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Most Conservative Websites Post Declines in November Visits, According to Exclusive Analysis by TheRighting

WND, Infowars and Lead in November Visit Losses

December 19, 2017, New York, NY – Seventeen of TheRighting’s top 20 conservative websites that it tracks posted declines in visits November 2017 compared to November 2016, according to an exclusive analysis of data available from SimilarWeb.  The websites with the steepest percentage decreases were led by WND (-56%), Infowars (-48%) and (-45%). 

TheRighting also found lower November year-over-year visits in three prominent mainstream media sites it examined:  The New York Times (-22%), CNN (-13%) and The Washington Post (-11%).

“Compared to last month, November 2016 was characterized by a much more robust news environment focused on the election of Donald J. Trump and it drew large audiences to websites across the political spectrum,” commented Howard Polskin, President and Chief Curator, TheRighting.  “Audiences in November 2016 were not only looking for the latest breaking news and poll numbers, but throughout they month they were probably seeking perspective and insights about the political earthquake that rocked the world.  The level of interest in our political landscape last month, while high, just didn’t match the intensity from a year ago.” 

Three conservative websites generated gains in year-over-year November visits: One America News Network (+99%), The Washington Examiner (+16%) and The Weekly Standard (+7%). 

The top five conservative websites in total November 2017 visits are as follows:

1. (293,540,000)

2.     Breitbart (82,980,000)

3.     The Daily Caller (25,330,00)

4.     Infowars (22,720,000)

5.     TheBlaze (16,320,000)

Each month, TheRighting examines SimilarWeb data on prominent conservative websites that post original content.  TheRighting ranks the conservative websites on the basis of total monthly visits and also provides data on whether visits have increased or decreased year-over-year.  That information is posted on the Metrics section of TheRighting’s website (full November data available here). 

TheRighting publishes an A-Z Guide to Right-Wing Media on its website and updates it regularly.  It features descriptions about prominent right-wing media websites.