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April 2020 Right-Wing Headlines About the Coronavirus Pandemic

Taken from the Pages of TheRighting

Here’s a list of all the coronavirus-related headlines that we aggregated in April 2020 from scanning dozens of conservative websites every morning. It’s a long list — in a Word document it runs 38 pages. But we wanted to give readers an idea of the massive misdirection and false information coming from the right about the pandemic. The headlines are in chronological order beginning with April 1and ending on April 30. For what it’s worth, we found that there were fewer stories about the pandemic in April compared to March.

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Apr 1, 2020

Trump’s Daily Briefings Shine Light on His Inadequacy

National Review

The president is incapable of doing what other presidents have done in such moments of crisis: earning the benefit of the doubt by rising to the occasion.


Trump Was Right: Coronavirus Death Rate Much Lower Than Previous Estimates

PJ Media

Earlier in March, Dr. Anthony Fauci estimated that the mortality rate of the coronavirus was about 2 percent. Trump said he thought the number was high. A new study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases estimates that the mortality rate of the coronavirus is actually .66 percent.


Coronavirus Causes Death of “Woke”


There is no serious person today that is addressing what one could call woke concerns. These include, but are not limited to, concerns about pronouns or labels-mislabeling in general, white male patriarchy, social justice warrior activism, or spending on a myriad of dubious woke monetary programs that do not help people in economic need.


Political Reporters Fail Miserably at White House Coronavirus Briefings


Larry O’Connor: I have no concern for the president and his ability to handle these questions. In fact, as he parries with White House reporters at these briefings, his popularity increases. The American people see exactly what’s happening here. And they like it when the president pushes back, even if his push back seems abrasive.


Trump Task Force Spends Nearly 20 Minutes Answering CNN’s Acosta


Trump was non-combative with Acosta, referring to him as “Jim” throughout the briefing and did not berate him or any other reporter as “fake news” for their questions.


The Press Should Start Seeking Answers Instead of Attention.

Fox News

Non-essential bozos with blue checkmarks mocked MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell on social media. While these turds snarked away, Lindell was converting his business to make 50,000 face masks daily. So laugh all you want. The object of your ridicule will save lives.


Trump vs Biden? Maybe. Trump vs the Press? Absolutely

American Conservative

The press has its lowest ratings in a crisis ever—and they walked right into it.


Under Obama or Hillary, This Crisis Would Have Been a Socialist Vehicle Down the Road to Ruin.

Community Digital News

In the same amount of time this crisis has been underway, they would have seized complete power unto themselves. Gun stores and weapons manufacturers would have been closed, not opened as just happened by Trump. Most likely private guns would be confiscated, churches closed, and freedom of speech denied. (Second item down.)


Obama Links Chinese Virus with Climate Change, Blames Trump

Rush Limbaugh

We can’t change the squall line of thunderstorms. We can’t make it cooler when it’s sweltering. We can’t warm it up when it’s freezing. (scoffs) We don’t have this kind of power, and here come these guys now claiming that we are destroying the climate — the United States specifically is destroying the climate — and now it’s created this virus.


Pelosi Uses Coronavirus Crisis to Push Tax Relief for Blue-State Millionaires

Washington Examiner

With millions having lost their jobs as a result of the national shutdown aimed at mitigating the death toll of the coronavirus pandemic, Congress, in a rare moment of bipartisan unity, rushed to pass a $2.2 trillion relief package. Yet, the effort was delayed as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attempted to exploit the process to realize a long list of completely irrelevant liberal policy goals.


What We’ve Learned from Pandemic: The Government Sucks at Everything


Ben Shapiro: Democrats and the media like to pretend that government’s failures in this process aren’t endemic to government control. They like to blame such failures on Republicans, and on President Donald Trump specifically. But that’s just not the case.


Media, Government Officials Told Us Not to Wear Masks. They Were Wrong

The Federalist

As Americans slowly woke up to the seriousness of the pandemic, and their own lack of preparedness, our media and government elites discouraged the general public from stocking up on masks in an effort to preserve supplies for health-care workers on the front lines.


April 2

Does America Need Journalists?

American Thinker

All Americans would benefit from real information as they try to understand what is going on around them. What they get instead is dangerous politicized poison.


No Institution Has Failed the Public Worse Than the News Media During the Pandemic

Washington Examiner

It seems impossible considering the federal government’s sluggish, incoherent, and unfocused handling of this crisis. But even the federal government has managed to get some things right. The same cannot be said for our self-important Fourth Estate. From the very beginning, corporate media got the story wrong, publishing article after article assuring readers that the virus was not as dangerous as it sounded.

Trump’s Press Briefings Have Become Center Stage for the Coronavirus Response

Daily Caller

The daily palate of press conferences from the White House press briefing room has become must-watch television, not only for every concerned American, but also for every student of strategic communications, crisis management and theatre. These national powwows are headlined by a president moving to the top of his game…


Trump Handling Emergency Well During First Term


While maintaining social distancing policies to keep people safe, the president’s strategy of reassuring Americans and informing them of recent victories may ensure him a smooth path to victory in November. “We are doing a great job,” said President Trump. “Stay calm, it will go away…and we’re going to have a great victory.”


Why Did the Media Behave at Tuesday’s Press Briefing?

Rush Limbaugh

They think Trump is scared. That means they think this has defeated Trump…The last thing I thought was Trump was scared.


Infectious Disease Specialist Says This Is the Beginning of the End of the Pandemic


Dr. Stephen Smith, whom Laura Ingraham describes as one of the preeminent infectious disease specialists., announced some very good news which, if true, would be a game changer in the fight against the Chinese coronavirus. Dr. Smith said, “No person who has received five days or more of the hydroxychloroquine-zithro combination has been intubated. The chance of that occurring by chance [sic]…are .000 something. It’s ridiculously low no matter how you look at it.”


Coronavirus Is About to Explode in Mexico. It’s Time to Secure the Border

The Federalist

The Mexican state is weak and corrupt—and totally unprepared for the coronavirus outbreak that’s about to hit the country.


CNN Exploits Chris Cuomo’s Virus


CNN used Cuomo’s diagnosis to dredge up the long-debunked claim that the President had called the virus a “hoax.” He even went to a disgustingly dark place and suggested that we might not survive with Trump leading the country.


Avoiding a Severe Recession Requires Getting America Back to Work

Community Digital News

Except for a few areas, like New York and Seattle, which may need a bit more time, most of the country should hopefully be ready to go soon. Trump is right that by April 30 we should re-evaluate and see which sections of the country can go back to normal.


Pelosi Attack on Trump Coronavirus Response Is False and Ignores All He’s Done

Fox News

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said “as the president fiddles, people are dying.” That’s not true and the evidence shows she’s wrong about Trump’s coronavirus response.


China Gave Faulty, Contaminated Covid-19 Equipment to Several Countries


Several countries have reported faulty or contaminated equipment from China to combat the deadly coronavirus which also originated in China. A range of products have been delivered to countries overwhelmed by the global Covid-19 pandemic from China.


Impeachment Was a Dire Distraction from Coronavirus for Trump

NY Post

The president doesn’t want to admit it, but there had to be a price for the time and energy the administration and Congress wasted fighting over impeachment. The media was consumed by it and little attention was paid to the catastrophe unfolding in Wuhan.


Obama Uses Pandemic to Push Global Warming Alarmism


He’s very upset Trump unraveled his climate change policies.


The Bill for Globalism Has Arrived

Ann Coulter

Even before China gave us this latest viral disease — not to be confused with H1N1, Asian flu, SARS and bird flu, also from China — one of the most frequent questions about Amazon products was: “Is this made in China?” Obviously, a lot of consumers would happily pay more to know that something is made in the USA — or at least not in China. We’d like to support our fellow Americans. We also prefer products that don’t kill the family pet, instantly fall apart or risk being embargoed during a viral pandemic.


Our Super Smart Elite Shines During This Pandemic


Kurt Schlichter: The same people who are always telling us how smart they are and how they are morally entitled to instruct us peasants have never designed anything, engineered anything, built anything, trucked anything or assembled anything, except maybe some crappy Ikea bookcase. But they are qualified to insist that – POOF! – a bunch of N95 masks should magically appear overnight.


Brits Warned to Keep a Flashlight Handy in Case of Power Outages


In an email seen by Breitbart London, UK Power Networks told customers to prepare for a blackout by “keep[ing] a torch handy”, and “consider keeping spare batteries in a memorable, easy to reach place”. They also advised maintaining a traditional landline telephone which would be unaffected by a power cut.


U.S. Does Not Have More Coronavirus Deaths Than China, Senator Says

Washington Free Beacon

The United States does not currently have more coronavirus-related deaths than China, despite media claims, according to a senator on the Select Committee on Intelligence. Sen. Ben Sasse (R., Neb.), who sits on the committee that deals with classified intelligence, said the Chinese Communist Party continues to lie about the actual death toll from coronavirus in its own country.


Tucker Carlson Airs Report Virus Probably Originated from a Wuhan Lab

Daily Caller

A South China University of Technology report detailed the tracing of COVID-19 to the intermediate horseshoe bat — a bat that they confirmed was not available at the Wuhan wet market and did not live locally. The only place those particular bats existed locally was inside a research facility — which was just several hundred yards from the Wuhan wet market…


April 3

We Cannot Destroy the Country for the Sake of New York City

The Federalist

We are embarking upon the devastation of an entire nation when it is becoming clearer and clearer that the gravest threat lies in megacities. And no city is more mega than Gotham.


