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The Hollywoke Meltdown

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

From Hollywood's first rupture with American audiences in the early 2000s, it didn't take long for identity politics to destroy the industry.

Letitia James’ Nitpicking Over Trump Bond Is More Spiteful Nonsense

source: NY Post

NY Post

Tish has become the Wile E. Coyote to Trump’s Road Runner, setting up harebrained traps and decoys to sabotage the former president — and making New York’s legal system look like a joke in the process.

Ronna McDaniel and the Cultural Revolution at NBC News

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

McDaniel was fired by the masses at NBC because she wrongthought, because she held political views associated with the right and not the leftist road NBC and its running-dog networks follow.

As a Principal, Jamaal Bowman Objected to Teaching About “White” Figures Like George Washington

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

As a middle school principal, New York Democratic congressman Jamaal Bowman advised against teaching about "white" historical figures like George Washington, Jesus Christ, and Santa Claus. Instead, he used his position to elevate renowned anti-Semites and cop-killers.


Why We Should Keep Lovin’ RFK Jr.

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

RFK Jr. is Donald Trump’s best chance to win the White House.

Biden Insults Blacks Again

source: Newsmax


Unlike other gaffes revealing the president’s waning mental capacities, this time the president touted tired, insulting, and false stereotypes about Black families.

Biden and His Handlers Are Hell-Bent on Destroying America

source: Fox News

Fox News

What would an existential enemy do that we have not already done to ourselves? 

Did Trump Really Threaten Biden?

source: The Bulwark

The Bulwark

The more pragmatic question around the Biden video isn’t whether Trump’s action constituted a crime, but whether the Biden administration has the appetite to do anything about it. We all know the answer to that one. Trump is a master bully. He always gets away with it. He will this time, too.

“Conspiracy” Is Not a Real Crime, and Trump Isn’t Guilty of It

source: Infowars


People who are actually concerned about regimes abusing their power have long opposed conspiracy prosecutions.

Transgenderism Among Kids Is Mostly a Fad

source: NY Post

NY Post

The “gentle parenting” being pushed right now that makes good parents consider putting their kids on drugs to help them achieve an unattainable sex change needs to run up against tough love and fast.

Republicans Should Embrace JK Rowling’s Moral Courage

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

Rowling, described both former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama as “extraordinary,” declared former President Donald Trump as “worse than Voldemort,” and supports abortion rights. She is also an unapologetic defender of biological women. She is an invaluable ally.

John Eastman and the Left’s War on the Legal Profession

source: Townhall


Eastman was let go by the Benson Center for Western Civilization, where he was a visiting scholar. Armed Stasi -- sorry, FBI -- agents accosted him in a parking lot and seized his phone without a warrant. All this because John had the chutzpah to defend and zealously advocate for one's client.

Lawfare Against John Eastman

source: American Mind

American Mind

The regime has lost all perspective and decency in its war on its perceived enemies.

Dems Aim to Make Draining the Swamp Impossible

source: Conservative HQ

Conservative HQ

If you had a doubt about which side the Deep State is on this latest move by Joe Biden should make it clear the Deep State and the Democratic Party are one and the same.

The Case for Marrying Young

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Young people are the future, but only if they get married.

Conservative Men Should Focus on Finding a Good Wife, Not a “Trad” Wife

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

A woman’s ability to wear a sweet spring dress or make sourdough has no bearing on whether she’ll stand by your side when the wolves come. A good wife will make your house a home, raise your children, and fight alongside you.

When Camping Becomes Grooming

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

North Face is just one of the sponsors of the Queering of camping for children. Yep, no Popsicle-stick birdcage crafting here. It’s learning to mince across a stage in drag, voice training and make-up tutorials. It’s cos-play as the other sex all the way down.