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Woman Threatens Lawsuit After Trans Incident at YMCA Pool

source: Daily Wire

Daily Wire

An 82-year-old woman is demanding access to a local YMCA-operated pool after being banned from the facility for speaking out against a man using the women’s locker room, according to a letter obtained exclusively by The Daily Wire. 

Planet Fitness Sees Stock Drop After Caving to Trans Mob

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Planet Fitness stock dropped by over 7% Tuesday after the company revoked a customer’s membership for taking a photo of a biological male in the women’s locker room in Fairbanks, Alaska, in early March. Planet Fitness revoked Patricia Silva’s membership after she objected to a man shaving in the women’s locker room.

Call It the “Autocratic” Party

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

The lust for power within the Democratic party is absolute. Democracy is being replaced. Call it socialism or Marxism, call it globalism or autocracy. Whatever it is, it isn’t democracy.

Dems in Denial on Crimes of Illegal Immigrants

source: Fox News

Fox News

Every time an illegal immigrant commits a crime, the spotlight falls on Democrats' complicity.

Drag Queen Feted by Kamala Accused of Multiple Sexual Assaults

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

The accusations are described in sordid detail in a Rolling Stone exposé following a 16 month investigation researching the allegations, reviewing court documents, and interviewing several accusers.

Biden’s Gaza Plan Is a Harebrained Disaster

source: Human Events

Human Events

How will the humanitarian pier alleviate the suffering of Gaza’s citizens in the long term? Will American soldiers become the target of bullets and suicide bombs? Will Israel government even allow them access to the coastline at all? Without a comprehensive plan, America risks sinking resources into a project that lacks any kind of strategic vision.


Illiterate Kids Will Go to School to Learn Nothing in Electric Buses

source: FrontPage


NYC Mayor Eric Adams announced Monday kids in the Bronx will be saying goodbye to diesel school buses and hello to 180 new electric ones. Finally, kids in the Bronx will be going to school to learn nothing in electric buses. You know the ones that tend to break down if you look at them funny.

Google Has Interfered in U.S. Elections 41 Times Since 2008

source: NewsBusters


MRC Free Speech America researchers compiled 41 times Google was caught interfering in U.S. elections, beginning in 2008 and continuing into 2024. MRC researchers found carefully crafted studies and numerous reports (from 2008 through February 2024) that have demonstrated the tech behemoth’s election meddling.

Clutch Your Pearls, This Isn’t the Last Trump “Bloodbath”

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

You don’t need to be a fan of Donald Trump to concede that this weekend’s meltdown over the word “bloodbath” was cynical and dishonest. And you don’t have to be Nostradamus to predict that we’re going to be inundated with a string of similar fabricated meltdowns this cycle.

A Truth and Reality “Bloodbath”

source: Townhall


For Democrats to win in November, they have to use short, out of context clips and lie to convince voters that was explicitly is not somehow is. If Republicans want an electoral bloodbath in November, all they have to do is spend the next 8 months honestly telling the public what Democrats want to do…

Bloodbath at the Idiot Box

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

The reference to a “bloodbath” that Orange Hitler Man — or whatever it is that Team Biden and its legion of flying monkeys on television and in the other iterations of the idiot box are calling him — is an economic one. Not a political one.

Covid Lessons Learned, Four Years Later

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Mandatory lockdowns had almost no benefit—but did significant economic and health-related damage.

After Four Years, Covid Damage Remains While Fauci & Co. Pay No Price

source: NY Post

NY Post

We just passed the fourth anniversary of “15 Days To Slow the Spread,” the start of the Covid lockdowns that did damage from which we still haven’t recovered.

Here’s How Woke Banking Is Deciding Your Loans

source: Fox News

Fox News

Over the past two years, the Biden administration has been quietly encouraging banks to lend based on race.

The Woke Hydra Can Be Beaten

source: European Conservative

European Conservative

When the people banded together to protect Portugal's heritage, the Left crumbled.

The Language Police at GLAAD Have a Whole New List of Words We’re Not Allowed to Say

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

While “homosexual” is now a term to avoid, the term “homophobia” is not. Also, the guidelines say that the terms “gay marriage” and “same-sex marriage” are also to be be avoided because they "suggest marriage for same-sex couples is somehow different or less equal than other marriages." Maybe because it is?

Olivia Rodrigo Pimps for Abortions at Concerts

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

Disney star and recording artist Olivia Rodrigo, of the hit song Vampire, is a tool promoting abortions to her teen audiences. While Miss Rodrigo is no longer giving out free Plan B pills to her audience, she is still promoting abortion to tween audiences.