Dangerous Dr. Fauci Pushes for Nationwide Stay-at-Home Order

The Gateway Pundit

Americans have already lost their right to assemble, to practice religion, to travel outside of their home in several states. The tech giants are censoring unapproved speech. The US economy is imploding and this guy wants a stay-at-home order?


The Trump Administration Hurt America When They Lied to Us About Masks

Washington Examiner

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams one month ago told everyone in America to stop buying masks, claiming, “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.”


Impeachment Is Not a Valid Excuse for Trump’s Slow Coronavirus Response

National Review

Democrats didn’t have to impeach Trump. But Trump didn’t have to act in a manner that inspired Democrats to impeach him.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg Works Out at SCOTUS Gym Despite Stay-at-Home Orders


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 87, is continuing to work out at the Supreme Court’s private gym despite the coronavirus pandemic and D.C.’s stringent stay-at-home orders, her trainer revealed this week.


Dirty Hippies Rediscover Plastic Shopping Bags

PJ Media

The plastic bags were Satan because they were assaulting dolphins — it’s always dolphins — or something. Another switch was on, this time to either the tree-killing paper bags, or reusable bags made out of a variety of things…It turns out that the reusable bags are filthy little germ catchers and carriers, the last things anyone wants around while trying to slow the spread of a pandemic virus.


Dems Ignored Coronavirus During the Debates

Bill O’Reilly

So we have the top Democrats vying for the highest office in the nation, debating on a national stage in front of the American people over and over again, while the threat of the virus grows. And nobody says a word. Where were the Democrats for almost two months on the virus? And now the American people are supposed to believe that President Trump didn’t take action when it was obvious he should have?


Trump Campaign Anonymously Donating Meals to Hospitals Across the Country

Western Journal

The Trump campaign has been anonymously donating meals to hospitals in the areas hardest hit by the coronavirus outbreak, including New York, New Jersey, Michigan and Washington state…The Trump campaign has been quietly calling local restaurants and ordering large amounts of food to be delivered to hospitals in an effort to feed doctors, nurses and first responders and support local restaurants.


In a National Crisis, Biden Should Put Country Above Campaign

Daily Caller

While McCain and Obama jointly called for bipartisan cooperation in the face of a worrisome financial shock in 2008, Biden has instead been spreading panic and trying to score cheap political points. Biden’s first instinct was to go on the attack, when it should have been to calm a nervous nation.


Trump Is in Total Command

Rush Limbaugh

There’s nobody that can compare with Trump just in terms of stage presence, daily presence, commanding leadership presence.


Nobody Knows How to Politicize a Pandemic Like Pelosi

Human Events

The Speaker is using the coronavirus to push through legislation for her very wealthy, very loyal base.


Stop Pointing Fingers. No One Was Ready for This Pandemic


Unless you’re hopelessly blinded by “Trump derangement syndrome,” you have to admit that President Trump has become a pretty good “war general.” He’s made several huge strategic decisions, unleashed trillions of federal dollars, put together important public-private partnerships, delegated lots of power to governors and surrounded himself with some of the best experts in the country

April 6

We Have Sacrificed Our Constitutional Freedom to Fight a Virus. Will We Ever Get Them Back?


The extent to which the government, at all level, driven on by the frenzied bleating of our national media has used this virus to lay siege to our civil liberties has been nothing short of astounding. The degree to which Americans have gone along with this slow motion revolution has been shocking.


Thousands of Doctors Agree Hydroxychloroquine Is Best Treatment for Coronavirus Patients


A new poll found thousands of doctors around the world have agreed that hydroxychloroquine is the best treatment for the coronavirus.


Governor Cuomo Must Stop Denying New Yorkers Hydroxychloroquine 

Fox News

Sean Hannity: Because of an executive order issued by the Democratic governor, any new prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine must go through the already overrun hospital system. This makes no sense…The federal government has tens of millions of doses and has made millions of doses available to the New York governor.


Media Mystified as U.S. Rallies Behind Trump Amid Coronavirus Crisis

NY Post

For decades, Americans have rallied behind their president in time of crisis, so it’s no mystery that President Trump’s approval ratings are up. Except, that is, to anti-Trump obsessives — including much of the media.


Trump Is Taking the Lead in the Campaign to Save America

Daily Caller

As COVID-19 makes uncertainty an everyday reality, where no one and no thing is spared, all bets are off when it comes to predicting what lies ahead, and who will lead us there. Yet if you had to make one wager today, bet on President Donald Trump to keep his job for another four years.


Sweden Has Avoided Isolation and Economic Ruin

National Review

Lots of people are rushing to discredit Sweden’s approach, which relies more on calibrated precautions and isolating only the most vulnerable than on imposing a full lockdown. While gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited and high schools and colleges are closed, Sweden has kept its borders open as well as its preschools, grade schools, bars, restaurants, parks, and shops.


100% of the Population Now Infected with Something Far Worse Than Coronavirus


The calamitous condition from which we all suffer is called mortality….The good news is that you’re not meant to be mortal…If we take even a cursory glance at the Bible, the source of truth irrespective of whether you believe it, we can see this amazing good news plastered everywhere.


Dems’ Virus Mismanagement Barbs Won’t Stick to Trump


Conrad Black: The new Democratic pre-electoral chorus is already audibly arising like a Wagnerian finale from the largely hidden choir. President Trump, they intone, bungled this and must be investigated for his incompetence which is costing countless American lives.


It’s Unconstitutional to Keep Stores Open While Closing Churches

The Federalist

It’s a dangerous precedent that government could consider itself the arbiter of private essential services.


George W. Bush Enjoys Positive Press for Tale of Pandemic Preparation

Washington Examiner

Get ready for a round of strange new respect for President George W. Bush. The man who is held personally responsible for the state and local failures of Hurricane Katrina is enjoying some positive press this weekend following the publication of a report detailing his efforts as president to prepare the United States for a viral outbreak.


The Coronavirus Monsters on Main Street

American Conservative

Like a bad Twilight Zone trip, we are frantically searching for someone or something to blame, and Trump gets the brunt.


Coronavirus Meltdowns

American Greatness

Is the bad and self-negating behavior of so many of Trump’s enemies setting him up for an even more impressive victory in the fall?

Winds of Change

Bill O’Reilly: The false, far-left belief that big government is the key to a satisfying life for people has been shattered. The repressive Chinese Communists, who Bernie Sanders admires for combating poverty, are directly responsible for the plague. Also, the UN-funded Word Health Organization enabled the totalitarians in Beijing to lie to the world.


April 7

Might Trump Reopen America Before April 30?

American Thinker

The good news is we are seeing cracks in fake news media’s wall of doomsday corona reporting. Why? Because the predicted catastrophic numbers of corona deaths have not happened.


Are Covid-19 Deaths Being Overreported?

American Greatness

Let’s just say that bureaucratic guesswork is unacceptable while the economy is in chaos, tens of millions are suddenly out of work, and power-hungry government tyrants arrest surfers and pastors for daring to violate “social distancing” decrees handed down to their local authorities by Beltway lifers.


The Supreme Court Should Reopen


Like grocery stores and pharmacies for our local communities, the Supreme Court holds a vital role for our nation’s health. And with our essential local businesses moving to digital service where possible, our federal court should follow suit.


Maybe Nature Shouldn’t Be Worshiped After All


Dennis Prager: Maybe the coronavirus will awaken young people, who have been taught by nature-worshiping teachers and raised by nature-worshiping parents, to the idiocy of worshiping nature rather than subduing it. Nature, it turns out, is not our friend, let alone a god. If it were up to nature, we’d all be dead.


Democrat State Representative Credits Hydroxychloroquine, Trump with Saving Her Life

Big League Politics

A member of the Michigan legislature who was diagnosed with Chinese coronavirus is crediting hydroxychloroquine and President Trump’s suggestion of the drug’s effectiveness with saving her life. Rep. Karen Whitsett of Detroit learned that she had tested positive for coronavirus on Monday, but began taking the drug last month when experiencing severe symptoms of the disease.


Reporter Asks Trump Why the Supermarkets and Fast Food Restaurants Haven’t Been Closed

Todd Starnes

One of the unintended bright spots in this global pandemic has been the opportunity for the American people to see how much the White House Press Corps hates President Trump. It’s not so much about asking legitimate questions, it’s all about gotcha questions.


White House Press a Peanut Gallery at Truth’s Expense


It’s becoming harder and harder to resist the notion that the First Amendment is wasted on clowns supposedly covering the Trump administration. Between their posturing for the camera and their reflexive oppositional stance to any initiatives associated with Trump, it’s difficult to see these “Guardians of the First Amendment” as anything but petulant adolescents.


CBS Tweets Nurse’s Phony Story About Being Forced to Treat Virus Patients without a Mask


CBS News posted a video of a crying nurse who claimed she was forced to quit her job after being asked to work in a coronavirus ICU without a face mask, only for it to emerge that the woman hadn’t worked at the hospital for over a year.


How Capitalism Is Helping the U.S. to Defeat Coronavirus

CNS News

Countless businesses, large and small, are now stepping up to aid both in combating the invisible enemy and in helping Americans who are hurting physically and financially at this time. This is in part the genius of a free market system and why it’s ultimately more successful than, say, socialism.


