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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Taylor Swift is facing the “digital guillotine” for not speaking out about the war in Gaza.  According to Breitbart, several celebrities, including Swift, Justin Bieber and the Kardashians, are being pressured by left wing groups wanting these boldface names to come out against the conflict raging in Gaza.  Breitbart says the celebs’ silence  puts them at risk of losing  thousands of social media followers…NY Jets QB Aaron Rodgers, who tosses more looney conspiracy theories than touchdown passes, showed up on “The Tucker Carlson Show” this week discussing fake vaccine cards in the NFL, VP rumors and more. Here’s the video.  The Gateway Pundit reports that Rodgers even claimed Biden poops in his pants. Nothing but class!...The apocalypse doesn’t have to taste bad. That’s the theme of The Late Prepper. The site explains that most long-term storage food tastes awful and  offers six palate-pleasing food suggestions that are easy to digest as democracy crumbles…Some of the world’s smartest people in the room are listening to the Acquired podcast, according to the Wall Street Journal. Each multi-hour program examines one major business success story (past programs includes segments on Microsoft and Nvidia).  New episodes drop monthly.  I’m halfway through the show on the NFL and I’m hooked…Dept. of Vaccine Conspiracies: Doctors are being bribed up to $250,000 a year to “push Covid shots,” claims  Vigilante News…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The Myth of College Protests

source: American Spectator

In the 1960s as now, protesters were never particularly popular, and there is little evidence that the 1960s demonstrations had the impact that liberal historians later claimed they had.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Here’s my candidate for ugliest (and longest) sentence of the week, courtesy of Townhall’s Kurt Schlichter, commenting on current campus protests: “The majority of these freaks are part of this garbage movement because they are friendless losers, especially the chicks – no man wants them, and so they cosplay as ISIS brides for a while before graduating with their Feminist Studies degrees and beginning their long journey toward inevitably dying alone in their one-bedroom apartment while reading a Toni Morrison book and then being eaten by their cats.” Here’s the full column if you dare…Laugh of the week: Liberty Paige of conjures up an imaginary “Seinfeld” episode with Kramer, Elaine and George discussing  Jerry’s Duke graduation speech with him.  Jerry: “Protestors were chanting ‘Free Palestine.” Elaine: “I wasn’t aware you had the power to free Palestine.” Jerry: “I am more powerful than most of you care to admit. And Duke acknowledges that by giving me an honorary degree.” Kramer: “Why are they giving you a degree for NOT attending their college? For doing nothing?” Jerry: “I’ll have you know that you can make a lot of money doing nothing. Or having a sitcom about doing nothing.” Bravo.  BTW, PJ Media calls Seinfeld “the hero we need right now” and I’d have to agree…While all eyes were on Duke this past week, eight miles down the road in Chapel Hill, the University of North Carolina decided to gut its DEI department and give more money to the campus police department.  Right wing media including the Daily Wire cheered the moves…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Michael Cohen Bombs on the Stand

source: NY Post

Thus far, Cohen has offered nothing new and, more importantly, nothing to make the case for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Michael Cohen Just Blew Up Bragg’s Case Against Trump

source: PJ Media

Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump has been in trouble as witness after witness for the prosecution seemed to undermine it. Michael Cohen’s testimony proved to be no different.

Michael Cohen’s Lies Could Sink DA Bragg’s Case

source: Fox News

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen insists, once again, that this time he’s actually telling the truth and he wants jurors to believe him.

Could a Manhattan Jury Acquit Trump?

source: Daily Signal

By Deroy Murdock: Having served on three Manhattan juries, I would not be surprised if the 12 men and women hearing New York v. Donald J. Trump acquit him of all charges.

Trump on Trial Is Much Ado About Nothing

source: Townhall

Michael Cohen will not get prosecutors any closer to a conviction because nothing Donald Trump did was a crime. For this reason, it makes perfect sense for the prosecution to save the worst for last.

The War on Jerry Seinfeld

source: Hollywood in Toto

The Hollywood Reporter fretted that Seinfeld’s new, outspoken mien could hurt his career, something John Nolte rightly noted is never mentioned when a star veers to the Left. CNN cranked out a think piece centered on the author’s “growing unease” over the clean comic.

Online Leftists Organize Against Celebs Who Haven’t Weighed in on Israel-Hamas War

source: Breitbart

Leftists on social media are organizing against celebrities and influencers who haven’t publicly weighed in on the Israel-Hamas war, putting the popular figures including Taylor Swift on what they call a “digital guillotine.”

Not Your Parents’ Protests

source: The American Conservative

Immigration-driven demographic changes and the advent of “wokeness” have radically changed the dynamics of campus politics.

The Double Standard on Campus Speech

source: FrontPage

Free speech for Hamas supporters. None for anyone else.

Two of MIT’s Diversity Hires Are Serial Plagiarists, Complaint Alleges

source: Washington Free Beacon

According to a 56-page complaint filed with the university on Saturday, at least two of six DEI officials that MIT hired in 2021 may not be living up to that standard.

How Dems and the Media Helped Create Israeli “Genocide” Lie

source: The Federalist

For over seven months now, world leaders, American politicians, “experts,” and many establishment media figures have regurgitated the wholly unverified casualty numbers provided to them by a terror organization. Last week, the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs dramatically revised casualties, halving its child fatality numbers.

Hamas at Dartmouth

source: Powerline

By John Hinderaker: Dartmouth has avoided the ignominy suffered by some of its Ivy peers during the current anti-Semitic moment. That is because its president, Sian Leah Beilock–I missed it when Congress passed a statute requiring every university president to be a woman–has reacted swiftly to illegal demonstrations on Dartmouth’s campus.

Go Woke, Go Broke: Ford Has Huge Losses on Each EV Sold in 2024

source: Western Journal

Ford’s attempt to electrify its revenue through electric vehicle production has been a swing and a miss. Ford lost over $100,000 per electric vehicle (EV)  in the first quarter of 2024, more than double its deficit from last year.

The Anti-Woke Counterrevolution Is Spreading

source: American Spectator

By Richard Vedder: I am not predicting a dramatic move to the right in this year’s election. This is a gradual, long-run move back to normalcy, where traditional values largely prevail over radical interference by forces on either the left or right.

MIT Eliminates DEI

source: American Thinker

MIT's distinction and academic standards can persuade other colleges to join them in removing DEI and embracing educational merit.

Biden 2.0. Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

source: Daily Caller

If Biden wins, he will argue that voters have given him a mandate — to move forward with radical redistribution policies.