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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Victory Girls mourns the death of New York City’s famed theater district.  The blog claims Broadway has turned into a “migrant district.” Pray tell why? Because the Square Hotel adjacent to “the great white way” is being used to house migrants and is staffed by National Guardsmen…Judge Juan Merchan keeps threatening Defendant Donald Trump with jail for being in contempt of court.  Merchan’s next step may be to  take a page from Dean Wormer’s “Animal House'' playbook and  put Trump on “double secret probation” (here’s the 18-second clip from the 1978 hit comedy)… Given the P.R disasters Harvard University has experienced as of late, it’s no surprise it’s looking for a new director of public affairs (job listing here), to help manage crisis communications among other tasks.  In a fit of snark, TheWashington Free Beacon offers three possible hires including the former deputy director of digital media and drone warfare for Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City… And speaking of Harvard, this year’s commencement speaker is crusading Filipino journalist Maria Ressa, who compared Israel to Nazi Germany according to The College Fix… New in bookstores: Jen Psaki’s Say More.  The subhead says Psaki offers “lessons from work, the White House, and the World.”  If  you don’t know who she is, this book ain’t for you (but it might be a good Mother’s Day gift for a left-leaning mom)….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Pulitzer Hands Leftist Group Award for Politically Motivated Campaign Against Supreme Court

source: FrontPage

it’s a notable step on the ladder down for the Pulitzers to give the award to  a series of hit pieces on the Supreme Court whose highlight was something about the house Justice Clarence Thomas’ mom lived in. ProPublica is a leftist group set up by a notorious scammer who helped cause the previous recession which was funded by leftist donors. being funded by l

Let’s Globalize Conservatism

source: Hungarian Conservative

The global Left’s narratives are easy to summarize because they are ever-present in English-language media outlets and online streaming platforms. This represents a significant advantage for the global progressive Left. Do conservatives have a comparable presence? Regrettably, not today.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Society News:  Donald Trump acolyte and ex-advisor Hope Hicks is engaged,  per the New York Post.  Hicks, 35, who tearfully testified Friday in Defendant Trump’s election interference and hush money trial, is set to tie the knot with Goldman Sachs senior executive James Donovan, 58…Another of The Donald’s sycophants, Kellyanne Conway, brought her motor mouth to HBO's “Real Time with Bill Maher” Friday night.  In classic Conway fashion, she spewed a perpetual stream of pro-Trump talking points and anti-Biden jabs, punctuating sentences with a coquettish smirk.  Still,  the Queen of Alternative Facts misstated that Trump was the only president in the last 72 years to not start a war.  Props to Maher for correcting her on the spot by referencing Jimmy Carter’s presidency. “I think it’s incorrect, but I’ll give it to you,” she cackled…We’re going to need a bigger gag order: Over the weekend, Trump truthed on Truth Social to  “arrest Jack Smith. He is a criminal.” In case you’re not hip to right wing lingo, a “truth” is a tweet on the Truth Social platform.  (Somebody call the irony police.)…Celebrity Updates: Jerry Seinfeld’s spouse Jessica kicked in $5,000 to fund last week’s pro-Israel demonstration at UCLA that turned violent (Newsweek).  Her traditionally apolitical husband has been drawing heat from the left for statements on the war in Gaza….Yada yada yada: Seinfeld is giving a commencement address at Duke University on May 12.  Expect pro-Palestinian demonstrations…TheRighting’s redesigned website launched Friday afternoon. Take a look…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. — Howard

Biden Regime Investigates Columbia’s Treatment of Palestinian Students

source: FrontPage

Yet it’s Jewish students who are being attacked.

Does Columbia Want to Elect Trump?

source: National Review

Disorder is the Republican’s best friend.

God Bless Fraternity Brothers, Defenders of the USA

source: Washington Free Beacon

The American flag is still standing here on the University of North Carolina campus, days after a mob of anti-Israel protesters  replaced Old Glory with the "Palestine" flag. In a scene as iconic as the U.S. Marines raising the flag over Iwo Jima, these valiant gentleman kept the flag from touching the ground amidst an onslaught of abuse and debris hurled limp-wristedly by filthy libs.

Leftism and Islamism: An Unholy Alliance

source: American Thinker

American colleges, known for fostering social movements, have witnessed a curious alliance in recent decades.

American Universities Are on a Death Spiral, and We Should Help Them Along

source: The Federalist

Everyone knows college campuses have been ideological cesspits for years, but the Oct. 7 response is our chance to burn them to the ground.

Brainwashing Campus Activists Starts Long Before College

source: New York Post

Teachers push their agenda; whether climate change, gun control or the war in Gaza, they’re focused far less on teaching children how to think than what to think. The goal is to turn kids into activists, and the sooner the better.

College Patriots Crush Hamas Rallies

source: Outkick

This weekend was downright bizarre and awesome all at the same time. Let's give major props to all the heroic patriots on college campus who are refusing to let terrorist sympathizing students win. The pro-Hamas side tries to rise up…….to immediately get crushed by people who love this country.

Campus Tumult Highlights Risk of Reckless Immigration Policies

source: Washington Times

Ivy League brawling is a mere foretaste of the upheaval to come if the administration’s reckless immigration policies continue. Uninvited visitors to this country no longer need to learn our language or adopt American values. Indeed, liberals insist recent arrivals cling to the national identity of their homeland.

Leftist Media Outlets Are Dying at the Worst Time for Biden

source: Fox News

Fewer mainstream media outlets means, the left is limited in its ability to craft the narrative of our society

Hamas Fangirls Are Hurting the Feminist Cause

source: Victory Girls

They stomp around their college campuses, pitching tents, holing themselves up in buildings and demanding pizza delivery, these saviors of terrorism. They are cheering for a bunch of womanizing rapists who beat their women into submission and strive to keep them silent

Biden Is Getting Dumber

source: PJ Media

In olden times, we might see the Dems boot him to the sidelines and bring in a new starting quarterback. The Party of Youth and Diversity is struggling with the fact that His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama did nothing to build up the bench and, in fact, left it bare.

Biden Lets Public Health Go Up in Smoke

source: Washington Examiner

Leftists demand that others “follow the science,” but when science and the facts reinforce arguments against their politics, they ignore it. That’s what President Joe Biden is doing with marijuana. He is dangerously sacrificing the facts on the ideological altar of pot pandering.

Biden Is Committing Political Suicide by Appeasing Hamas

source: Daily Caller

By acceding to his young and hyper-online campaign staffers who have imbibed the woke catechism and thus view Hamas jihadists as “oppressed” victims of Israeli “oppressors,” the president, or “Dr.” Jill Biden, or whoever else controls Uncle Joe, is setting himself up for failure.

CBS’s Norah O’Donnell Blasts Hakeem Jeffries for Not Criticizing Israel

source: NewsBusters

In this exchange, O’Donnell sounded more like a Biden White House official trying to get Jeffries to fall in line than like a journalist on 60 Minutes.

Some of Biden’s Biggest Backers Are Funding Anti-Israel Protests

source: Daily Wire

Activist groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow are in part funded through nonprofit networks involving leftist megadonors such as George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, David Rockefeller Jr., and the Pritzker family