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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of No Surprise: The Trump campaign released a vile statement last night about the Hunter Biden guilty verdict. Key phrase in the press release: “This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family”…Dept. of Surprise: The European Conservative weighs in on RFJ Jr’s presidential candidacy and concludes that he’s a “candidate to take seriously.” Why? According to the European Conservative,  he appeals to libertarians and the far left….Dept. of Crazy:  Rep. Anna Pauline Luna (R-FL, natch), told Fox News this morning that  she’s “vowing to force a vote on Attorney General Merrick Garland's arrest if the Department of Justice fails to act on a criminal contempt resolution backed by House GOP leaders”…The Gateway Pundit informs its readers that “J6 political prisoner” Chris Kuehne was part of Ronald Reagan’s 21-gun salute when he was laid to rest 20 years ago this week…On his “War Room” podcast, an unhinged Steve Bannon fired his venom at ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.  If Trump re-captures the White House, Bannon said, “We’re going to come and get you, and it’s gonna be totally constitutional and totally by the rule of law.” Sounds like a threat to me.…One of my favorite comedians, Bill Burr,  admitted he “hates f*cking liberals.” Outkick has the details on the comic’s epic San Francisco set where he torched progressives…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Push to Promote Transgender Ideology Is Backfiring

source: Townhall

There is no doubt that Biden has put the power of the presidency behind transgender ideology. And yet now there is new evidence that Americans are increasingly rejecting the fundamental tenet of transgenderism: that a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man.

Why Americans Mistrust Election Results

source: WND

The fact is that, among democracies, America is essentially alone in having nearly half its population mistrust election results. So, either America is cursed with a paranoid population, or there are valid reasons for Americans to mistrust their elections' results.

Merrick Garland Thinks His Justice Department Is Above Criticism

source: The Federalist

The attorney general’s complaint about criticism comes with an implicit threat: stop attacking the DOJ—or else.

Europe Votes Against the Ukraine War

source: The American Conservative

In Sunday’s elections, the continent’s national-conservative parties took an important step forward, breaking out of their narrow focus on immigration.

The Democratic Party’s Continued Anti-Israel Woes


As the Democratic National Convention approaches, the situation is getting nastier.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! WND clams that Trump has a new theme song.  Its name is – prep the air sickness bags – “The Chosen One.”  If you can stomach it, here’s the video featuring nonstop images of Trump over the last eight years.  The song has all the musical sophistication of a sweet 16 birthday tune…Here’s the week’s craziest headline from the right even though it’s only Tuesday, courtesy of PJ Media: “It’s time to arrest James Clapper and Antony Blinken.” Because the story is behind a paywall, I have no idea about the twisted logic behind the headline, nor am I especially interested….Those jokesters at the staid Washington Free Beacon keep dropping satirical articles on their website.  The latest is a fictitious account of a secret Biden plan to capture the youth vote including the fake script of a Biden campaign ad.  For the record, I didn’t think it was that funny…Right wing critics are reportedly angered over the Disney+ series “The Acolyte” because it’s the “gayest ‘Star Wars’” yet featuring a “lesbian R2-D2.” (Forbes)…News websites on both sides of the aisle are experiencing significant audience erosion, according to TheRighting’s latest analysis of April traffic.  The Washington Times and Washington Examiner got hit worse than almost any other websites surveyed….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

No, the Hunter Biden Verdict Wasn’t About Fairness

source: RedState

The left is already claiming this verdict proves the "fairness" of the system, with folks like MSNBC's Chuck Todd trying to sell us on how this was a "really good day for the American system." Horse hockey.

With Hunter Found Guilty, Expect Dems to Use That Verdict Against Trump

source: American Thinker

The reality is that Hunter Biden received due process of the law; Trump received the full Soviet treatment

Trump Vows to Deport Illegal Aliens

source: Infowars

Two-thirds of Americans agree.

Trump-Style Candidates Rising in Europe

source: American Spectator

Trumpism goes international.

Europeans Waking Up

source: FrontPage

Just as increasing numbers of Americans, in response to such outrages as the disastrous Biden economy and the unending invasion at the southern border, appear to be shedding their distaste for Donald Trump, more and more Western Europeans, mostly in response to mass Islamic immigration, are rejecting their globalist elites and turning to the right.

The Silver Lining from Trump’s Conviction

source: Daily Caller

Post-conviction, New York’s business community might reevaluate their stance, potentially becoming more receptive to Trump’s agenda.

Biden and the Left Demonize Trump Supporters

source: American Greatness

Biden’s talk of Our Democracy™ is a smokescreen. He and the broader left have no faith in the electorate, voting, or majority rule, as well as absolute hatred for at least a plurality of voters.

The Sliming of Byron Donalds

source: Wall Street Journal

Mr. Donalds is an African-American Republican who is now on the short list to be Donald Trump’s running mate. Which explains why over the past week he has found himself unfairly maligned as hankering for the old days of Jim Crow—the sordid racial caste system that reduced African-Americans to second-class citizens and undergirded segregation.

In Biden’s America, Defacing a Pride Mural Is a Felony

source: Human Events

But defacing national monuments goes unpunished.

Scooter Company to Shut Down Devices Ridden Across LGBTQ+ Crosswalk

source: Outkick

Last week, the Spokane Police Department announced felony charges for one adult and two minors for riding scooters over an LGBTQ+ crosswalk in Spokane, Washington. In addition to the charges, Lime, a company that rents scooters to pedestrians, implemented a "no-go zone" in which it will remotely shut down any scooter ridden across the mural.

Stop Saying Florida Isn’t Safe for Gay People. It’s Fine

source: The Free Press

A local haunt in Pensacola lets you smoke inside. Gay bars in New York will charge you 18 bucks for a gin and tonic. That’s real oppression.

The Nazi Past and Present of the World Economic Forum

source: WND

The Fourth Reich is emerging around us: an advanced reiteration of history for which Nazi Germany was the dress rehearsal – complete with a "progressive" movement driving ghoulish social policies in tandem with elite totalitarian fanatics suppressing every natural right and freedom through police-state surveillance and constrictions.