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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  An early review for Donald Trump’s just-published coffee table book  Save America was just published and – surprise! – it’s a rave.  The prolific Liberty Paige of the ultra-right outlet describes the $92, four-pound pound tome as “full of photos and Trump’s iconic literary flair in captions.” Never thought I’d see “literary flair” and “Trump” in the same sentence…Former Time magazine senior editor and cultural critic Richard Zoglin joins the chorus shaming Donald Trump’s disgraceful Arlington National Cemetery visit last week.  Zoglin slams The Donald for his disregard and  disdain for workers. “Trump has no understanding or respect for people who simply work hard, follow the rules and do their job, so they can bring a paycheck home to support the family,” writes Zoglin on his website…Media junkies rejoice.  Former CNN media maven Brian Stelter announced  his return to the network that booted him two years ago.  Stelter’s Reliable Sources newsletter will resume publication under his watchful eye September 9.  That means there will be two must-read nightly media newsletters: Reliable Sources and the just  launched Status News from ex-CNN scoop machine Oliver Darcy.  My hope is that both hit my inbox before 9 p.m. so I don’t have to stay up until midnight to stay informed…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Evasiveness That Is Harris-Walz Charade Won’t Work

source: Newsmax

Moms know a non-answer when they hear one — and we heard a lot of them when Kamala Harris and Tim Walz finally sat down for an interview (with CNN) for the first time since being handed the Democratic Party nomination.

Tiananmen Tim Walz, Our Manchurian VP Candidate

source: Washington Times

By Peter Navarro: The story of Kamala Harris’ pick for vice president, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, and his kowtowing relationship with China reads like a modern-day remake of “The Manchurian Candidate.”

How Hollywood Turned Against Free Speech

source: Hollywood in Toto

Industry committed to free expression suddenly sours on fundamental right.

With Crooked Courts and Kangaroo Judges, Trump’s Sentencing Spectacle Looms Large


It’s the courtroom drama nobody asked for but everyone’s watching, starring Orange Man Bad and Judge Juan Merchan, the legal acrobat who’s turning Trump’s trial into a Broadway show.

Dems’ Big-City Shenanigans Are Coming to a Town Near You

source: The Federalist

Expanding funds from the Center for Tech and Civic Life and other leftist groups to rural areas only expands election insecurity.

2024 Is Beginning to Smell Like 1980

source: Townhall

The country is in far worse shape now than it was when Biden took office, and that situation certainly existed with Carter, too, in 1980. And it led to a Ronald Reagan landslide.

Dozens of Migrants Killed Trying to Enter Britain as Ruling Socialists Refuse to Shut Border

source: The Gateway Pundit

Many migrants try their luck attempting to reach the UK where they know the ruling socialist government will pay for their lifestyle. Yet while the British government enable their arrival, many migrants employ human traffickers in order to travel across the English Channel in precarious conditions with a high risk to life.

Brian Stelter and “Reliable Sources” Are Returning to CNN

source: NewsBusters

It’s worth noting that Stelter’s former title was “chief media correspondent,” which gave the false impression he was just journalist, meanwhile he used his show (so-called "Reliable Sources") to spout his left-wing political opinions and defend the media’s biased reporting against conservatives. The shift to “analyst” was a more fitting of an opinion peddler.

The UK Is Struggling with EV Mandates. It Could Happen Here Too

source: PJ Media

The push to move everybody to electric vehicles has proven to be one of the most unrealistic examples of government meddling in the private sector that we’ve ever seen. It’s not just here in the U.S. either. The UK is dealing with major mandates, and consumers are suffering from  the consequences.

Fight Wokeness with Small Government

source: Wall Street Journal

Even when it sides with the right, big government suppresses both freedom and economic growth.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Just in time for this week’s kickoff of the NFL season, The Action Network has revealed the presidential preferences of 3,000 football fans on a team-by-team basis.  According to the popular sports betting news outlet, the Tennessee Titans and Indianapolis Colts have the Trumpiest fans.  Sixty-two percent of all surveyed fans said they plan to vote for The Donald.  The Phoenix Cardinals and New Orleans Saints also have a majority pro-Trump fan base. However, 61% of the Baltimore Ravens supporters are in the Kamala Harris camp, followed by the New York Jets (54%), Philadelphia Eagles (54%), and Detroit Lions (54%).  Meanwhile, half of New York Giants fans say they’d vote for Harris.  Wondering why Jets fans are more pro-Kamala than those who root for the Giants….Over the sleepy holiday weekend when there wasn’t much earth-shaking political news, the NY Times published my favorite article over the three-day period with a searing and much overdue takedown of the lowly penny. The lead sentence says it all: “Most pennies produced by the U.S. Mint are given out as change but never spent.” I’ll look favorably on any politician who pushes for the elimination of the dirty little coin that serves no purpose other than to occupy space in my old Smuckers jelly jar...The Daily Signal has a list of what it claims are  the top seven Tim Walz lies.  Here’s No. 3: Walz claimed his wife conceived through IVF…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

Kamala Hates You

source: FrontPage

And she wants you to shut up and do what she says.

Kamala’s Campaign Is Collapsing

source: Townhall

That was the case even before the horrific news from San Francisco this weekend when the first-round draft choice of the San Francisco 49ers was just shot in daylight in a “safe” and “upscale” section of San Francisco. Trump has tied “Comrade Kamala” to the increasing failures of crime and drug-infested San Francisco and California.

Kamala Will Shut Down X If Elected

source: Conservative View from NH

In a recent discussion, she was quite clear and emphatic that Elon Musk has “lost his privileges” with his X platform, and “it must be taken down.”

Kamala’s Newest Vibe Is Fading Momentum

source: Fox News

The honeymoon seems to be over, and collard greens and pork chops don't cut it

Trump Isn’t the Only One Who Gets It Wrong


Kamala is also guilty of misstatements, exaggerations, and outright lies.

Kamala Goes Off Script

source: Washington Free Beacon

Following her performance on Thursday, it seems unlikely that Harris will agree to another (solo) interview before debating Trump on Sept. 10. There's a decent chance it won't happen until the election is over, given how badly most journalists want her to win.

Kamala Underwhelms Despite Softball Questions from Dana Bash

source: Blaze Media

Bash offered some difficult questions but didn't press on Harris much when she deflected.