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Jen Psaki and the Mean Girls of MSNBC Need a Reality Check

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

From New Hampshire to national polling, voters are sounding the alarm that they consider the record-setting immigrant influx the nation’s most pressing crisis as 2024 transitions into the general election. Yet the obvious came as a surprise to the mean girls of MSNBC.

Rich MSNBC Liberals Are Laughing Their Way to Their Worst Nightmare

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

By Mary Rooke: When you allow yourself to be the mouthpiece of the elites and push the policies that directly benefit them, as Psaki and Maddow do, it’s easy to ignore the harsh realities and only see illegal immigration as the abundance of cheap slave laborers.

“60 Minutes” Wages Propaganda War on Moms for Liberty

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

CBS News aired a version of an interview with the founders of Moms for Liberty that was shamelessly edited to push a leftist narrative.

The Good News About Our Failing Military

source: Townhall


Trump can fix it.

The Woke U.S. Military Is Putting the Country in Danger

source: The Lid

The Lid

It’s pushing radical, anti-American, left wing garbage on U.S. soldiers.

WPATH Revealed as a Child-Sacrificial Cult

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

Investigative journalist, Michael Shellenberger has the receipts from World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) revealing that these ostensible medical experts on “transgenderism” have perpetuated a gigantic fraud on the public and left broken, maimed, and dead victims in their wake.

WPATH Is a Perverse Cult That Pushed Gender Madness into the Mainstream

source: Daily Wire

Daily Wire

Internal documentation at WPATH is comprehensive evidence that so-called “gender-affirming care” is an unscientific scam that ruins the lives of children and permanently damages their bodies. And crucially, the documents prove that WPATH knows it.

Others Should Follow University of Florida’s Termination of DEI

source: National Review

National Review

The programs like to present themselves as the purveyors of commonplace liberal norms but serve as little more than Trojan horses.

DEI in Retreat

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

Wall Street and big business cut dead-weight diversity departments.

Public Schoolers Are Paid $1,400 a Pop to Become Social Justice Warriors

source: The Free Press

The Free Press

A California activist group is using taxpayer money to reward teens for learning how to fight for ‘racial justice.’

How Corrupt Is Gavin Newsom?

source: FrontPage


Ruthless socialist states that impose one-party rule and muzzle the press might be jealous.

The Myth of Low Immigrant Crime

source: Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

The one-man factory producing studies about immigrant crime is Alex Nowrasteh of the libertarian Cato Institute. He fudges the data, slaps a false title on his report, and journalists copy his work like they’re Claudine Gay writing a thesis.


Trump’s Reelection Effort Is Becoming a Hero’s Journey

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

He’s against what seems to be the whole world but is really just a hollow and decaying elite who increasingly lie, cheat, and steal as a creed.

Super Tuesday Triumph Is Ultimate Revenge for Hounded Trump

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Trump gobbled up victory after victory, including in Colorado where Democrats are licking their fresh wounds from Monday’s high court ruling. 

This Is the Moment When Trump Won the 2024 Election

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

Biden paid lip service to border security while he oversaw a backdoor immigration infusion that broke faith with the American people. Wait till they find out about it. And when they do, that will be the moment that Donald Trump will win their vote and general election in 2024.

The GOP’s Third Gamble on Trump

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Republicans are elevating the one nominee who could lose to a weak and unpopular President Biden.

Meet the Terrorist Next Door Welcomed by Biden

source: Fox News

Fox News

Biden's broken border has allowed terror suspects to cross. 58 were captured already this fiscal year.