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Mass Deportations Would Lower Housing Prices

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

Deporting illegal immigrants and reducing the number of foreigners in this country is a good neighbor policy. It is the kind of moderate centrist solution that should be the basis of bipartisan reach.

Is Jan. 6 the Political Winner Dems Think It Is?

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

A Supreme Court ruling against the government could shift the focus to prosecutorial overreach.

Black Robe Cannot Hide That Juan Merchan Is Deep Blue

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Juan Merchan, the Manhattan judge presiding over the convoluted case concocted against Trump, contributed small amounts of money in the 2020 cycle to Biden, the Progressive Turnout Project, and another group called Stop Republicans. One surmises these campaign gifts vastly exceed the limits allowed by law.

Harvard Picks DEI Advocate to Help Pick School’s Next President

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

Harvard University on Monday tapped an ex-McKinsey consultant who has criticized meritocracy and published controversial research on the benefits of diversity in business to help select the university’s next president.

Left-Wing Groups Exploit the Naive to Advance Political Agenda

source: Daily Signal

Daily Signal

Perhaps the ultimate example of left-wing contempt for the groups they claim to represent is “Queers for Palestine.” Palestinian queers have no rights. They face persecution and even death if they expose themselves to their society.

An Indian Precedent for American Upper Middle Class Radicalism

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

Americans should read more about the Naxalite movement. There are echoes of the past in current American left-wing activism. 

Trump Visits Harlem Bodega After Wrapping up Day in Court

source: RSBN


Trump proved on Tuesday evening that he is an unstoppable force of nature when it comes to keeping his mission focus on reclaiming the White House. Just moments after leaving the second day in court, he made his way to a Harlem business where a clerk was robbed and attacked in July 2022.


NPR Suspends Uri Berliner Thus Proving His Point About Media Bias

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

It shows that NPR only wants certain perspectives and would rather not examine any perspective that is even remotely considered conservative. 

Turning Black Communities Across America from Third World Blue to MAGA Red

source: America Out Loud

America Out Loud

The tides of politics are turning from blue to red, especially in black communities across America.

Trump to Visit NYC Bodega Victimized by Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg


President Trump will be visiting the New York City bodega where Jose Alba, a bodega clerk, was robbed, attacked, and wrongfully accused of murder after being forced to defend his life. Trump believes that only by undoing the Democrat party’s soft-on-crime policies can law and order be restored in New York City.

An “Eye for an Eye” Is the Only Way to Defeat Woke Unhumans

source: Human Events

Human Events

By Jack Posobiec: We all know that the unhumans who make up the leadership of the modern day cultural Marxist Left are guilty of massive crimes, not just against America or against our fellow citizens, but against humanity itself, which they hate and want to “perfect” with the use of totalitarian cruelty.

The Coup d’Etat Against Candidate Trump

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Much of this mischief is being done by black Americans in legal robes. Is it because they think it’s revenge against the white man for the very real injustices that have been done to them?

The World Needs Peacemaker Trump

source: Newsmax


While Trump was President, China was restrained, and North Korea was engaged in diplomatic summits with the United States, not saber rattling. Instead of wars raging internationally, there was peace abroad. Russia did not invade Ukraine, due to their concern about Trump’s response.

Air Defense of Israel Made Possible by Trump’s Abraham Accords

source: HotAir


Trump's policies and diplomacy that saved Israel from a devastating defeat. Trump forged the alliances that brought Arab states and Israel together enough to create a coordinated air defense that beat back Iran's drone strike. 

Instead of Fighting Crime, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Launches a Trump Show Trial

source: NY Post

NY Post

Instead of leading with courage to defend New Yorkers by enacting the necessary changes to make life safer, freer and more affordable, our elected officials have set their sights elsewhere —  trying to imprison and bankrupt President Biden’s chief political opponent, Donald Trump.

NGO Camp in Mexico Urging Illegals to Vote for Biden

source: The Geller Report

The Geller Report

These are fliers at an NGO camp in Mexico encouraging illegals to vote for Biden. The camp has ties to both DHS Secretary Mayorkas and George Soros. This is why the Democrats have thrown open our borders to millions of unvetted illegals. Fair elections would vanquish the Democrat party.

Biden’s Mideast Policy Disaster

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

Iran’s latest offensive is part of a larger pattern of aggression that has been tolerated for too long by the Biden administration. The president’s reflex for appeasing Iran has encouraged its belligerence and made the need for a radical course correction urgent.