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Impeach the Bum!

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

You can tell what a good idea it is to impeach Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, just by all the screeching leftists who oppose the idea.

Top Biden White House Security Official Admits Sleepy Joe Has Dementia

source: Infowars


O’Keefe Media Group published a new undercover video report on Wednesday where the outlet’s founder wore a disguise while speaking with White House Cybersecurity Policy Analyst Charlie Kraiger. In the shocking footage, Kraiger revealed he believes Joe Biden has dementia.

Biden Is Drowning in Three Disasters of His Own Making

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

Iranian aggression in the Middle East, chaos on our border, and higher prices at home — are all disasters created by Biden. His policies caused each, which is why, if anything, the president’s 40% approval rating isn’t low enough.

The World Is on Fire But POTUS Has Time for Sesame Street Tweet

source: Clash Daily

Clash Daily

Five uniformed Americans have been killed just this month, the Middle East is on the brink of an escalating war, we have flash points ready to erupt at home, and Joe’s thinking about… Sesame Street? Well they DO describe senility is a decent back into childhood.

Good Question. Why Is Joe Running?

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

The Wall Street Journal queries “Why is Joe Biden running?” Victory Girls thinks that’s a darn good question. Like most of the legacy media the Journal nibbles around the edges but never gets down to the real nitty gritty. There is a truth that even Democrats know, but won’t acknowledge. Joe is a puppet for the Deep State/Leviathan.

Biden’s 2024 Campaign Is Worse Than Churchill’s Pudding

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

By Karl Rove: Trump is beatable, but the president’s campaign has no persuasive theme.

Trump Will Win

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

The fundamentals simply do not favor Biden.

Harvard’s DEI Chief Has Been Accused of 40 Counts of Plagiarism

source: Fox News

Fox News

By Greg Gutfeld: Sherri Ann Charleston, the chief diversity officer at the university, has just been accused of roughly 40 instances of plagiarism in her PhD dissertation and in the single academic paper she published in her career. There would be more accusations of plagiarism, but she was too lazy to write more than one fake paper. Which begs the question, who was the last person to have an original idea at Harvard?

How to Survive a Leftist University as a Conservative Woman

source: Daily Signal

Daily Signal

Surviving college at a big leftist university as a conservative woman is no task for the faint of heart. Even years ago at the University of Virginia, Karin Lips says, she found herself frustrated by the “liberal bias” in the women’s programs and groups on campus.

Pelosi Blames Russia for Anti-Israel Protests and Lets Colleges Off the Hook

source: NY Post

NY Post

Did Putin slide into the DMs of university presidents to demand they tell Congress that calls for the genocide of Jews on campuses do not necessarily amount to hate speech?.

Fani Willis Should Resign from Her District Attorney Post

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

If Ms. Willis does not get out of the way, her seeming ethical lapse will become an overwhelming distraction to the prosecution being conducted by her office. The former president may then, as the result of the ethical challenge of his prosecutor, have a much easier time defending himself against the claims that Ms. Willis has made against him.

Evaluating Threats

source: Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

Three Americans were killed in Jordan last weekend, and our political establishment is ready to start World War III. Which is more of a national security threat: terrorists 6,000 miles away, or our wide-open border? Which one kills more U.S. citizens? Americans killed by third-worlders who entered our country illegally so far this year: 150.

The United States of Allah

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

By Kevin Downey Jr: It happened in my neighborhood. Your neighborhood is next.

We Didn’t Think the Squad Could Disgrace Themselves Any Further. They Proved Us Wrong

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

The cadre of left-wing Jew haters are having a banner week.

Have You Heard About the Record-Low Temps Around the World?

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Of course not. It doesn’t fit the narrative.

Are You on the List of Right Wing Extremists?

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

By Steve MacDonald. I am and I’m in excellent company.


TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  Much to the likely outrage on the right, it appears there won't be charges brought against two men caught having sex in a Senate hearing room last December, one of whom was an aide to Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD),  according to Breitbart. The Daily Caller broke the story of the backroom hanky panky back in December…Powerline’s John Hinderaker reveals that his office in a Minneapolis suburb was firebombed last Saturday, and he blames leftists.  Here’s his story.Political pugilist, Trump tormentor and Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt lost his dog Sophie and it broke his heart. On his Substack newsletter, Schmidt posted an eloquent tribute that brought me to tears.…Our contributor Michael Lovito has an exclusive look at “In Sheep’s Clothing,  a conspiracy-laden documentary that warns of a communist takeover of America.  Don’t be too quick to dismiss it. Lovito writes that “In Sheep’s Clothing” could become a hit with the rancorous far right and fuel the nation’s "conspiratorial political landscape”…RIP Adele Springsteen, 98-year-old mother of rock icon and American songwriting/singing treasure Bruce Springsteen.  She died Wednesday. “The Boss” often credited his mom for being a key inspiration in his stellar musical career and our culture is better because of it…Weekend Watch: The Greatest Night in Pop.  This feel-good Netflix documentary goes inside one magical January night in 1985 when the world’s greatest pop legends gathered in Los Angeles to record  We Are the Word, which raised millions of dollars to address starvation in Africa. It’s as inspirational as it is entertaining…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

A Libertarian President!

source: John Stossel

John Stossel

Argentina actually elected a libertarian president. Javier Milei campaigned with a chainsaw, promising to cut the size of government.