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Climate Crisis Season Is Here Again

CNS News

Climate realists should gird their loins in preparation for the pending onslaught of stories in the mainstream media proclaiming this or that seasonal weather event is being enhanced by anthropogenic climate change. For the past two decades, every year as winter wanes, the media has engaged in its contemporary rite of spring: stoking unwarranted climate fearmongering.

End the Covid-19 “Emergency”

CNS News

Biden doesn’t want to end the emergency that he himself stated was over many months ago because it allows him to continue dishing out billions of dollars of health and welfare benefits to his voters — automatically and unilaterally.

The Dark Forces of Wokeism

CNS News

The result is a nation of some ignorant leftist political militants. Wokeism is found in collectivism as a whole; liberalism, Maoism, Leninism, the Democratic Party, any ideology on the left. With each, they want to take something away from you, the individual. They hate individualism and love group think, group thought, group behavior.

Biden Proposes to Increase Debt by 57.8%

CNS News

If Congress were to establish a new debt limit that covered all of the borrowing Biden’s budget proposal envisions the government will undertake in the coming decade, it would need to increase that limit by $13.433 trillion. That is more debt than the federal government accumulated in the 233 years from 1776 through 2009.

Young Americans Voted to Ruin Their Lives

CNS News

Young Americans voted for the people who are ruining their lives. It is the Left that is primarily responsible for the unprecedented levels of depression and despair among young people. The Left deprived children of school for nearly two years — for no valid reason.

Dems, Voter Fraud and Harpo Marx

CNS News

National Review’s John Fund and the Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky have chronicled a number of proven cases of crookery, reflected in Al Franken’s razor-thin victory for the U.S. Senate in Minnesota (winning by 312 votes), which made Obamacare a reality, and the Kennedy-Nixon presidential election in 1960, where massive fraud in Cook County helped JFK capture the presidency.

Transgender Surgery Is Not Good Medicine

CNS News

Transgenderism is a symptom of mental and emotional conflicts that need to be addressed before they prompt radical, self-destructive actions. But as with marijuana, we have failed to counter the strong economic incentives behind this movement. There’s big money in hormone therapies and sex-reassignment surgery.

Does God Dislike Joe Biden?

CNS News

Ever since his narrow election to the presidency in 2020, Joe Biden — and hence the country — have been bedeviled (no pun intended) by one disaster after another much indeed seems almost supernatural — beyond the scope of normal human behavior; as if these problems are willed upon Biden by a force greater that our comprehension.

The NEA’s Left-Wing Attack on Columbus

CNS News

Go to the National Education Association’s website and type in “Columbus” in the search engine. Guess what pops up? “Resources for Teaching About Indigenous Peoples.” There you will find information about people who migrated to America—just like the rest of us. These “indigenous peoples” came from Asia. We know them as American Indians.