Coronavirus Is Not a Justification for a Police State

Daily Caller

Governors must narrowly tailor any limits they place on Americans’ movement in their communities and across states as temporary. A federal shelter-in-place order should be prevented at all costs. Public health should absolutely be protected, but so too should the constitutional rights of Americans under the Constitution.


There Has to Be a More Balanced Course on Coronavirus Than the One We’re on

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: It’s time to start caring about the entire population during the coronavirus crisis. Healthy people are suffering badly, too.


Crackdown on Lone Surfers and Paddleboarders Threaten to Erode Respect for Law Enforcement Even Further

PJ Media

Here in Southern California, we have seen police officers ticketing a surfer on an otherwise empty beach, citing people for sitting in parked cars while watching a sunset, and, in what may be the most farcical display of them all, using not just one but two boats to corral and arrest a lone paddleboarder off the coast of Malibu.


Celebs to Fete and Raise Money for Beijing Bootlickers at WHO

Washington Examiner

Reading the room of an increasingly unemployed and petrified nation, network news has decided to join forces with perhaps the only two other institutions more reviled than themselves: celebrities and the Beijing bootlickers at the World Health Organization.


China Shouldn’t Make Our Drugs

National Review

This is the country that threatened to cut off our supply of medicines and plunge the U.S. into “the mighty sea of coronavirus.”


April 8

Fauci Now Is Part of the Problem, Not the Solution

American Thinker

The CDC expedited the vaccine process in 2009 and got it done in just 5 months. But Fauci’s NIH is in charge of this one, and Fauci says that it can’t be done in less than 12 to 18 months.


The Models Used to Shut Down America Were Way Off

Rush Limbaugh

It’s exactly as I feared, exactly as I warned. The models, we’re told, have turned out to be way off. They overpredicted death.


We Must Ask the Experts How They Screwed Up the Coronavirus Models So Badly

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: Before we go ahead and alter our lives and our country forever, it is fair to ask about the coronavirus numbers — their numbers, the ones we acted on the first time that turned out to be completely wrong


Why Social Distancing Might Actually Result in More Coronavirus Deaths

The Federalist

What the media and policymakers are not telling us is that the longer we delay the development of herd immunity, the more elderly or high-risk people will become infected and die.


Trump Must Ban ABC’s Jon Karl from White House Press Pool

Community Digital News

During the April 6 Coronavirus presidential press conference, Chair of the White House Correspondents Association and ABC reporter John Karl went the full Karl Nifong. Karl began his tale of lies by bringing up an inspector general of one department who said Trump did something bad.


NBC News Uncritically Spreads Chinese Coronavirus Death Toll Figures


Far-left NBC News — a fake news outlet that hires bigots, engages in blacklisting, practices McCarthyism, spreads conspiracy theories, suppresses inconvenient news, engages in cover ups, and deliberately misleads the public — is now publishing Chinese propaganda about the coronavirus death counts.


Total U.S. Deaths in March 2020 Are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior 4 Years

The Gateway Pundit

After shutting down the government and killing the greatest economy in the world due to deathly estimates from specialists on the coronavirus, the data is showing that this may be one great big mistake or hoax.

Apr 8, 2020

Why Do the Media Want to Divide Coronavirus into a Red vs Blue Issue?

Washington Examiner

With President Trump at the helm, he is most often the focus of criticism in terms of how he is leading us through this storm. Even as members of the media preach solidarity during turmoil, some try to score cheap points by pitting red states against blue states. This is not helpful.


Bankrupting America


John Stossel: You can stretch a rubber band only so far, until it breaks. Our debt will wreck our children’s lives. Yet, today politicians mostly talk about spending more.


Trump’s Leadership in Pandemic Paves Way to Reelection

American Greatness

The president has admirably mobilized the natural desire of Americans to rise to a national challenge, part of which is generally a rallying behind the leader, as long as the leader knows how to lead.


Denial and Blame at The New York Times

CNS News

Almost every media outlet has published or broadcast news stories about the pandemic that could look embarrassing in the clarity of hindsight. But The New York Times and The Washington Post and their television repeaters are going to pretend relentlessly that only the conservatives ever downplayed the virus and only the conservatives can be accused of “costing lives” with their cavalier opinions.


Coronavirus Isn’t Disrupting the Media’s Anti-Conservative, Anti-Christian Bias

Daily Caller

Jerry Falwell Jr: So why is the mainstream media — some of whom were railing against campus closures just a few weeks ago — now disingenuously claiming that Liberty University displayed a “staggering level of ignorance” by letting anyone return to campus on an as-needed basis? The answer, unfortunately, is that anti-conservative and anti-Christian biases pervade much of the media.


Liberal Groups Spend More Than $20 Million Attacking Trump and GOP on Coronavirus

Washington Free Beacon

Democrats have used the outbreak in recent weeks to campaign in battleground states that could determine the presidential election, including PA, MI, and WI. Liberal advocacy groups and super PACs are airing ads slamming the president as slow in responding to the pandemic. The multimillion-dollar efforts are fueled by groups bankrolled by some of the party’s top donors, including billionaires Donald Sussman and George Soros.


Nurse Threatens to Deny Trump Supporter Coronavirus Treatment


The nurse was responding to a man called George S. Martan who posted a photo of himself wearing a face mask with ‘Trump 2020’ embroidered onto it. “My wife sewed this face mask today to protect me from the Wuhan Virus and show support for Trump,” commented the man. “I’ll see you in ER. Please wear your mask so when we have to decide who gets the vent, it’ll be easier. Thanks,” responded nurse Erika Waters.


April 9

“I’ll Have the Chicken Testicle Soup, Hold the Deadly Virus”

Ann Coulter

The media would prefer if you would stop asking this question, but Americans who didn’t have to die are dead because of Wall Street’s decision to merge our economy with the Chinese, who have unusual eating habits. The Chinese eat wolf pups. But eating dog wasn’t weird enough. It didn’t give them a frisson of freakishness. They also eat bats, snakes and chicken testicles.


We Can’t Wait for a Vaccine! Show Some Empathy for the Economic Tragedy

Rush Limbaugh

I understand these medical people. I know where they’re coming from. They seem to have no empathy for the pain this is causing.


Trump’s Wasted Briefings

Wall Street Journal

The sessions have become a boring show of President vs. the press.


Liberal Nonsense Is Looking Dumber Than Ever Now


Kurt Schlichter: When we beat this pandemic… maybe we as a culture will put away childish things for good. Things like promiscuous racism whining. Ah, those were the days, back when blocking off travel into the U.S. from that festering petri dish of disease that is China was RACIST!…Yeah, it turns out that keeping out inhabitants of the Land of the Commie Bat Gobblers wasn’t racist – it was prudent.


Trump Was Right, Cuomo Was Wrong About Ventilator Needs

The Federalist

The media treated Cuomo’s claims of needing 30,000 ventilators as legitimate, and the Trump administration’s competing claims as dubious.


White House Press Corps Exposed as Blatantly Biased


Freedom of the press isn’t something we can take for granted and in the White House briefing room, it doesn’t even exist anymore. One America’s Pearson Sharp explains how the biased Press Corps is trying to shut down news organizations like OAN for not pushing their left-wing narrative. (Video)


The Grand Farce of American Social Distancing

CNS News

Michelle Malkin: How long must we carry on the charade? Public health autocrat Anthony Fauci insists we must continue living like this until there are “no new cases” and “no new deaths” — and until a vaccine (which his control-freak pal Bill Gates is working overtime to foist on the world) is in place. This is nuts. The zero-cases/zero-deaths standard doesn’t exist for any other pandemic.


Fauci’s Folly

American Thinker

Just who does this guy think he is? And why aren’t more Americans demanding President. Trump stop him?


Where Is God in the Coronavirus? Jesus Is Suffering with Us

PJ Media

All this suffering poses a problem for Christians who believe that God is all good, all-knowing, and all-powerful. Yet the Bible provides answers — and some solace to those who are suffering.


Celebrating Holy Week During a Voluntary Self-Quarantine

Community Digital News

Quarantine offers a special opportunity to enjoy Holy Week in a new way. Search the internet for inspiring messages, professional gospel performers or purchase motivational books to share with the family. Or, perhaps, take the time to enjoy reading Scripture around the table or have devotions prior to a good night’s sleep…We often complain about our hectic pace of life—well for many that is no longer an excuse.


Coronavirus Has Exposed Planned Parenthood’s Self-Interest

Daily Caller

When abortion businesses carry on operations as though we aren’t going through a national emergency, it not only puts patients at risk of contracting the virus, but it also diverts personal protective equipment which could otherwise be used to treat persons who are actually ill. Planned Parenthood has solicited such equipment to perform abortions, in spite of the needs of those suffering with COVID-19.


A Mitigation Disaster

American Spectator

A national stay-at-home order would be deadlier than COVID-19.


What Exactly Is Biden’s Position on the Pandemic?

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: What matters in moments like this are the big things, and at the top of that list is who should lead this world going forward? Should it be the United States or should it be the government of China? Anyone who has trouble answering that question probably won’t be the president.


Chicago Mayor Defends Coronavirus Haircut and Funding for Illegal Immigrants

Todd Starnes

Lori Lightfoot, the pro-illegal-immigrant mayor from Chicago, signed an executive order freeing up city funds undocumented residents after she was forced to respond to critics for disobeying a stay-at-home state mandate and getting a haircut.


