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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings and hello Summer 2024.  It's the longest day of the year and my perennial favorite date on the calendar…The Washington Free Beacon reveals a top aide to Gretchen Whitmer who helped pass legislation for electric vehicle plants, has left the Michigan governor’s administration and is now a GM lobbyist….FrontPage argues that it’s unjust  for Dems to scrutinize the wives of Supreme Court justices.  A sample of FrontPage’s twisted logic: “A Democrat crackhead loaded with foreign lucre is an object of sympathy whose serial misconduct does not in any way reflect on his father but a justice’s wife hanging up a flag somehow requires her husband to recuse himself”…Jerry Seinfeld, right wing hero?  National Review posted a seven-minute video explaining how the superstar standup “stood up to the woke mob”… Joy Behar, co-host of yakfest “The View,” fears that if  The Donald gets re-elected he’d yank the popular daytime program off the air (Hollywood in Toto)…Ex-Fulton County prosecutor Nathan Wade made a questionable appearance on “The Daily Show” Monday where he discussed his eyebrow-raising relationship with his former  boss and paramour,  Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis.  Breitbart has the cringeworthy details…With tongue apparently in cheek, American Thinker says Democrats should dump  Joe Biden and make  Kamala Harris the party’s standard bearer against Trump this fall. Among American Thinker’s nasty list of reasons why: “Kammy’s an idiot, but at least she’s not senile”…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Police Say Transgender Suspect Admits to Murdering Parents

source: Daily Wire

The transgender suspect accused of murdering his parents at a home in Utah has admitted to the killings and stated that he would do it again, police said on Wednesday.

Against Juneteenth

source: American Spectator

The purpose of the holiday was abundantly clear from the outset, to anyone who cared enough to actually pay attention.

How Speaker Johnson and His Wife Keep Family First

source: Washington Stand

Despite the Left's pathetic attempt to smear the speaker, most people can't help but admire the Louisiana leader for staying focused on what matters at home

Europe Swings Right

source: American Mind

The recent elections reflect broad dissatisfaction with the loss of national and cultural sovereignty.

Sunday Morning Talk Shows Offer More MSNBC Content

source: Ann Coulter

I watched a total of about 10 minutes of Sunday morning talk show last weekend, so this is not a full review, but I do have a great idea for renaming them. They should be called: “Actually, Senator” or “We Should Note” or “I Apologize for the Interruption.”These phrases are repeated throughout the programs as the hosts “correct” Republicans with Democratic talking points.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings on this Juneteenth!  A Daily Signal podcast makes a  belabored case that January 1 is a better  date to acknowledge the end of slavery in the United States… Donald Trump loves linking to Fox News Channel and RSBN. That’s my conclusion after an analysis of all of The Donald’s links on Truth Social and in May.  He linked to FNC 56 times and the little known fringe website RSBN 26 times last month.  The Bedminster Bloviator frequently linked to mainstream news websites too when they had  negative reporting on Joe Biden and fellow Democrats.  Here’s TheRighting’s full findings…The conservative American Accountability Foundation released a report claiming that the powerful  Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association is funding a  radical LGBTQ agenda…Who wants to invest in Newsmax? The company, which plans to go public, is pitching a private stock offering for accredited investors.  Think I’ll bet my money on Apple or Nvidia instead (Newsmax)…Jane Fonda, the 86-year-old Oscar-winning actress, activist and fitness guru, is defending Biden’s mental acuity.  “He’s just fine,” Fonda told CNN, noting the President is years younger than she is…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Some Blacks Are Mad That White People Have Off for Juneteenth

source: Washington Examiner

The holiday was promoted as the work of a racial reckoning and an achievement of racial equality. Yet, in 2024, racial animus still exists as some Black people on social media have expressed anger that white people are off of work for Juneteenth.

Juneteenth Is Our Second Independence Day

source: The Free Press

By Condoleezza Rice: On June 19, 1865, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas, and freed the last enslaved people in the Confederacy. When we celebrate their freedom, we celebrate America itself.

Trump Links Most to Fox News and RSBN

source: A Righting Original

Former president Donald Trump linked to Fox News Channel more than any other news source in May, according to TheRighting’s first-ever analysis of his May 2024 link activity.  TheRighting studied dozens of links and ReTruths on his Truth Social account and his website and found that Trump linked 56 times last month to content from Fox News Channel.

Is the State of Virginia in Play for Trump?

source: Victory Girls

If Donald Trump ekes out a win in Virginia on Election Day, then Joe Biden is finished. That this is even a topic of discussion should be setting off all the alarms in the Biden campaign, and if it isn’t? Well, denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.

What Kind of Conservative Will Trump II Be?

source: The American Conservative

The former President, despite some long standing preferences, is not a predictable ideologue.

New Debate Rule Allows Moderators to Zap Trump with Giant Cattle Prods

source: Babylon Bee

CNN has granted moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper the freedom to electrocute Trump at will throughout the event. (Satire)

With His Colossal Border Failure, Biden Has Engineered Trump’s Comeback

source: NY Post

Less than four years ago, Trump sicced a mob on the Capitol — and his own vice president — foisting a national embarrassment on the American people. Now they want him back; and who can blame them?

Biden’s Phony Numbers Mask True Economic Pain

source: Blaze Media

Too much government spending, too many illegal workers, and too many costly regulations are dragging down the economy. Not even AI can save it.

Dems Cannot Pretend Away Biden’s Physical and Mental Decline

source: National Review

President Joe Biden is not well. Nowadays this is a truism, but you will recall that once upon a time (and not too long ago in fact) it was forbidden to point this out in public, under threat of social censure.

Jimmy Kimmel Spins Biden’s Frozen Fundraising Moment

source: Hollywood in Toto

ABC host joins rest of media insisting embarrassing moment didn't actually happen.

Gavin Newsom Wants to Be an Emperor

source: American Spectator

He wants power, power, and more power.

Alleged Pedophiles Grooming Children and You Can Help Stop It

source: Granite Grok

By Samara: I recently did an investigation into a Drag Queen performer who goes by the name Reverend Y, and in this investigation, I found out that the group he was part of, the Radical Faeries, was actually a covert pedophile group.