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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! The Democratic National Convention opens tonight in Chicago, putting me in a Windy City state of mind. And to help you get in the mood for four nights of political fanfare in Chi-town, here’s a random sampling of songs, books, films and TV that showcase the heart and soul of the City of Big Shoulders: Songs: My Kind of Town, Chicago Is(Frank Sinatra) and Sweet Home Chicago (Blues Brothers version of the Robert Johnson classic);  Books: The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair and Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago, by Mike Royko; TV: The Bear; Movies: The Untouchables. And most on point, Medium Cool, filmed during the tumultuous 1968 DNC…Just in time for school! In his latest column, John Stossel, former resident libertarian at Fox Business News and ABC News, is promoting the tome  Lies My Liberal Teacher Taught Me, by Wilfred Reilly…NewsBusters has a bone to pick with the current issue of Time magazine featuring a drawing of Kamala Harris with the cover line “Her Moment.”  They describe Time’s depiction of her as “somewhere between Miss America and a religious icon.”  My issue with the cover is the quality of the artwork because it looks more like an unfinished sketch…Pat Boone just released a new song that should be music to the ears of MAGA-world and a certain resident of Mar-a-Lago.  The title says it all: Where Did America Go?  The 90-year-old crooner, who decades ago was a Top Ten sensation with limp versions of classics by Little Richard and Chuck Berry,  belts out the song draped in a baggy American flag shirt….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Kamala’s Risky Hillary Clinton Gambit

source: TheBlaze

Uncomfortable as it is for some people to hear, Harris is deeply unlikeable. You can protest all you want about her accomplishments in life. But she has a people problem. Her employees don’t like her and quit often. Her boss doesn’t care much for her and has quietly questioned whether she even knows who she wants to be.

Chicago Is the City That Democrats Debased

source: National Review

If Democrats want to learn why they are losing support among working-class voters, they should get out of the convention center and look around Chicago.

Look at Chaotic Chicago, Not Dem Convention, to See What Disasters Await Under Harris-Walz

source: Fox News

Chicago does indeed show what Democrats stand for: American decline

Crime-Filled Chicago Displays All That’s Wrong with Dems in One Failing City

source: NY Post

If the message of this week’s Democratic National Convention is “We’re going to make America more like Chicago” then run for the hills. After nearly 100 years of Democratic rule, the Windy City is a basket case.

Chicago Is Part of the Dems’ Urban Reign of Terror

source: Washington Times

Like other cities over which Democrats hold sway, in Chicago Democrats respond to crime with indulgence, more social spending  resulting in business flight.

Dems Deserve the Anti-Israel Rioters They’ve Created

source: NY Post

The Hamas-loving chickens are coming home to roost for the Democratic Party.

If Anti-Israel Loons Take Over Dems’ Convention, Liberal Only Have Themselves to Blame

source: NY Post

They placated marches through the streets of New York and other big cities, let campuses be taken over, and tolerated the hate for far too long. They will reap what they sow.

It’s DNC Alternative Reality Week

source: PJ Media

The Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media will be hyperventilating for four days, sending wave after wave of biased awfulness crashing into every news cycle. They've never before had to sell a load of B.S. as big as this one.

Biden Should Resign

source: Washington Examiner

America’s adversaries are aware of what Biden’s mental state is. They know he is compromised to the point of being incapable. If a national security emergency were to arise, the president should be able to communicate leadership and direction, a function Biden clearly is no longer able to perform, even between his peak operating hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Biden’s Sad Presidential Legacy

source: Wall Street Journal

The President promised to be a unifier but has governed as a divisive progressive.

Only President Trump Can Bring Our Economy Back on Track


President Trump believes that by unleashing American energy, we can once again make American energy and electricity the most affordable and reliable in the world. Kamala Harris, on the other hand, wants to make life as difficult as possible for Americans.

Person on Terror Watch List Is Helping Trump’s Debate Prep

source: FrontPage

Trump decided to get help from Tulsi Gabbard because she scorched Harris in a 2019 primary debate where she hammered Harris for jailing hundreds of Californians for weed violations, yet bragged about her own use of the drug. Gabbard’s low opinion of Harris hasn’t changed.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  Outkick reveals that Lauren Boebert has joined the “Politicians in Bikinis” movement.  As proof, Outkick has a photo of the handsy, looney-right Colorado Congresswoman in a teeny weeny bikini displaying a massive vine-like torso tattoo. Outkick also offers images of GOP Congresswomen Anna Paulina Luna and Nancy Mace in skimpy swimwear…Word of the day: “Hicklib.”  Politico defines it as “a derogatory term used by some online conservatives to refer to a certain type of rural progressive.” A cousin of the hicklib, per Politico, is the “woke yokel”…The Donald just announced the formation of the Jewish Voices for Trump coalition.  According to the announcement on his website, the coalition is “for those in the Jewish community who feel politically homeless, for those who have been betrayed by the Biden administration’s many flip-flops on the safety and security of the Jewish community and the State of Israel, you do have a home. It’s with the Republican Party, and with President Donald J. Trump” Asking for a friend: Are the Dark Duke of Mar-A-Lago’s dining companions Nick Fuentes and Kanye West part of the coalition?…Got an extra $299?  The far-right Big League Politics is hawking emergency medical kits that include Ivermectin, 28 Amoxicillin tablets and 12 tabs of a generic antibiotic. One only needs fill out a short questionnaire before receiving the prescription-only meds….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Biden Must Resign Today

source: Washington Times

The past four weeks have been unlike any other in American history. Still, amidst the unprecedented events we’ve experienced as a country, serious national security concerns underscore the urgent need for President Biden to resign.

Operation Harris for President Is One of the Shadiest in Media History

source: WND

Three weeks have passed since Joe Biden was pushed out of the 2024 presidential race over deteriorating physical and mental abilities, and he has yet to publicly clarify with any specificity why he took this unprecedented step – or why, if he's incapable of campaigning for the presidency, he's fit to serve out his term in the White House

The Biden-Harris Economy Left Most Americans Behind

source: Wall Street Journal

A government spending boom fueled inflation that has crushed real average incomes.

Stranded Astronauts Are Hostages to Kamala’s Political Ambitions

source: NY Post

One thing is becoming clear: Those astronauts aren't coming home before November.

Kamala Website Offers Nine Pronoun Options for Applicants But Zero Policies

source: American Thinker

No substance and all fluff—sounds about right.