AOC Remained in Posh D.C. Apartment as Coronavirus Ravaged Her District

Washington Free Beacon

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) spent the opening weeks of the coronavirus outbreak in her luxury Washington, D.C., apartment as the deadly virus ravaged her New York City district. On April 1, Ocasio-Cortez held a “virtual forum” with New York City constituents from her lavish apartment building in D.C.’s swanky Navy Yard neighborhood.

It’s Time to Stop the Sickening Cuomo Brothers Feel-Good Pandemic Variety Show

NY Post

We know CNN thinks of itself as the chief public relations officer for the Democratic Party, but usually that just means liberal journalists pushing liberal talking points. When it’s time to interview maybe the most important elected liberal Democrat in the entire country, CNN might want to make it a little less obvious than sending the gov’s own little brother to hit him with questions such as, “You’re the man right now. Why is that?”


It Turns Out We Have Enough Ventilators and They May Do More Harm Than Good

Rush Limbaugh

Time in and time out, when Trump says something that drives the media nuts, makes them go insane, and it’s every day and it’s multiple times a day, it is later proven beyond doubt that Trump was correct.


Media Panicked Over Chloroquine But New Data Suggest It’s Ventilators That Are Killing People


Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, an ER and critical care doctor from New York City, concluded that ventilators were doing more harm than good over a week ago and suggested oxygen as a superior treatment.


Indiana Governor to Churches: Worship as I Say or Be Shut Down

The Federalist

The governor is telling Christians how worship must be done and with stricter rules than for all other public gatherings. That is none of his damned business.


Cue the Liberal Implosion: Trump Has the Highest Approval of His Presidency


Looks like despite the constant media hounding of President Donald Trump over the virus response, people are disregarding the media’s negative attitude and are giving the president the highest approval rating of his presidency on Thursday.


No, Coronavirus Isn’t the Result of Racism

Washington Examiner

Black people are being hit especially hard by the coronavirus. This has already prompted multiple commentators, and even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself, to deem this microscopic pathogen a racist and even demand reparations for slavery as part of the next coronavirus relief package.


Lockdowns Won’t Stop the Spread

Wall Street Journal

The belief that it is worth sacrificing anything and everything at the altar of flattening the coronavirus curve is foolish. But many leaders are behaving that way. We need a clearer picture of all that is at stake before those at the helm burn down the village to save it.


Radical Environmentalists’ Giddiness in Pandemic Exposes True Aims

Daily Signal

While the country and really the whole world is enmeshed in stopping the COVID-19 pandemic, Obama and many others on the left are desperately trying to get Americans to embrace their agenda. Incredibly, and certainly revealingly, some on the left even tout our current crisis as some kind of model for how we can address climate change.


Economic Illiterates Are Running Amok


Kurt Schlichter: One particularly terrifying consequence of the Chinese Bat Soup Virus that is not yet getting the attention it deserves is how this situation is making already stupid liberals even dumber, especially when they sound off about economics. In the wake of this pandemic, we’ve been subjected to a series of mind-numbing insights from the pinko blue check brain trust that reaffirms the clichéd but true observation that our elite is anything but elite.


NY County Finds Trump Delivered Not Only 200K Masks He Promised, But 50K Extra in Just 2 Days

Western Journal

In New York’s Suffolk County, officials now have 251,200 protective masks for their stockpile — 51,200 more than were promised to the Long Island jurisdiction by Trump. The delivery comes after GOP New York Rep. Lee Zeldin and Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone looked for “urgent” assistance from the federal government in what’s quickly becoming one of the NYC-area hotspots for infections.


It’s Time to Boycott China Because of the Pandemic

Daily Caller

The world now faces the consequences of the Chinese Communist Party’s reprehensible behavior. Hundreds of thousands of people may die, millions face unemployment and economic hardship and trillions of dollars will be spent rebuilding economies, businesses, and infrastructure. The human and economic toll is staggering. China must be held accountable.


Chinese Interests Lining Up for Fire Sale of UK Businesses


Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has warned that Chinese interests are lining up to take advantage of the coronavirus crisis by buying “vast swathes of our strategic and manufacturing industries.” Last month, Chinese firm Jingye Group bought out British Steel.


April 13

We Never Signed on for Government by Epidemiologists


In our age of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as virally transmitted ones, it’s a wonder the epidemiologists haven’t sought to ban sex, although perhaps the notion of “safe sex,” of always using prophylactic protection, is a step in that direction.


After Fauci Stabs Trump in the Back, President Retweets Call to Fire Fauci

Geller Report

His models failed. His predictions failed. He has ill advised the President. Fire Fauci.


Is Trump Finally Getting Ready to Fire Fauci?

American Thinker

For the first time in the 2020 coronavirus crisis, President Trump has appeared to publicly put some major distance between himself and the Coronavirus Task Force’s principal medical advisor and spokesman, Anthony Fauci, M.D.


In Some Places, Easter Wasn’t Celebrated, It Was Being Fined

National Review

Some local officials came after religious organizations with unseemly zeal.


Government Officials Use Pandemic as Excuse to Attack Christianity

The Federalist

Declaring religious services to be ‘non-essential’ is beyond the rightful role of government. Instead, officials should equally apply all limits.


When Worshipping God Becomes Civil Disobedience


During Easter weekend, Christians around the country were ticketed for gathering to worship despite “authorities” banning services.


Pony Express or Phony Express? Mail-In Voting Another Liberal Scheme

Community Digital News

Nancy Pelosi is at it again. Digging through her scheming little California mind to come up with another quick hit for votes. Like the pony express (more like the phony express) “uniting the country” nonsense in 1860, so is Nancy’s nonsense for mail-in voting. Like the quick change of ponies by the express riders, so is the quick change of vote counts through fraud.


How to Open America Safely But Soon

Fox News

Anyone pushing the recurring shutdown idea has no clue about how the economy actually works. Uncertainty is a killer for business, for consumers and for workers. We need to reopen and stay open.


Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Is Not Vice-Presidential Material

Washington Examiner

Just a year into the job, Whitmer’s tenure as governor has already been a categorical disaster. While campaigning, she promised to “fix the damn roads,” only to propose doing so, once in office, by tripling the gas tax…Now, Michigan has become a coronavirus hot spot, putting both Whitmer’s sheer incompetence and petty authoritarianism on full display.


The Worst Governor in America

American Spectator

If Democrats would consider naming such a lightning rod as Democratic governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer to their ticket, it just shows how badly Trump Derangement Syndrome has warped their judgment. Insanity is everywhere nowadays, and Michigan residents are cursed to be ruled by the Mad Woman of Lansing.


The Very Remarkable President Donald Trump


History will note that Donald Trump was remarkable. In spite of more than 90 percent of media coverage of him being negative, in spite of every Democrat consistently opposing anything he wants to do, and in spite of some members of his own party being against him, he has managed to change the direction of the country.


Wall of Doom Being Erected in America

Bill O’Reilly: There are Americans, including some media chieftains, who believe four more years of President Trump is actually worse for the country than the contagion. So while the virus is amongst us, it should be used to damage the President as much as possible. Therefore, doom is a much better context than hope.


Seattle Field Hospital Dismantled Because It’s Not Needed

Rush Limbaugh

Of course, Inslee will never apologize. And they’re killing the regional economy in Seattle like they’re killing the regional economy everywhere else.


If Colleges Owe Student Refunds, It’s Not Because of the Pandemic

The College Fix

As students learn online from home, for the first time many parents will see what their children are really learning…To be fair, the standard science, arithmetic and writing classes are still offered…But mixed in with those courses, at every turn, is a suffocating blend of identity politics and left-leaning pedagogy.


April 14

It’s Time to Let People Back into Church

Washington Examiner

This past weekend, amid the broad coronavirus shutdown, you nevertheless could buy your Mad Dog 20/20 at your liquor store. You could pick up your shiplap and wood stain at Home Depot. Dozens of people could congregate under one roof, as long as it was a Big Box store.


It’s Time for the President to Address Our Economic Relaunch

American Greatness

If the president acts carefully and puts the issues squarely, he will succeed, the economy will recover quickly, and he will be invincible in November.


Reopening the Economy at Last

Wall Street Journal

At long last our political leaders are considering how they can reopen the American economy they put into a destructive coma.


Coronavirus Authoritarianism Is Getting Out of Hand

National Review

There has been lots of pounding of keyboards over the power grabs of authoritarians in Central and Eastern Europe. Rightly so. Yet right here, politicians act as if a health crisis gives them license to lord over the most private activities of America people in ways that are wholly inconsistent with the spirit and letter of the Constitution.


How Does Fauci Get Away with It?

Rush Limbaugh

Dr. Fauci is being turned to as the totally accountable and you-can’t-question-what-he-says expert on all of these things that have nothing to do with his medical qualifications. This is not right. It’s grossly unfair to President Trump. It’s grossly unfair to all of us.


How Overprotecting People from Covid-19 Could Make It More Lethal

American Thinker

Our current everyone-stay-home approach is anything but enlightened by immunological theory. Quite the opposite.


Dems Plan to Use Covid-19 to Steal 2020 Elections


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is still using the COVID-19 crisis to push for nationwide voting-by-mail, claiming that to do otherwise would equal voter suppression…But President Trump knows it would lead to widespread fraud.


