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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings from California! Conservative icon Bill Kristol of The Bulwark tweeted that now is the moment for the following prominent Republicans to renounce Donald Trump and say that they’re voting for Kamala Harris: George W. Bush, Condi Rice, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, John Kelly and Jim Mattis.  And for good measure, he also thinks it’s time for the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal to throw its support behind Kamala Harris.  Agree 100% with Kristol.  Silence equals consent…Disgraced commentator Candace Owens, once a rising right wing podcaster, takes quite a beating in a long article from the European Conservative for her recent anti-semitic comments…Couldn’t agree more: the Wall Street Journal is calling on Trump to disavow Tucker Carlson after the former Fox News host called a prominent Holocaust denier possibly the “best and most honest historian in the United States”…Blaze Media will have  a reporter back in Springfield, Ohio, next week.  It’s in Trump’s interest that the reporter dig up evidence that Haitians are eating people’s pets, which the city has denied….Far-right conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer has been showing up in Trump’s backstage entourage, according to the Times, another alarming alliance between the ex-POTUS and a fringe disinformation-slinger…Weekend Watch: CNN debuts its new Saturday night weekly program Have I Got News for You, a semi-snarky look at the week’s news.  Prime time Saturday night is typically a graveyard for cable news networks, so I’m not holding out much hope for this limited series that will run ten weeks.  I recently stumbled across the 2021 Netflix documentary Untold: Caitlyn Jenner and it held my interest for its entire 69-minute running time. Try it…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

Why Men Hate Kamala

source: FrontPage

It’s not just the vibe, climaxing in Oprah’s convention appearance, that’s turning off men, the vibe is a symptom of the real problem not only with the campaign, but the candidate. Kamala is a lightweight politician running on feelings at a time when men need something more solid.

No Kamala. The American People Are Not OK

source: Townhall

By Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN):The American people are tired of being broke – they are not OK. For 38consecutive months, Americans have faced record high inflation, and prices for everyday necessities are up to 20.3%.

No, 2024 Is Not Over Yet

source: Washington Free Beacon

If past is prologue, polls are underestimating Trump's appeal.

Dems Are Desperate for Another January 6

source: Victory Girls

For the last few years, the Democrats have been using the events of January 6  to wield as both shield and sword against Republicans, and specifically against Donald Trump. January 6 was a riot. It was awful. But it was not an “insurrection” or an “attack on democracy.” It was a riot that was under control within a few hours – unlike, say, Minneapolis or Kenosha.

Iran Is Set to Go Nuclear, Thanks to Biden

source: NY Post

And the mullahs want Harris to win.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings from California! The good news:  The heat wave finally broke just as I arrived yesterday from NYC.  The bad news: I had no workable wifi on my Delta flight from New York to LA yesterday so I was unable to produce a newsletter on a very heavy news days.  More than 24 hours after the debate, I still feel that Kamala got the best of Trump Tuesday night.  Even right wing commentators agreed on that point.  “Make no mistake, Trump had a bad night,” Fox News anchor Brit Hume observed just moments after the debate’s conclusion.  National Review described it as a Trump trainwreck despite calling ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis a disgrace, a term that right wing podcaster Megyn Kelly also used to describe the duo’s performance in a tweet.  Trump looked sleepy at the outset, and his right eye was partially shut.  But he picked up steam and did not come across as a doddering geezer coming up fast on 80.  Harris also got stronger as the debate progressed.  I thought she was most effective when insulting Trump to his face, which is rarely done. It made for some of the night’s most electrifying moments…Hours before the Harris-Trump debate, the Trump campaign released a 3,821-word memo addressed to ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis, and other interested media.  The subject, and I’m quoting the subject line here, “Kamala Harris’ Lies on Crime”…Outkick’s Zach Dean throws major shade on Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris.  “I promise you, Taylor Swift didn't give a shit what Kamala said or did during the debate,” Dean writes today.  “It's all gas-lighting. It's all for show. Taylor Swift and her team drew up that BS endorsement weeks ago – if not months ago – and then pumped it out after Trump's closing argument to make it look like Kamala had won them over”…If  you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard 

The Worst Presidential Debate in History

source: Fox News

By Hugh Hewitt: ABC and Disney disgraced and exposed themselves. Republicans and fair-minded independents will never forget.

The Debate Was Fixed

source: American Spectator

It's disappointing that Trump did not score another knockout. Expectations for Harris were low. Trump came in as the guy who just had knocked out the last guy.

Who Rigged the Debate for Kamala?

source: PJ Media

By Victoria Taft: The game was afoot at the beginning when it was clear that the two moderators, Muir and some chick I've never heard of, asked Harris if the economy is better now than it was four years ago. They let her escape without answering. Now we know that "chick," Linsey Davis, was Harris's sorority sister.

A Forgettable, Warped Debate

source: American Greatness

By Victor Davis Hanson: The sappy Harris won the visuals; the grouchy Trump likely the issues. But the real losers were ABC and its two partisan moderators, Muir and Davis.

David Muir, Unveiled

source: Washington Free Beacon

ABC News anchor reveals true self during Trump-Harris debate, torches carefully crafted reputation as unbiased newsman. He gets paid millions to read news off a teleprompter every weeknight to lonely seniors and nursing home patients who fell asleep hours earlier.

The Debate About the Debate

source: Ann Coulter

The media say Trump whiffed Tuesday night, but that’s what we were told in 2016, too. It also could be that Kamala Harris came across as a smirker — MSNBC’s signature move — just like Hillary Clinton did.

Trump Won the Debate

source: American Thinker

Trump, who does not often score an outright win in any candidate debate, gave among his strongest debate performances by using humor strategically and dominating the hostile moderators

Trump Won the Debate Because Kamala Lost

source: Townhall

She could have addressed what people actually care about this election cycle in a way that would have helped her immeasurably. She did not, and in many ways she could not. Because of that, she lost, which means – at least by default – Donald Trump won.

The Independents Won the Debate

source: Conservative View from NH

Trump had a horrible night. Kamala Harris left many questions unanswered, but worse, she exposed the actual depth of her campaign with the numerous lies she resorted to to disparage Trump. This was where she lost the Independents, the voters who will determine the outcome of the election,

Kamala’s Many Nasty Faces Only Reinforced the Fatal Inauthenticity of Her Debate Performance

source: NY Post

If you switched off the sound for the ABC debate Tuesday night and just watched the images, you would come away feeling deep distaste for the haughty flibbertigibbet who kept making faces while Trump was speaking. Harris’ split-screen pantomime made her seem unserious and unlikable

Debate Provides Little Clarity on Kamala’s Energy Flip-Flops

source: Daily Caller

Harris has been an aggressive opponent of fracking throughout her national political career. Her breathtaking flip on the issue since being installed as the Democratic Party’s nominee came without any detailed explanation of how that miraculous conversion came about and smells a lot like a politician pandering to voters in the crucial state of Pennsylvania.

Kamala Will Take American Back into the Past

source: The American Conservative

For all the soaring rhetoric about “not going back,” Tuesday’s debate showed who the business-as-usual candidate is.