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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Wanna be a political appointee in the next GOP administration?  If so, Republican Bill Short (a pen name) suggests in his Substack Elephant in the White House eight essential tomes for budding politicos who want to navigate the Washington swamp. The books include “You Report to Me” (my fave title), “Masters of Corruption” and Chris Matthews’ “Hardball,” which Short urges you to borrow from a library so left-leaning Matthews “doesn’t get any royalties.”  Nasty!..Mike Pence sounds like he’s still carrying water for Trump.  In an opinion  piece for the Wall Street Journal, the former Trump Veep and pin cushion outlines how Republicans can win in November.  One key reason, per Pence: promote “the conservative policies that made the prior administration the most successful in generations.” Sounds like a direct endorsement of a White House return engagement starring The Donald to me…Benjamin Franklin, babe magnet? While reading details about the RFK Jr/Olivia Nuzzi sexting saga, I found an article from 2016 in the Journal of the American Revolution about Benjamin Franklin’s “battery of lovers” … Wanna know what Trump reads?  Check out my article for Mediaite which reveals that Trump swims in the shallow end of the right wing information pool and drinks the water. He probably gargles with it as well. You may be surprised to learn that he's very partial to RSBN, Real America's Voice and....drumroll please....the New York Times and CNN which he nonetheless loves to call “fake  news.” It's all based on TheRighting’s exclusive research…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The Degenerates of Hollywood Endorse Kamala

source: Daily Wire

By Matt Walsh: What's interesting about these endorsements is that all of these celebrities are now on the side of Dick Cheney's preferred candidate.

Kamala Marches with Jussie Smollett in Resurfaced Video as Pardon Rumors Swirl

source: Washington Free Beacon

VP was one of many Democrats who fell for actor's self-inflicted hate crime in 2019.

A Kamala Presidency Would Mean the End of Israel

source: WND

She will present herself for what she truly is: a full-fledged rabid neo-Leninist

Is Kamala Writing Off North Carolina and Georgia?

source: American Thinker

Funny how she's targeting Arizona and Nevada instead of one of the supposedly easier and more electoral-vote rich Southern states

Harris-Biden Used U.S. Military to Fly Zelensky to Swing States Where He Campaigned for Kamala

source: The National Pulse

Volodymyr Zelensky flew to Pennsylvania Sunday on an American taxpayer-funded U.S. military aircraft ostensibly to tour factories that supply his country with weapons. However, Zelenksy turned the Biden-Harris government-organized tour into an impromptu campaign event for the Dems, railing against Trump to the media.

The GOP Has Evolved to MAGA, As It Should

source: Newsmax

Trump has also changed the GOP making it more populist which means anti- excessive corporate power, anti-excessive government power, more blue collar more faith based, more prolife, more anticorruption, mor anti-establishment, more anti neocon.

The Polls Are Starting to Suggest It’s 2016 All Over Again

source: National Review

Three swing states will decide America’s fate.

What If Israelis Could Vote in the U.S. Elections?

source: Fox News

We already know who the mullahs in Tehran would vote for.

Ryan Routh’s Confession Letter Shows How Dems Have Stirred Up Violence

source: NY Post

What’s been released so far makes Routh’s political motives clear — he saw Trump as dangerously unfit for the presidency and a threat to peace. Routh was especially incensed Trump terminated Barack Obama’s deal with Iran:

Dissecting the Cheneys’ Blind Hatred of Trump

source: Washington Times

Sore loser Liz and Darth Vader Dick embrace radical Harris, the country be damned

28% of Dems Think We’d Be Better Off If Trump Took a Permanent Dirt Nap


If you’re thinking, “Wow, 28% seems low for this crowd,” you’re probably onto something. Given how much vitriol is flying around these days, it wouldn't be surprising if that number was a little low because the “too polite to admit it” contingent didn’t want to go on record with their true feelings.

NC’s Mark Robinson Fires Back Against “Salacious, False” CNN Report

source: RedState

North Carolina voters of course will be the ones who ultimately decide Robinson's political fate. But if history is a reliable indicator, the Lt. Gov. will not be one to go down without a fight.

ABC News Is Officially the Worst “News” Network in History

source: NewsBusters

ABC News’s stilted coverage throughout the 2024 election has solidified it as the most wildly biased broadcast network of the “big three."  From 100 days of 100 percent pro-Kamala coverage, to possibly the most stilted debate in modern political history, the network has abandoned even the pretense of objectivity and relegated itself one of the Democratic Party’s most loyal vassals.

Corrupt “Reporters” Like Olivia Nuzzi Are Destroying Democracy

source: The Federalist

The news that Olivia Nuzzi, a New York Mag reporter, was placed on leave for an inappropriate relationship goes far beyond a Beltway romance. It speaks to how the media — even as they claim to want to “stand up for democracy” — corruptly influence the political process, thereby undermining the democratic values they purport to support.

Wikipedia Donations Go Toward Embedding Feminism in World’s Largest Encyclopedia

source: Daily Caller

The Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that maintains and manages Wikipedia, donated hundreds of thousands of dollars during the 2022-2023 fiscal year to activist groups seeking to bring the online encyclopedia more in line with traditionally left-of-center points of view, tax documents show.

How Harvard Divinity Teaches Hate

source: The Free Press

The author attended the country’s first nonsectarian theological school and got an unexpected immersion in the antisemitism overtaking higher education.

Hundreds of Haitian Immigrants Coming to Two Alabama Counties

source: 1819 News

Between 800 and 1,200 Haitian migrants are coming to Baldwin or Mobile Counties within the next two to three weeks,according to immigration whistleblower Jay Palmer. Palmer, who consults with Haitian pastors in North Alabama, told 1819 News that the migrants are part of the Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan and Venezuelan program, which has been plagued with criminal allegations.