CBS’s Reid Melts Down in Angry Battle with Trump, Sadly Channeling Acosta


Monday’s White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing was a barn burner. Between the video showing the liberal media downplaying the virus, clips of Democrats praising President Trump, and reporters losing it, it had everything. But most notable was CBS White House correspondent Paula Reid getting in a shouting match with Trump that seemed to imply she was blaming him for the deaths of over 23,000 Americans.


Trump Takes Down CBS Reporter: “You’re So Disgraceful”

Big League Politics

President Donald Trump pushed back against CBS News reporter Paula Reid in no uncertain terms during Monday’s press conference, taking her to task in an exchange reminiscent of the President’s most belligerent exchanges with CNN showman Jim Acosta.


Some Rationale Perspectives on Covid-19

Power Line

Currently our economy is being decimated, not by a disease but by a series of governmental shutdown orders that have closed most businesses and resulted in millions of layoffs. These orders were based not on experience, but on models that we now know were wrong.


In Confronting the Coronavirus Crisis, Trump Gets It

Daily Caller

Outside the glare of the TV cameras, however, it is the president, perhaps alone, who is trying to take meaningful steps that will actually improve the chances the United States will be better prepared to both avert a future health crisis imported from outside our borders as well as to respond to health crises wherever their origin.


Turkey Plans to Send Fresh Wave of Corona-Infected Migrants to Europe


Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan is planning to send a fresh wave of migrants to Europe, with officials fearing many of them will be infected with coronavirus…Intelligence has been produced showing how Turkish authorities have moved migrants from inland areas to the shore, where smugglers are waiting to ferry them to Europe.


For Michigan Governor Whitmer in the Coronavirus Crisis, It’s All About Power

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: Gov. Whitmer wants to be the vice president. She wants to be chosen by Joe Biden. That’s pretty clear, and she has calculated there is no penalty for petty authoritarianism. In fact, petty authoritarianism might make even mediocre politicians look strong and decisive. That’s her bet. She’s willing to destroy the people in her state in exchange.


April 15

Emails Show Fauci Was Admirer of Hillary

Western Journal

Emails obtained by hackers and released by Wikileaks years ago are still guiding part of the national conversation in 2020, and they demonstrate Fauci had a great admiration for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton…While Fauci has complimented Trump, questions of his allegiance are valid, given his previously expressed opinions on Clinton.


Fauci Admits That He and Dr. Birx Were the 2 Experts Who Gave Trump Their Garbage Predictions

The Gateway Pundit

Dr. Fauci admitted on Monday that it was he and Dr. Birx who persuaded President Trump to kill the economy. And they did this with wildly inaccurate models and predictions! Last week Trump admitted that back in March “two very smart people” came into his office and urged him to lock down the economy or 2.2 million Americans would die. But Trump did not disclose their identities.


Now Is Not (Yet) the Time to Cut Funding to the World Health Organization

Daily Signal

While many developed countries are currently in the midst of dealing with COVID-19, the disease is just now starting to affect many developing countries. Those countries will depend on the international community to assist them in responding to COVID-19, and an announcement that the U.S. is cutting funding to the WHO, regardless of the reality, will be interpreted as abandoning them.


Trump Cuts Off WHO from the American Teat

American Greatness

The World Health Organization is a front to redistribute money around the planet for lefty pet “health” projects and for some reason, they have been extremely deferential to China. The U.S. gives the WHO far more money than China does and it’s time to cut off the globalists from the American tax payer teat.


WHO Blocked Doctors from Urging Border Controls to Stop Spread of Coronavirus


The World Health Organization blocked doctors from urging countries to impose border controls to stop the spread of coronavirus, it has been revealed. While the organization was demanding countries impose zero border controls, it was also campaigning against the profiling of international travelers in order to prevent the “stigmatization” of Chinese people (hurt feelings).


Florida has Beaten the Surge

American Spectator

About two weeks ago, the number of new coronavirus cases reported in Florida hit a one-day peak, a key metric that has since declined by about 20 percent. Florida has reported a cumulative total of about 21,000 cases of COVID-19, which means the Sunshine State’s per-capita infection rate is about 90 percent lower than New York’s. However, the good news hasn’t been reported in the national media.


Covid-19 Almost Cured Chris Cuomo of Journalism

Washington Examiner

CNN’s Chris Cuomo suffered a sort of existential crisis this week, confessing outright during a radio interview that he considers what he does for a living to be soul-crushing and devoid of any real meaning. Unfortunately, his moment of clarity lasted not 24 hours before he performed a full backtrack, claiming he never said the things he said about CNN, his job, and journalism.


It’s Time for Faith Over Fear on Coronavirus


Alveda King (MLK niece): With all too many of the news and daily reports filled with fear and terror regarding COVID-19, I don’t know about you, but I believe that it is time to exercise faith over fear. We must join President Trump; we must pray rather than panic.


Biblically Unclean Animals Responsible for Pandemic


Nearly every influenza pandemic for the last 1,000 years would have been prevented if the Bible’s prohibition against “unclean” animals had been headed, argues Bible teacher David Rives.


April 16

Sources Believe Coronavirus Outbreak Originated in Wuhan Lab

Fox News

There is increasing confidence that the COVID-19 outbreak likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory, though not as a bioweapon but as part of China’s attempt to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States, multiple sources who have been briefed on the details of early actions by China’s government and seen relevant materials tell Fox News.


Investigate the Wuhan Lab

Washington Examiner

The virus’s genetic code and its nonmaximal mortality rates suggest it came from a bat rather than a bioweapons lab project. Even if the science is strong that it originated with animal-to-human transmission, however, it’s plausible that it could have been the result of botched research into bats that infected a lab worker and got outside the facility.


Liberalism, Like the Wuhan Virus, Will Never Die

Ann Coulter

I notice that the same people telling Americans they must remain at home indefinitely were indignant about closing bathhouses in response to the AIDS epidemic. Back then, the media and gays said: “How dare you ask us to shut down the bathhouses! They’re part of gay culture. It would be like asking Catholics to stop visiting the Sistine Chapel” But putting the entire country under stay-at-home orders? No problem.


If Coronavirus Shutdown Is About Saving Lives, Surrender Your Vices

PJ Media

A million American lives are needlessly lost every single year, mostly from tobacco, followed by overeating and alcohol. Yet this hasn’t changed a thing; they are all legal. Why? Because of freedom and economics. You see, it’s your American right to smoke, drink, and overeat—just as it is the tobacco, alcohol, food, and drug companies’ right to profit from it.


The Pandemic Should Bring the Death of Birth Tourism

Daily Caller

America’s immigration problems are akin to a virus itself, with many strains and mutations. One problem that should be quickly targeted and terminated in the post-coronavirus world is the birth tourism scam.


Media on Coronavirus: Stenographers for the Elite

American Spectator

Reflexive opposition to President Trump means that the press has placed itself in a curious echo chamber with him. When he says something, almost literally anything, they feel that they need to correct it. If Trump is preaching hope, they need to correct it with despair. If Trump says this virus came from China, they have to say that it came from Europe.


Europe Goes Back to Work

Wall Street Journal

European politicians understand their economies have been in lockdown for months already and the economic and social costs aren’t sustainable. No one thinks a big-bang reopening is feasible, but making it past the peak disaster in hospitals or avoiding excessive stress on health-care systems allows for a phased return to whatever the post-virus normal will be.


We Are Approaching Covid-19 Gut-Check Time

National Review

Timelines grow shorter. The virus and the draconian reaction to it are wearing down a quarantined America.


Some Things Will Never Be the Same After the Chinese Coronavirus


Kurt Schlichter: Do you think that millions of college students and their parents haven’t noticed that the only difference between staring at a screen and staring at some hippie burnout prof run his filthy bunghole is that the students aren’t getting hammered in the dorms every night? The four-year party model of post-secondary education was headed for retirement anyway and this is really ripping away academia’s lame claims that campuses are necessary to get a real education.


Covid-19, Politicians and the Shredding of the U.S. Constitution

Community Digital News

Unlimited powers now imposed at the whims of politicians. Protesting is a non-essential activity. As is going to church to exercise our religions. Then it will be the confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens. Once you let one right go without challenge, the others will follow.


Democrats Hope Coronavirus Can Do What Mueller and Schiff Failed to Do

Rush Limbaugh

The Democrats know that keeping America shut down is the only way of destroying Trump’s number-one re-electable achievement.


Radical Islamists Continue Spewing Virus Conspiracy Theories


Radical Islamists of all stripes — from the Islamic State to the Islamic Republic of Iran — continue to spew conspiracy theories on the origins of the coronavirus. Jihadist groups like ISIS praise COVID-19 as divine punishment against infidels. Others, like Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, claim that the United States developed the coronavirus to hurt its adversaries.


Trump Is Totally Right to Cut U.S. Funding for WHO

NY Post

WHO’s mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic needs confronting before it does more damage. In particular, the organization spent weeks echoing Beijing’s lies about the threat and urging action that served the needs of China’s rulers — but not the world’s health.


What Does Reopening Look Like?

CNS News

Ben Shapiro: We should be looking to send young, healthy people back to work, and urging social distancing and isolation for those who are elderly or have preexisting conditions that raise coronavirus risks. We should retain social distancing for the young and healthy, urge mask wearing, and perform contact tracing when hot spots arise. We should continue to avoid large-scale gatherings.


