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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of Irony: The National Association of Police Organizations endorsed convicted felon Donald Trump for president…Dept. of Sticks & Stones: In a Truth Social post yesterday, Trump referred to the ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos as “liddle George Slopadopolus.” Clever (for a 5th grader)…Dept. of Corrections:  Yesterday I erroneously wrote that “The Gateway Pundit claims to have one of the first images of Trump with a bandage on his ear.” I meant to say “without” a bandage on his ear….Speaking of damaged ears, David, a subscriber from Boston, suggests a “Curb Your Enthusiasm” episode where a bee stings Larry David in his ear the week after the Trump assassination attempt and he has to wear a  large white bandage to cover the wound.  Naturally, his liberal Tinseltown pals are appalled because they believe he’s a MAGA acolyte…Andrew Torba, founder of the right-friendly social platform Gab, suggests that suspected would-be assassin Thomas Crooks supported Biden’s policies. Torba points to several of Crook’s Gab posts as evidence…President Oliver?  And I don’t mean Emmy-award-winning political satirist John Oliver.  Notorious contrarian John Stossel, a veteran of ABC News and most recently Fox Business News, thinks 38-year-old fellow Libertarian Chase Oliver could be a viable candidate for president this November ...And  finally, podcasters and social media influencers Jake and Logan Paul have offered The Donald  $12 million for the hat he was wearing during the attempt on his life. (Outkick)… If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Kamala Is Nothing But a Race Hustler

source: WND

A President Harris would rub raw the racial divisions in this country and ignite new violence in our streets.

Kamala Cover-Up: Website Ranking Harris as 2019’s “Most Liberal Senator” Has Been Deleted

source: Breitbart

A 2019 GovTrack score that ranked Kamala as the “most liberal senator” was recently deleted. As Breitbart News reported, GovTrack published a list of 100 senators in 2019. Out of the senators, Harris was in the #100 spot and was viewed as being the most liberal senator.

The Prosecutor vs the Felon

source: Ann Coulter

OK, Democrats, you want to make this campaign about crime? Game on. Guess who is one of the principal figures responsible for the crime wave currently engulfing California? That would be Kamala Harris.

Is Trump Safe?

source: American Thinker

What are the chances there will be another attempt on President Trump’s life in the remaining months before the election?

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Who will write the first book on the tumultuous final year of the Biden presidency?  My preference is John Heilemann, who co-authored the terrific 2010 best seller Game Change, about the presidential race between Barack Obama and John McCain.  The  HBO movie drawn from “Game Change” didn’t reach the heights of the book, still it’s worth a watch for Julianne Moore’s stellar performance as Sarah Palin.  I’m not ready to fully cast a Biden movie, but my leading candidate to play Joe from Scranton is “Mad Men’s” John Slattery…Help wanted:  the Secret Service is hiring two public affairs specialists, which states loud and clear the agency's major image issues.  The Wall Street Journal reports the position pays $140K, more than double the starting pay of  $64K that Secret Service agents make…Dept. of Low Blow Laughs:  The Washington Free Beacon just unveiled a Kamala Cackle Button… Dept. of Good Timing: Nancy Pelosi, a key figure in the push to get President Biden to step aside, has a new book available on August 6.  The Art of Power – perhaps the most accurate book title of the summer – tells Pelosi’s journey from housewife to House Speaker.  And her skills as a housewife surely rivals her political abilities because she appears to have done a first-rate job cleaning up the mess in the Oval Office…The Gateway Pundit claims to have one of the first images of Trump with a bandage on his ear…Number of unwanted political text messages I received yesterday: 10.  Anyone else being bombarded? Anyone else annoyed?…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The Diversity Hire

source: Granite Grok

Democrats appear stuck with Kamala—the black-ish, Asian-ish presidential candidate, because, like the Biden White House, they can’t be seen evicting her. It looks bad

Kamala the Extremist

source: Washington Examiner

Democrats, in substituting a lucid 59-year-old for a fading 81-year-old, also replaced a career pragmatist with a lifelong left-wing ideologue.

Kamala Is a Commie

source: PJ Media

By Stephen Kruiser: Nothing can deflect from the fact that Madame Veep is a leftist's leftist. There's plenty to go after there. Former mayors of San Francisco need not be mentioned.

Enter Kamala, Stage Left

source: National Review

Democrats are euphoric about having replaced Biden with Harris, but her radical progressive record and historic unpopularity will be a lot to overcome.

In Her Campaign Debut, Kamala Steers Left

source: Wall Street Journal

The implicit message of her first big campaign rally: Swing voters? Who needs ’em.

The Kamala Coronation Risks Repeating the Biden Mistake

source: The American Conservative

The vice president may have stopped the Democratic death march, but weaknesses remain.

California Kamala Is a Calamity for Our Country

source: WND

She was the DEI pick for VP in 2020, and before that her record was devoid of any accomplishments.

Kamala’s Coronation Marks California Dems’ Conquest of the Party

source: New York Post

Bye-bye working class.

Kamala Cares More About Gaza Women Than American Women

source: American Thinker

She wants to make sure Gazan women get their tampons but ignores the inflation that is denying American women their necessary feminine care products.

Dems Rally Around the Worst Possible Candidate

source: Townhall

What voters saw when she ran for president in 2019 was a candidate who had few ideas, who rambled, sometimes semi-coherently, when speaking, and who was not the centrist many Democrats were seeking.

Kamala Can’t Legally Touch Biden’s $100 Million Campaign War Chest

source: Daily Wire

"Kamala Harris is in the process of committing the largest campaign finance violation in American history," FEC complaint alleges

Crazy Joe Biden

source: American Greatness

Pay no attention to the man in the basement, the incompetent figurehead with an American flag pin. Forget about trying to find where Biden is. Focus instead on who speaks and acts for him, because these people—the aides, the hacks, the yes-men —are a threat to democracy.

Scandal of the Century: Biden Is Cognitively Gone

source: American Spectator

The media only cared to report on his decline when it threatened the Left’s continuance in power.