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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Word of the week:  DISASTROUS…Fundraising texts, mostly from the Biden campaign, have been bombarding me since last Thursday’s debate. Memo to politicos: it’s a  turn-off.  And just what does “report junk” actually accomplish?  I’m constantly hitting “delete and report junk” and nothing changes…Worst  political text since the debate disaster was from none other than Joe Biden.  “I’m not a young man,” he finally confesses, adding, “I don’t debate as well as I used to. I also know how to tell the truth.” Unfortunately, I don’t believe the president and his advisors (Barack Obama, I’m looking at you) are telling us the truth about Biden’s cognitive abilities. We’re being gaslighted.  We can’t unsee what we witnessed during the Trump/Biden smackdown. And I’m someone who has admired much of what the Biden administration has accomplished during his presidency.…Sans sources, Bill O’Reilly stated  on X that Biden will “quit the campaign.”  O’Reilly  adds that the White House is wrestling with how to gracefully bow out. … Holiday Week Watch: The Beach Boys on Disney+.  The doc presents a pristine vision of 60s America embodied by young southern California dudes with nothing more on their minds than surfing, cars and girls, not necessarily in that order.  Still, there’s a dark underbelly to this sunny tale…I’m taking the rest of the week off for some sunshine and fishing.  Will be back Monday, July 8.  Happy birthday America.  Keep standing strong.  Millions still believe in democracy…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

Jill Biden Is Delusional If She Thinks She Can Save Joe

source: NY Post

You have to ask why Jill and the rest of the insular group of family and aides who know Joe best chose a 9 p.m. debate time and left him on stage without notes. They knew he couldn’t sustain 90 minutes on what’s left of his wits.

Michigan Pot Is Growing Like a Weed

source: The American Conservative

With one-quarter the population of California, Michigan’s booming cannabis economy has been driven just as much by out-of-state consumers and government incentives as by local potheads.

Michigan’s Budget Brims with Goodies for Illegal Aliens and Their Leftist Causes


Leading the charge in this year’s budget bonanza is a cool $1 million earmarked not for improving education or fixing roads, but for providing legal aid to future Democrat voters…oops, we mean illegal aliens.

Eddie Murphy Goes Woke in the Worst Way

source: Hollywood in Toto

To play the race card against both David Spade and “SNL” is both beneath a superstar like Murphy and unproductive.

The Center Cannot Hold

source: European Conservative

The center of Western politics is dead, and the ones who killed it are the managerial liberals who lived by lies—and believed their own lies.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  And welcome to a special Debate Disaster edition of TheRighting.  Let’s start on a positive note for Joe Biden: The debate dispelled ugly gossip that Biden would be on performance-enhancing drugs to spark his mojo.  Shame on those of you who swallowed that rumor.  In fact, it seemed more plausible that Jill accidentally slipped POTUS a Klonopin before he shuffled onto the stage instead of an Adderall...Where was the State of the Union Joe Biden who impressed the world with his March speech?  Last night, he projected confusion while Trump projected strength, despite the torrent of lies and his unwillingness to answer direct questions…There were so many low moments in the evening, but the sophomoric exchange about golf handicaps was cringy especially as war rages in Ukraine and Gaza. And discussions about The Donald’s  weight were more suited to a high school locker room….Dept. of Irony: just before the debate started, Trump launched a new website Fact Check Biden ….Pundit Ryan James Girdusky had one of the night's funniest tweets: “I hope the final question is to draw a clock”…Movie suggestions for Dem operatives this weekend: Trainwreck and Titanic…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Biden Lost the Election

source: National Review

There is no way Biden can simply ‘do better next time.’ He did poorly because he is physically and mentally incapable of doing better.

We Just Witnessed the End of Biden’s Presidency

source: NY Post

Biden’s performance during the debate was embarrassing. Whenever CNN put him up on the split screen, he had a thousand-yard stare.He didn’t look old. He looked ancient.

The Most Disastrous Debate Performance in U.S. History

source: American Spectator

The loud, lingering question: can his candidacy survive this?

Biden Had the Most Disastrous Debate in Presidential History

source: The Federalist

Even with abnormally low expectations, Biden tripped over them as if they were sandbags. After watching post-debate reaction, it’s safe to say no modern presidential debate has ever rattled a political party quite like this one.

Debate Watchers Are Stunned by Biden’s Disastrous Performance

source: Blaze Media

The panic and alarm for Biden's bumbling is nearly universal.

Biden Looks Like a Basket Case in Shocking Debate Performance

source: NY Post

Our president is not fit to serve

Debate Disaster for Biden

source: Washington Examiner

The first presidential debate lasted 90 minutes, but President Joe Biden had lost it within 10 minutes.

Biden’s Debate Catastrophe May Be His Last

source: The American Conservative

His voice weak and memory failing, Biden performed so poorly that putting him on stage was pure sadism and, for his party, tantamount to suicide. Biden isn't too old for a second term; he’s too old for his first.

We Should Know by Sunday Brunch if Biden Is Stepping Down

source: PJ Media

The post-debate scene was like a family panic over an aging elder. The family had been in denial for years, then gramps made a scene at Thanksgiving

Elder Abuse in America

source: Washington Times

Former President Donald Trump came into the debate here last night ready to rumble. President Biden came in ready to mumble.

Jill Helps Dementia Joe Off the Stage After Debate

source: The Gateway Pundit

This was the saddest moment of the evening: Jill Biden came over to husband Joe at the end of the debate. As President Trump walked away unaided, Jill took Joe by the hand and slowly led him as he stiffly took the few steps from the podium to the edge of the stag

The Debate Was Orchestrated Sabotage of Biden by the Democrat Party

source: American Thinker

The spin doctors and real doctors in the debate prep week had to know how far gone Joe was before they sent him out