Dem Defends Chinese Wet Markets in Face of Scientific Consensus About Their Dangers

Washington Free Beacon

An Illinois Democrat who has blamed President Trump for coronavirus deaths defended Chinese wet markets ignoring the scientific consensus that they are breeding grounds for deadly diseases. “I think we need to be careful about laying all the blame on a particular cultural practice in a country that we don’t live in,” Rep. Sean Casten (D., Ill.) told his constituents.


April 17

William Barr Is a Ray of Light During Dark Coronavirus Days

Washington Times

Attorney General William Barr has been magnificent in recent days. At a time of great constitutional distress, the attorney general is proving to be a calm, cool comfort who doesn’t just preach a good message, but follows through and actually, well — acts.


Trump Is Precisely the Kind of Leader We Need to Win Against an Invisible Enemy


Hope has been a critical element of his leadership during these difficult times.


We Are Making Kids Pay for the Coronavirus Shutdown. And That’s Not Fair

The Federalist

Our nation’s leaders are demanding that American children pay for this crisis through debt-financed spending, while depriving them of the education they need to make that even remotely possible.


Dems Will Say Republicans Value Money Over Lives

Rush Limbaugh

You know this is gonna happen, the president knows it’s going to happen, and it cannot stop us from reopening.


Dems Will Leverage Pandemic to Delegitimize a Trump November Win


The mainstream media drive hysteria about voting risks during this time so state leaders and members of Congress will continue to demand changes in voting laws for the presidential election and important down-ballot races. With those changes unlikely in many places, Democrats will then have their messaging ready.


Dems Weaponize Fauci


Democratic leaders and their media comrades have become “Faucists,” striving every day to distort and weaponize Fauci’s caution and credibility to contradict and undermine President Trump.


We Need a Manhattan Project to Create a Coronavirus Vaccine

American Greatness

It’s a sign of institutional failure and a lack of cultural vitality that we resort to the most draconian, most primitive response to a virus. And instead of science, we get scientism—the ritualistic display of competence rather than truth. We can and must do better.


Media Prefer Hating Trump to Helping America


The liberal media are urging Joe Biden to form a shadow government to upstage President Donald Trump’s crisis response effort, which illustrates its consuming partisanship — and its insufficient attention to the health and welfare of the American people.


One Governor Has Risen Above the Coronavirus Hysteria and Is Defending the Constitution

Daily Caller

Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is one of a few state governors who have not yet placed citizens under a stay-at-home order in response to the current outbreak. Not only has she not placed the order, she has been outspoken in her contention that doing so would stand against everything America is supposed to stand for.


Is Governor Whitmer Satan, Stalin or Both?

PJ Media

It is almost impossible to imagine that Michigan could have someone worse in charge at this critical time. Whitmer is one of those tedious Democrats in the Trump era who feel that their only job is to publicly spar with the president and make NBC News fall in love with them.


April 20

They Can’t Stop Us from Re-Opening America


Kurt Schlichter: The lib establishment and its media gerbils clearly think it’s in their interest to have the Bat Gobbler flu crisis continue indefinitely. They think it hurts Trump, plus they really love wielding power over you. Just look into the dead doll eyes of Governor Karen (D-Minncounsinigan) and you can see that forcing big box stores to tape off the seed section gives her a kind of erotic pleasure.


Why Don’t Dems Want to Restart the Economy?

Rush Limbaugh

Why do you want to continue with crushing job losses all across the country when the initial goals have been reached here? The vast majority of hospitals have not been overrun.


Will the Shutdown Cause More Deaths Than It Saves?

Power Line

We will see an unknown number of preventable deaths due to the suspension of much non-COVID related health care. Those who die because of the shutdown of “non-essential” care, including a large number of surgeries, will never be counted, and their names will not make headlines. But they represent one more cost of the overreaction to the Wuhan virus.


Greatest Threat America Faces During Pandemic Is Loss of Liberty

Washington Times

If anything is clear in the history of civilization, as well as that of the church, it is this: When you sacrifice human freedom for the sake of human safety, you almost always diminish the human being.


Mainstream Media Accuse Trump of Inciting Violence at Sunday Virus Briefing


Sunday afternoon’s White House virus briefing was low on new information but high on presidential clashes with the media, as President Trump skillfully defended himself against repeated low and petty gotcha questions from the press.


Dems Ignore Lockdown Protests at Their Peril

American Spectator

In addition to killing thousands of Americans and robbing millions more of their livelihoods, the COVID-19 outbreak has evidently deprived the Democrats of their political judgment. At the national and state levels they have disregarded voter lockdown protests with the same disdain with which they ignored the Tea Party movement ten years ago.


Government Employees. It’s Off to Work They Go, Doing Essentially Nothing

Community Digital News

Why do government employees get paid during this bureaucratic shutdown? They are hardly essential. Even the military will become (sadly) pointless to pay. Who would make war on several hundred million shut-ins (the United States) who soon will be starving to death anyway?


Angry Surfers on the March Against Quarantine in (Blue) Encitas, California

American Thinker

When the protests are coming from surfers, in places like Encinitas in southern California 


Governor Cuomo Sets Example on How Not to Respond to Pandemics


Gov. Cuomo says he is proud that the curve of new COVID-19 cases is declining. Yet the decline in new cases is a natural phenomenon that occurs with most epidemics — regardless of countermeasures taken.


Coronavirus Drives First-Time Buyers to Gun Stores

Washington Free Beacon

Many of the new gun owners cited concerns about personal protection as states began emptying jail cells and police departments announced they would no longer enforce certain laws.


America Was Sick Long Before Coronavirus Arrived

Washington Examiner

America may be the world’s only superpower today, but how long can that be sustained when so many of our citizens drag their neighbors down and are bursting the social safety net, which was designed to provide short-term assistance as opposed to a lifetime handout?…Unless we are willing to take our medicine and change our lifestyle and mentality, then our collective demise is unavoidable.


Tyrannical NJ Governor Phil Murphy Bans Annual Drive Through Tulip Farm

The Gateway Pundit

Owner Casey Jansen said he invested $1 million in planting all the bulbs in the fall. But the governor threatened to arrest Jansen if one car drives through his farm for the annual attraction! This is tyranny — plain and simple.


April 21

Chris Cuomo and CNN Stage a Fake Coronavirus Resurrection

Washington Examiner

The way the CNN anchor is telling it now, you would think that he has not left his basement since his alleged March 31 diagnosis. Is this part of an elaborate prank?No. This is CNN.


How the Media Completely Blew the Trump Ventilator Story

National Review

The administration handled the potential shortage deftly.


If Half the Nation’s Deaths Were in Montana, Would New York Shut Down?


Anyone with an open mind assumes that New Yorkers would not put up with ruining their economic and social lives and putting tens of millions of people out of work because of coronavirus deaths in North Carolina and Georgia, let alone Montana and Idaho.

Dem Governors Want to Extend the Economic Suffering

Rush Limbaugh

I don’t know how much more I can take of a political party and its governors actually attempting to extend this damage, to prolong the harm that is occurring to average, ordinary people.


“Stay Inside and Save Lives” — Actual Science Suggests Otherwise, But Politicians Don’t Care

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: The average politician has no incentive to follow the science and thus let the public outside.


National Institute of Health Gave Money to China to Study Bats


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) sent a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology during the Obama/Biden administration in 2015. That name probably sounds familiar to you because evidence points toward that institute being the source of the current “Wuflu” pandemic that’s busy killing Americans and their economy.


The Lockdown Rebellion

Wall Street Journal

Ordinary Americans protesting to reopen the economy face only contempt from elites…Though it is common to portray the protesters as putting profits over public health, these are hardly wealthy investors worried about their portfolios.


Montana County Orders Residents to Wear Mandatory Pink Wristbands in Order to Shop 

PJ Media

Someone is enjoying their newfound authority a little too much, don’t you think? The imagery of marking people to single them out for special treatment is unbelievably bad, hearkening back to Nazi brownshirts with their armbands and the stars they issued to the Jews.


Ivy League Bailout: Colleges with Billions Get More Millions

Campus Reform

Colleges and universities around the country are receiving billions in federal bailout money, and Ivy League institutions with billions of dollars in endowments are no exception. Based on data obtained from the Department of Education, Campus Reform identified just how much each of the eight Ivy League institutions are receiving as part of the CARES Act.


The Twisted Political Considerations That Are Going to Extend the Lockdowns and Deepen This Economic Depression


Even though some conservative states such as Georgia are moving very quickly to lift their “shelter-in-place” orders, many liberal states are going to drag their lockdowns out for as long as they think they can. All of this is extremely unfortunate, because our approach to this pandemic should have nothing to do with political considerations.


Fake News Journo Who Photographed First Responders Blocking Traffic Has History of Staging Medical Photo-Ops

Big League Politics

A photograph of so-called “first responders” standing in Denver traffic, apparently leaving their hospitals and neglecting coronavirus patients, to deny patriots the ability to demonstrate their constitutional rights is going viral. Liberals are calling these individuals heroic for their anti-constitutional demonstration, but it may have been a hoax as the journalist who took the pictures is known to stage photo ops.


