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Vivek Takes Down Christie and Haley in Fourth Debate

source: Townhall


Ramaswamy threw punches left and right, telling Christie to "have a nice meal" and get out of the race as the "most obnoxious blowhard in America."

A Desperate Debate Ends in a Draw

source: National Review

National Review

There were no clear victors, no obvious losers. For the most part, everyone stayed in their lanes. The rest of the story will be left to the voters to tell.

Leftists Are OK with Rape Because of Islamophobia

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

The frontline of the pro-Palestinian crowd is found in Academia, of course. Highly-compensated academics are teaching impressionable young people that the Islamic terrorists are not the bad guys. Pay no attention to that suicide vest, we need to hit our diversity quota numbers.

Israel vs Hamas: Where Are the Feminists?

source: Townhall


Where's the outrage by Planned Parenthood? The Women's March? National Organization of Women? Emily's List?

Bernie Sanders’ Former Press Secretary Hosts Podcasts Sympathizing with Hamas

source: Loomered


Briahna Joy Gray, Bernie Sanders' former press secretary, has been hosting podcasts with guests who sympathize with Hamas.

Santos and Trump Are Guilty Enough

source: National Review

National Review

We don’t need criminal courts to tell us they’re dishonest, boorish, and unfit to serve in elected office.

Kill Trump? WaPo Says the Quiet Part Out Loud

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

To stop him from becoming our next president, you’ll have to kill him, apparently, which seems to be on the table for these swamp creatures.  They say so themselves.

Biden Administration to Spend $3B on LA-to-Las Vegas Train That’s 3X Slower Than a Flight

source: FrontPage


It takes four hours to drive from LA to Vegas, and a little over an hour to fly there.

Taylor Swift Makes Time Person of the Year

source: American Spectator

Most Insufferable Woman Wins Time’s Person of the Year

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Taylor Swift isn’t a thought leader or an artistic genius. She’s a ‘girl boss’ cat lady whose narcissism has made her a toxic romantic partner.

Don’t Fall for Corporations’ Fake Retreat from DEI

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

While companies are toning down the rhetoric and reducing headcount, they’re turning up the policies — to the detriment of shareholders.


Political Debates Are No Longer Must-See TV

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Why must campaigns go on and on?

Google Continues to Bury Biden Opponents Before Fourth Debate

source: NewsBusters


For the fourth time in a row, Google's search engine has once again favored Biden in searches conducted by MRC Free Speech America one week prior to the Republican presidential primary debate.

Before Biden Gives One More Dime to Ukraine, He Must First Secure Our Border

source: Fox News

Fox News

Since President Biden entered the White House approximately 9.5 million migrants have illegally entered the United States.

Liz Cheney Takes Her Middle School Mean Girl Schtick on the Road

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

Trump broke the “neo-con” wing of the GOP and, outside of Bill Kristol, no one has whined more than Liz Cheney, erstwhile Congresscritter from Wyoming and now full-time simp for the Left.

Liz Cheney for President?

source: Townhall


A Cheney candidacy would be exclusively anti-Trump, as will Biden's candidacy. Why give voters a choice in anti-Trump candidates? By siphoning off even a few anti-Trump votes, Cheney would probably help the former president.

College Students Revel in Blissful Ignorance at Pro-Gaza Rallies

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

Parents don’t have to wonder what’s happening with their kids’ education, they can watch the academic dumpster fire on social media. There isn’t a shortage of embarrassing outtakes of the privileged millennials who are pro-Palestine and at the same time prove themselves to be know-nothings.