night in an awkward interview with Lester Holt that featured hypocritical rhetoric and alienating answers.

The Whole Toning-It-Down Thing Is Already Over

source: Blaze Media

JD Vance goaded the corporate left-wing press out of its holes right quick.

The Commies Are Now on Defense

source: PJ Media

The word is out that hiring and promoting people because of their skin color and/or unwillingness to accept their genitalia can get people killed. The Bolshevism that is DEI is getting booted from colleges and companies nationwide.

Adios Jack, Love Aileen

source: American Thinker

Rule of law yes, banana republic no.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Today’s required reading: J.D. Vance’s bestseller Hillbilly Elegy.  I read Vance’s memoir  when it was published in 2016 and was impressed by his inspiring story of a hardscrabble childhood and his drive to make something of himself. The book had an anyone-can-make-it-in-America vibe, yet doesn’t clearly reflect Vance’s MAGA world view that could land him a heartbeat away from the presidency….Not required viewing:  the Netflix  movie version of the book, which reduces Vance’s journey to routine soap opera… A Wall Street Journal columnist argues that one of the positive lessons of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was that it allowed the world to see a tough leader in the U.S.  “It may be important to let foreign enemies know that there are still some strong American leaders that they may have to deal with,” writes Thomas Sowell of the conservative Hoover Institute…The right wing media watchdog NewsBusters showers CNN with rare praise for grilling Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas on the Secret Service’s conduct in the botched  assassination attempt…No matter how many serviceable interviews President Biden does with NBC’s Lester Holt, I can’t  unsee his disastrous June 27 debate performance…Dept. of Irony: while Biden and other political leaders call for “turning down the temperature,” the mercury is expected to hit 100 degrees in Washington today…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

A Woke Joke: Secret Service Failure Blamed on Leftist Insanity

source: WND

Agency now focuses on "diversity" instead of an ability to guard protectees.

Advice to Trump: Fire the Secret Service

source: American Spectator

We can't chance a repeat performance from Saturday. The word is out that Trump's event security is trash. Fire these people.

GOP Was Investigating Secret Service Before Trump Shooting

source: The Federalist

Questions remain over how Crooks managed to perch on a nearby rooftop and come within inches of killing Trump, renewing past criticisms of the Secret Service.

Expert Sniper Suggests Crooks May Have Had Inside Help

source: Gateway Pundit

Dallas Alexander, a sniper whose team holds the world record for the longest confirmed sniper kill, has suggested that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man who attempted to assassinate former Trump, may have had inside help. Alexander thinks that the shooter  had assistance from within an organization, or even the government. He argued that it would be impossible for someone to get onto a rooftop with a gun during broad daylight while a president was speaking without assistance.

An Assassination Attempt Was Inevitable

source: Townhall

There are consequences to virtually every mainstream media, office-holding Democrat and left-wing academic labeling former President Donald Trump a Nazi, a fascist, a white supremacist and a mortal threat to American democracy. One consequence is that more than a few people will want Trump dead.

God’s Bold Stroke and the Attempted Assassination of Trump

source: American Thinker

Divine Providence seems to be at work again in America’s past, present and, perhaps, her future.

Does Hollywood Have Trump’s Blood on Its Hands?

source: Hollywood in Toto

Liberal celebrities dubbed him Hitler, a democracy killer and called for his death.

Bandaged Trump Rallies “United and Energized” GOP in Milwaukee

source: Washington Free Beacon

The "American lion" makes his first public appearance since surviving near-assassination, while Biden bumbles.

Donald Trump, America’s Comeback Kid

source: Washington Times

His residence is inspiring.

The Power of Courage

source: American Greatness

Inches from death, Trump’s mind remained on his mission, and he was conscious of the way the images of him would affect the campaign. This kind of physical courage cannot be faked.

Brave Trump Won’t Retreat from Politics, Nation

source: Newsmax

He is a man of enormous courage, who used the assassination attempt to show amazing strength to his supporters by yelling “Fight, Fight, Fight” and pumping his fist in the air. It was a sign that he was not backing down, he was not quitting.

The Republicans Take a Right onto Main Street

source: Conservative View from NH

Trump and MAGA are real, and unless the Democrats steal the election, Trump is on the move to the Capital for a date with the world on January 20, 2025.

For Once, Everything Is Coming Up Roses for the Republicans

source: National Review

Finally, after a long wait, Republicans can non-sarcastically say they’re "tired of all the winning."