Poisonous Lies: NY Times Blames Fox News for Man’s Death from Coronavirus


In the repugnant, never-ending liberal media crusade to not only annihilate but mortally wound Fox News (thus putting thousands out of work), New York Times columnist Ginia Bellafante took the not only false but grotesque plunge in her April 18 column blaming FNC for the April 9 death of 74-year-old Brooklyn bar owner Joe Joyce from the coronavirus.


Dems Hope Coronavirus Distracts Us from Biden’s Growing Dementia

Community Digital News

Clearly, Democrats and their fake news minions, saddled with a presidential standard-bearer in the early stages of dementia, hope to redirect America’s attention. Their go-to answer is the usual one: blaming Trump for everything connected to the coronavirus. They don’t want us to confirm our suspicion that Biden’s obviously afflicted with dementia and should withdraw from the race.


April 22

Compared to FDR, Trump Is a Crisis-Time Civil Liberties Champion

The Federalist

Compared with FDR, President Trump’s actions seem to be more restrained, popular, and guided by expert scientists. He doesn’t wiretap Democratic governors; he phones them to discuss options. No Democrat has yet complained of a targeted IRS audit. Those with coronavirus are quarantined, not relocated to internment camps.


America Must Reclaim the Life We Knew

Rush Limbaugh

The people who are advocating, “Oh, it’ll never go back to normal,” are people that don’t want it to be as good as it was in this country. That’s what you have to understand.

Biden Would Close Gun Stores Amid Pandemic

Washington Free Beacon

Gun-control activist and Joe Biden surrogate Fred Guttenberg said the presumptive Democratic nominee would shut down gun stores in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Guttenberg told the audience at a virtual town hall Monday that Trump was killing Americans by allowing gun stores to remain open, pointing to federal guidelines that labeled gun businesses “essential.”


Coronavirus Protestors Are Not Heroes of Civil Disobedience

National Review

We all deserve protection from the coronavirus, which is now our nation’s second-leading cause of death. To get it, we must cooperate and make sacrifices.


Rich Americans Flee to Luxury Doomsday Resort Shelters in New Zealand as Panic Grows


New Zealand has become the ‘doomsday resort’ and #1 pandemic escape destination for America’s rich. The ultra-wealthy have long bet that New Zealand would be the safest place in the world to hunker down during a global crisis, and so far that bet is proving right. One popular such destination within the country is Waiheke Island, dubbed “the Hamptons of New Zealand.”


Fake News Is the Greatest Threat to a Free Press


Liberal journalists complain constantly about President Trump’s supposed “attacks on the free press,” but by calling out the dishonesty and bias that tarnish the integrity of the entire profession, Donald Trump is arguably the greatest defender of the First Amendment ever.


Sweden’s Unique Approach to Covid-19 Is Preserving Economic Freedom

Daily Signal

Time will tell about the efficacy of Sweden’s notable public policy health experiment in dealing uniquely with the coronavirus pandemic. However, one thing is quite clear. The country has taken a stand for economic freedom, and its economic recovery at the very least should be swift and durable.


Our National Media Suffers from Employment Privilege and It’s Showing


The press is attacking states like Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina, because those journalists are based in major metropolitan areas and simply do not understand life in these rural areas. They, you’ll note, are still employed. They are still working. They aren’t hurting in the economic ways people in these states are. They are based in and around Washington D.C. and New York City.


Trump Suspension of Immigration Over Coronavirus Will Protect Our Health, Jobs and Wages

Fox News

President Trump is acting properly and justifiably to temporarily suspend immigration to the U.S. for at least 60 days in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.


Killing Liberty, Coronavirus-Style

American Thinker

People in power are using the coronavirus as a cover to advance the deconstruction of America without opposition.


A Call for Freedom, a Fear of Unemployment

American Spectator

Now nationally the unemployment ranks have filled to 13 percent of the population in a country that a month ago was at record high employment. It will get worse. Does it take open rebellion to get the attention of America’s elected officials?


How Democratic Ballot Harvesting Could Leave Seniors Vulnerable to Coronavirus

Just The News

We know how COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on senior citizen nursing homes across the country, but as November’s general election inches forward, there’s a political virus that very well could be in the air as well: “granny farming,” a practice in which political operatives seek out massive groups of senior citizens to help them request mail-in ballots and then assist them in filling their ballots out when they arrive.


Ivy Greed

Daily Caller

The Ivy League is comprised of eight elite private colleges that control endowments with a combined value of over $140 billion as of 2019. The schools are set to receive a combined $61.7 million in taxpayer-funded federal coronavirus stimulus funding.


April 23

The Dems Totally Want a Depression


The indisputable fact is that they’re totally cool with that if that is what gets them back into power. Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony.


Media Lionize Governors Whose States Have Rampant Coronavirus Outbreaks

Washington Examiner

They are the governors most celebrated by the media for their handling of the coronavirus. They are Democrats. They are frequent critics of President Trump. And they govern states with some of the worst numbers associated with the outbreak.


Georgia’s Governor Kemp Seeks Return to Normalcy, Becomes Public Enemy #1

Rush Limbaugh

He’s being destroyed by the health and medical experts in the administrative state. He’s being destroyed by the Drive-By Media.


Dems Preparing New Coronavirus Committee to Grandstand Against Trump

Big League Politics

Impeachment 2.0?


How Cowardice and Class Privilege Divide Support for Lockdowns

The Federalist

All worthwhile activities always involve risk of death—to oneself and others. That is no excuse for assuming a fetal position and failing to live one’s life.


Rich Colleges Seeking Coronavirus Handouts Deserve “F”

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: We need better laws. Not a single cent ever should be spent making rich universities even richer. They do enough harm to this country.


Lockdowns and Closures Are an Assault on the Constitution

Gregg Jarrett

To put it plainly, government may not issue edicts —even during a public health crisis— that abridge the rights that are guaranteed in the Constitution.


Days After Trump Cut WHO Funding, Michelle Obama Helped Raise Millions for Incompetent Globalist Org

Western Journal

Michelle Obama and Laura Bush were willing to lend their imprimatur to an incompetent global organization that was willing to shill for China. At the same time, Trump was willing to defund that organization for being willing to shill for China. Which one do you think did a better job standing up to China?


Professor Warns Cancer Deaths Due to Covid-19 Disruption Will Be Greater Than Deaths from Coronavirus


Richard Sullivan, a professor of cancer and global health at King’s College London has warned that there will be more excess cancer deaths over the next 5 years than the number of people who die from coronavirus in the UK due to the disruption caused by the coronavirus lockdown, which is preventing cancer victims from getting treatment.


April 24

Jared Kushner Is the Man to Help Win the Coronavirus War


He was someone who had proven to the president that he could get things done. He knew how to bore into the essentials of an issue. He knew how to think strategically. He knew how to spot talent and he knew how to get people to work together.


William Barr Is Just the Man to Fix the Chinese Communist Party Virus

Washington Times

Present shutdowns, Barr warns, come perilously close to “house arrest.”


Antibody Testing Proves We’ve Been Had


There is simply no other way to state this. Nearly everything we’ve been told about models, rates of infection, deaths, and recoveries was inaccurate.


The Illness Isn’t Death. 98% Recover

Rush Limbaugh

Ladies and gentlemen, do you realize how vapid that is? The illness is not death. There’s a 98% recovery rate. That number is out, it hasn’t been refuted.


RFK Jr Claims Fauci and Gates Foundation Will Make Millions on Coronavirus Vaccine 

The Gateway Pundit

Bobby Kennedy Jr., the son of the late former US Attorney General and the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, is warning the world of the perils of vaccinations. He claims the push for more vaccines is all about the money.


The Covid-19 Scandal: Billionaire Bill Gates and WHO


It is a massive problem that non-democratically elected Bill Gates shapes our democracies with “philanthropist” billions. Gates pushed the idea of the pandemic of the century. He even suggested in a recent interview, that the opening up should not come until there is a digital immunity proof documenting who is vaccinated or not. The vaccine would be Gates-owned, we assume.


Chris Cuomo’s Wife’s Crackpot Coronavirus Treatments Could Put People in Danger

Washington Examiner

Cristina Cuomo has been documenting her family’s experience with the coronavirus. Some elements of “The Cuomos’ Corona Protocol” include commonsense nutrition, such as an abundance of ginger, olive oil, vitamins B and C, spinach, and cayenne. The rest of it, however, is pseudoscience at best and medical malpractice at worst.


We Cannot “Reopen” America

The Bulwark

No matter when government stay-at-home orders are revoked, the American economy will not reopen. Because the source of the economic shock is not government orders. It’s the pandemic.


Pelosi Wipes Dripping Nose, Then Touches House Podium During Speech

Wayne Dupree

The woman who claims she will lead the charge to end coronavirus can’t even practice normal human hygiene.


We Have Never Seen an Economic Collapse Quite Like This and It Is Largely Self-Inflicted


Most of us should be allowed to get back to work, because most of the population is eventually going to catch this virus no matter what we do. As long as our hospitals can handle it, we should proceed with life as normal.


Trump Vows Hoity Toity Universities with Billions in the Bank Will Give Back Money

PJ Media

President Trump announced Thursday that Ivy League universities with big fat endowments have been shamed into giving back government coronavirus money intended for struggling small businesses.


The Needs of the Few and the Paralysis of Perfectionism

American Greatness

But the response to COVID-19, should it be an overreaction, highlights a trend in American society that has grown over the past several decades into an overwhelming problem. Increasingly, we are paralyzing ourselves, losing individual freedoms, and squandering our prosperity as a nation in the pursuit of impossible perfection.


