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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Mainstream media spent the holiday weekend justifiably critiquing President Biden’s meh appearance on ABC News last Friday night.  Reporters from all platforms have been dutifully reporting on the growing chorus of prominent Dem politicians and donors calling for Biden to step aside.  So much for a pro-Biden bias in mainstream media…Phrase of the month: “cognitive decline”…My take on post-debate fallout: Biden gets a cold and democracy is infected with potentially fatal  pneumonia…Most insignificant scoop of the week.  The Washington Free Beacon is boasting about its investigation alleging that a male staff member in the Comms section of the Interior Department is posting sexually oriented messages on pornographic images of male models….The Daily Wire is digging for dirt too: Their new research suggests that Biden’s speaking errors doubled in the 12 months prior to his Trump debate last week.  “The officially-designated errors suggest that the man overseeing a multi-trillion dollar budget has difficulty communicating numbers,” the Wire reports. “He routinely says numbers that are off by multiple orders of magnitude, when an awareness of basic facts such as the size of the federal budget or the population of the country would seemingly alert the speaker that they could not be right”…Walk Like a Joe Biden, a year-old parody video of “Walk Like an Egyptian,” is trending. WND has the details…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Is France Dead?

source: Hungarian Conservative

The left has followed one of the models that work very well in democracy: setting up political clientelism: the practice of giving subsidies to anyone who thinks like you or who, in exchange for money, will provide obeisance. Illegal immigration is the great ace up the sleeve of that left.

The Elite Have Made Steve Bannon a Political Martyr

source: Human Events

As of this past Monday, Steve Bannon is a prisoner at the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut. Or, to be more accurate, as I argued on Timcast IRL, he’s a political prisoner of the Biden regime.

The Slow Death of a Christian College

source: Conservative View from NH

Eastern Nazarene College (ENC) in Quincy, MA, is closing its doors after nearly 125 years of offering a Christian-based educationThe Board chose DEI and wokeness over the traditions of the rather strict Nazarene faith and tradition, and the decisions proved fatal for ENC.

Doug Burgum Embraces the Politics of the Moment

source: The Dispatch

Who is the political outsider on Donald Trump’s VP shortlist?

Olympics: An Opening Ceremony of Blood and Tears

source: European Conservative

This show, designed to be “inclusive,” was nothing more than a hate-filled offensive against wrongthinkers.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Word of the week:  DISASTROUS…Fundraising texts, mostly from the Biden campaign, have been bombarding me since last Thursday’s debate. Memo to politicos: it’s a  turn-off.  And just what does “report junk” actually accomplish?  I’m constantly hitting “delete and report junk” and nothing changes…Worst  political text since the debate disaster was from none other than Joe Biden.  “I’m not a young man,” he finally confesses, adding, “I don’t debate as well as I used to. I also know how to tell the truth.” Unfortunately, I don’t believe the president and his advisors (Barack Obama, I’m looking at you) are telling us the truth about Biden’s cognitive abilities. We’re being gaslighted.  We can’t unsee what we witnessed during the Trump/Biden smackdown. And I’m someone who has admired much of what the Biden administration has accomplished during his presidency.…Sans sources, Bill O’Reilly stated  on X that Biden will “quit the campaign.”  O’Reilly  adds that the White House is wrestling with how to gracefully bow out. … Holiday Week Watch: The Beach Boys on Disney+.  The doc presents a pristine vision of 60s America embodied by young southern California dudes with nothing more on their minds than surfing, cars and girls, not necessarily in that order.  Still, there’s a dark underbelly to this sunny tale…I’m taking the rest of the week off for some sunshine and fishing.  Will be back Monday, July 8.  Happy birthday America.  Keep standing strong.  Millions still believe in democracy…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

Biden Should Withdraw, and So Should Trump

source: Wall Street Journal

The country needs a fresh start after years of anger and polarization.

Biden Will Not Be the Democratic Party’s 2024 Nominee

source: Washington Times

What comes next will be Michelle Obama.

Biden Is Sputtering Out

source: National Review

Think of Joe Biden as an old plane.

Biden’s Top Lies from the Debate

source: FrontPage

He's the Liar-in-Chief.

Dem Party Cover-Up Exposed After Biden Debacle

source: Townhall

It did expose the “Liars’ Club” of corrupt Democrat politicians, dishonest journalists, disgraceful celebrities, and shameful leftwing consultants and pollsters who vouched for the mental acuity of Joe Biden.

Save the World, Sen. Schumer!

source: American Greatness

So what will it be, Senate Majority Leader Schumer? Will you go to the Republican House and Senate leadership and offer to work together to put an actual President behind the Resolute desk, even if that means undermining your nominal President and embarrassing your party?

Biden’s Team Released a New Video, and It’s a Disaster

source: RedState

Biden struggled to get through his lines in some segments. The glassy eyes, the stiff presentation, and the raspy voice are all there. It's the same guy who blew up his campaign last Thursday evening in front of a large segment of the country.

Biden Isn’t Listening, But Trump Is

source: Newsmax

Trump recognized the grim realities for American families who have to pay more for groceries and housing since he left office. He curbed his name-calling urge and found a softer way to point out Biden's mental decline, without his infamous mean streak.

Democrat Media Aren’t Upset Biden Is Senile

source: TheFederalist

They're mad that they can't hide it anymore.

Jill Biden Is the Enabler-in-Chief

source: American Spectator

Jill Biden has a lot to answer for. The video moment of the night was of her escorting Joe Biden off the CNN Debate stage while refusing to escort him off the world stage.

Biden, Age and Elder Abuse

source: American Thinker

Anyone watching the Joe Biden presidency after the June 27 debate against Donald Trump cannot conclude that this was anything other than elder abuse

Now We Know Who’s Really in Charge at the White House

source: Hot Air

If Jill Biden is really making most of the calls at the White House, is it any wonder that the country is in such a perilous condition at the moment? She's not a politician or a policy wonk. She has never held or even run for any public office.