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Majority of Top Conservative Websites Post Declines in February Traffic

The Conservative Tribune, TheBlaze and The Daily Caller Experience the Most Losses in Audience Visits

March 12, 2018, New York, NY – Fifteen of TheRighting’s top 20 conservative websites that it tracks posted declines in February visits compared to January, according to an exclusive analysis of SimilarWeb data.  Only five conservative websites showed increases in audience visits.

Leaders and Laggards Among Top 20 Conservative Websites

(by visit percentage increase/decrease from the previous month of January 2018):


·      TheFederalist (+29%)

·      The Washington Examiner (+5%)

·      Western Journal (+5%)


·      The Conservative Tribune (-53%)

·      TheBlaze (-19)

·      The Daily Caller (-19%)

The top 5 conservative websites in total February visits are as follows:

1. (300,910,000)

2.     Breitbart (69,640,000)

3.     The Daily Caller (25,320,000)

4.     The Daily Wire (22,490,000)

5.     Infowars (19,090,000)

“While some drop off in audience visits was expected in February because of the hoopla surrounding the one-year anniversary of Trump’s presidency in January, the degree of the decline was surprising because of the tragic school shooting in Parkland, FL, and the ensuing contentious debates about arming teachers, gun control and the Second Amendment,” said Howard Polskin, President and Chief Curator, TheRighting.  “That should have driven more audience interest.”

TheRighting also looked at three prominent mainstream media sites and found a significant slide comparing February to January visits: The New York Times (-12%), The Washington Post (-12%) and CNN (-6%). 

Each month, TheRighting examines SimilarWeb data on dozens of prominent conservative websites that post original content.  TheRighting ranks the top 20 conservative websites on the basis of total monthly visits and also provides data on whether visits have increased or decreased from the previous month.  That information is posted on the Metrics section of TheRighting’s website. (February data available here.)  

TheRighting publishes an A-Z Guide to Right-Wing Media on its website and updates it regularly.  It features descriptions about prominent right-wing media websites.

About TheRighting

TheRighting is a media company that aggregates articles and writing from various right-wing media outlets.  It was founded in the spring of 2017.  The company has a website, a free daily e-newsletter and social media presence.  The purpose of TheRighting is to help inform mainstream and liberal audiences about stories and conservative viewpoints not on their radar screens that are shaping political opinion across a wide swath of America.