The Wuhan Virus Pandemic Has Exposed the American Ruling Class

American Thinker

The people be damned as long as Donald Trump and his populist movement, the most 


New Homeland Security Research Shows Sunlight, Humidity Kill Coronavirus Quickly

Just the News

“Increasing the temperature and humidity of potentially-contaminated indoor spaces appears to reduce the stability of the virus,” William N. Bryan, acting under secretary for Science and Technology for the Department of Homeland Security, said at the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing.


Violent Threats, Hate Mail Hit Raleigh Church for Holding Services for Under 10 People

The Federalist

“It’s great that dog grooming, gin, guns, and garden supplies are essential,” says Pastor Kevin Martin, chuckling at the irony, “but the body and blood of Christ are not.”


Coronavirus Heroes and Villains

Daily Caller

Heroes include Patriots owner Bob Kraft and Las Vegas hotel owner Sheldon Adelson. Villains include Ivy League colleges and private equity-owned companies.


April 27

Trump Didn’t Tell People to Drink Drano or Inject Lysol

Rush Limbaugh

He never said it, never implied it, didn’t ask if this is possible.


No, Trump Did Not Just Literally Tell People to Inject Disinfectant


Trump was far from a model of clarity, but he did not actually propose injecting patients with disinfectant; he deferred to “medical doctors” to figure out how to apply Dr. Bryant’s research.


April 28

Testing Shows Lockdowns Are Actually Harmful


Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, two California physicians with advanced degrees in microbiology, contend that their testing of more than 5,200 patients along with public data show the coronavirus is no more deadly than the seasonal flu and that the sheltering-in-place policy in the United States and most of the Western world not only is unnecessary, it’s harmful.


Our Dress Rehearsal for a Police State


The federal, state, county and city governments are now restricting almost every freedom. Americans have been banned from going to work (and thereby earning a living), meeting in groups (both indoors and outdoors), meeting in their cars in church parking lots to pray and entering state-owned properties such as beaches and parks — among many other prohibitions.


U.S. Intel Officials Believe 45,000 Corpses Were Incinerated in One Fortnight in Wuhan


It is believed that US intelligence has in its possession satellite images showing funeral homes in Wuhan overwhelmed by dead bodies. Officials believe that incinerators have been in constant use for 24 hours a day since the outbreak began.


Did Trump Err in Criticizing Georgia Governor Brian Kemp?

American Thinker

Has he miscalculated? Might his dump on Kemp lose him critical support from his heretofore loyal voting base?


Recharged Trump Holds Press Conference


The president was on his game Monday.


“I’ve Worked the Coronavirus Front Line and I Say It’s Time to Start Opening Up”

NY Post

Daniel Murphy: I’m an emergency physician at St. Barnabas Hospital in The Bronx…At present, the testing is ­imperfect. We can’t wait months. We must protect the vulnerable and mitigate without destroying the economy. Standing up to this virus can’t be the job of essential workers only. We’ve been strong, but we’re tired, and we need the rest of you to help us. By getting back to work.


Will Texas Lead the American Resurgence from Coronavirus Lockdown?

The Federalist

For now, all eyes will be on the Lone Star State to see if its phased reopening works. If it does, it should serve as a guide for how to get America back to work—safely.


You’ve Heard About the WHO’s Pandemic Mishandling, But How About Its Push for Radical Sex Ed?

CNS News

A WHO fact sheet reveals that the organization has bought into unscientific transgender ideology, stating it is “important to recognize identities that do not fit into the binary male or female sex categories.” Clearly, the American taxpayer should not foot the bill for these kinds of policies. They are a danger to public health…


April 29

Covid-19 Turning into Huge Hoax Perpetuated by the Media

Washington Times

When the postmortem is done on the media’s coverage of COVID-19 (and it will be), it will be clear that the virus was no Black Plague — it’s not even the flu on a bad year.


Maybe the Press Should Be Quarantined

Bill O’Reilly: On display right before our eyes is the collapse of honest journalism…What we are vividly experiencing now in America is a herd media mentality that is using the medical catastrophe to sell a narrative to the folks: the virus is largely Trump’s fault and voters must banish him come November.


New York Magazine Writer Olivia Nuzzi Is Why People Hate the Mainstream Media

Todd Starnes

Ms. Nuzzi is the latest member of the White House Correspondents Association to disgrace herself on national television during a coronavirus briefing. “If an American president loses more Americans over the course of six weeks than died in the entirety of the Vietnam war, does he deserve to be reelected?” she snarled. President Trump, who has the patience of Job, refused to take the bait.


NPR’s Spotty Report on the Wuhan Labs

National Review

A lot of the arguments in the NPR segment amount to insisting the staff at these labs are just too well-trained to have an accident like this. Perhaps they are. But recent months have demonstrated that a lot of institutions in China don’t want to report mistakes and bad news up the chain to their bosses.


We’re All Stuck in Trump’s Nightmare


Margaret Carlson: If only Trump were a neurotic and believed everything was his fault, instead of being a narcissist who thinks it’s all someone else’s. No one appreciates that he’s the king of ventilators and a hero for closing down travel from China, although with loopholes, 40,000 people flew in.


Comrade De Blasio Starts Blaming Jews for New York’s Huge Death Toll

American Thinker

This comes against a backdrop of anti-Semitic attacks in New York and a bad government record of containing the virus.


Fauci Says Coronavirus Will Return in the Fall. The Good News Is That He’s Wrong About Most Everything

The Gateway Pundit

So the economy is in tatters, tens of millions are out of work, thousands of businesses are closing and now the architect of this madness says “it’s inevitable” that the coronavirus will return next fall.


America Has Tested More Patients for Coronavirus Than Any Other Nation on Earth

Geller Report

It’s part of the largest public- and private-sector response to a health crisis in U.S. history.


America Held Hostage — Day 44


Wuhan coronavirus used by elite to obtain more power.


The Coming Meat Shortage


Michelle Malkin: The Great Toilet Paper Scare of 2020 has come to end, but don’t breathe a sigh of relief just yet. The Spring Meat Stampede is here.


Once Coronavirus Is Over, We’ll Have to Face Our New Economic Reality

Daily Caller

Medicare for All? Forget it. Free college? Forget it. The Green New Deal? Forget it.


Are Competing Pandemic Projection Models Driving You Mad?

The American Conservative

Maybe a better question is, are these computerized forecasts really adding value, or just driving politics?


Covid-19 Is This Generation’s Vietnam

The Bulwark

In 1968, nearly 17,000 Americans perished in the war. It is not a coincidence that the height of the death toll in Vietnam marked the beginning of the political and social revolution that changed the face of America for a generation. A pandemic is not a war. But there are parallels between what happened in Vietnam and America’s experience of the coronavirus.


April 30

China Committed an Act of War

American Thinker

Xi and the CCP thugs running China committed a deliberate act of war the moment they banned air travel from Wuhan to all other Chinese cities while allowing international flights to proceed unmolested to the far corners of the globe. They did this despite knowing those flights out of China comprised desperate souls escaping a homegrown pandemic.


It’s Time to Boycott China

American Greatness

To ensure we recover from this virus, we must do two things: Wash our hands and wash our hands of China.


China Knew Its Bio-Labs Were a Ticking Time Bomb


The communist Chinese government was aware that bio-labs including the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where it is thought the coronavirus could have originated, were in need of safety upgrades to prevent accidental leaks. An article in Asian Review notes that President Xi Jinping has been discussing the need for “biosafety” improvements for the past year.


The Chicom News Network


According to CNN, Americans aren’t dying because of a virus from China, they’re dying because Trump is president. And somehow, in the muddled mind of the network’s Chief Climate Correspondent, this is related to global warming.


Rutgers Professor Blames White Conservatives for Black Coronavirus Deaths

Wayne Dupree

A professor who teaches women’s, gender and sexuality studies at Rutgers University just went on a crazed Twitter tirade, where she placed the blame for the high number of black COVID-19 deaths on “white conservatives.” According to associate professor Brittany Cooper, Trump’s plan to re-open the economy has a direct tie to black people dying from coronavirus.


It Took Covid-19 to Expose the Fraud of American Exceptionalism

The American Conservative

Our leaders were so preoccupied with remaking the world they failed to see that our country was falling apart around them.


Barack Goes Golfing After Michelle Urges African-Americans to Stay Home

PJ Media

On Friday, two PSAs featuring former first lady Michelle Obama urging African Americans to stay home in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus were released…Apparently, her husband didn’t get the memo. The day after the PSAs were released, Barack Obama was seen playing golf at Robert Trent Golf Club in Gainesville, Virginia.


Time for Reopening

Washington Examiner

Unlike the great influenza epidemic of 1918-19, which targeted young adults, COVID-19 has killed primarily the elderly, most with aggravating medical conditions. For children, it’s been no more deadly than a seasonal flu. This points toward reopening schools and colleges and universities.


Keep America Miserable: CBS Scoffs at Thought of Economy Improving


While Wednesday’s CBS Evening News was the only broadcast newscast to report on the stock market’s rally following a breakthrough with coronavirus-fighting drug Remdesivir, they threw cold water on anyone who dared to have hopeful thoughts about the economy improving.


Can Trump Survive the Covid-19 Economy?

Washington Times

Americans are indeed unforgiving to presidents running on bad economies.

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