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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of Perfect Timing: Gretchen Whitmer’s book True Gretch hits retail outlets today.  The popular Michigan governor, who is one of the leading potential candidates to replace Joe Biden atop the Democratic ticket, writes about what she’s learned about life and leadership…Time for an updated edition of Kamala Harris’s 2019 tome too? Have we already forgotten  The Truths We Hold: An American Journey?…And if the Veep becomes the Dem’s  2024  presidential candidate, look for Charlie Sperling’s recent book  Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House to become a Beltway must-read. …FrontPage attempts to make the case that the Democrats would rather have a “senile, incontinent president” than The Donald.  The article adds:  “The state-run news media, having been exposed as a collusive network of propagandists and spinmeisters propping up a senile puppet president, is now frenziedly rewriting a new narrative painting themselves as having been deceived about Biden’s true mental and physical condition”…The trans agenda has taken over our public schools claims the new documentary “American Groomer.”  The 36-minute film is being touted by the ultra-right John Birch Society’s New American website. If you’ve stocked up on Tums, you can watch hereNatCon4, a conference on conservatism, is taking placing in Washington today and tomorrow. Senators Rick Scott and Ron Johnson are speaking this morning…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

“Pro-Democracy” Dems Tell 14 Million Voters to Drop Dead

source: Washington Times

Those urging Biden to end reelection bid don't respect those who support him.

The Corrupt Revolving Door of Vaccine Bureaucrats Is Worse Than You Think

source: Daily Signal

All eight new members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices have direct financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.

“Sleeper Cells” in Almost Every American Urban Area

source: WND

Global security expert foresees imminent 'disaster' thanks to Biden border policy.

The Left Eats Its Own, Hollywood Edition

source: Hollywood in Toto

Actor/comedian Michael Rapaport, has been personally protested and endured several cancelations to date. Why? He’s Jewish and he defends Israel. Rapaport has spent years excoriating Trump. Other Jewish artists are suffering similar cancellations like actor/author Brett Gelman of “Stranger Things” fame.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Mainstream media spent the holiday weekend justifiably critiquing President Biden’s meh appearance on ABC News last Friday night.  Reporters from all platforms have been dutifully reporting on the growing chorus of prominent Dem politicians and donors calling for Biden to step aside.  So much for a pro-Biden bias in mainstream media…Phrase of the month: “cognitive decline”…My take on post-debate fallout: Biden gets a cold and democracy is infected with potentially fatal  pneumonia…Most insignificant scoop of the week.  The Washington Free Beacon is boasting about its investigation alleging that a male staff member in the Comms section of the Interior Department is posting sexually oriented messages on pornographic images of male models….The Daily Wire is digging for dirt too: Their new research suggests that Biden’s speaking errors doubled in the 12 months prior to his Trump debate last week.  “The officially-designated errors suggest that the man overseeing a multi-trillion dollar budget has difficulty communicating numbers,” the Wire reports. “He routinely says numbers that are off by multiple orders of magnitude, when an awareness of basic facts such as the size of the federal budget or the population of the country would seemingly alert the speaker that they could not be right”…Walk Like a Joe Biden, a year-old parody video of “Walk Like an Egyptian,” is trending. WND has the details…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Mount Rushmore: Make Room for Trump

source: WND

In a little over four years, Trump Time will suddenly turn to past tense – with grand memories forever. Let's hope one day his face adorns Mount Rushmore, underscored by his funniest line after blasting an enemy's blot: "Other than that, he's wonderful."

Dems ARE Going to Get Biden Off the Ticket

source: NY Post

Biden insisted Friday that he won’t drop out of the race unless “the Lord Almighty” tells him. Get ready for a lot of Dems to start praying. Not so much to God, though, as to Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and anyone else with a shot at getting through to Joe, who right now seems to be listening only to Hunter and Dr. Jill.

Biden Is Not a Decent Man

source: The Federalist

The refrain that Biden is a ‘good’ or ‘decent’ man falls flat when you consider the president’s decades of recorded lies and slander.

Fauci and the Medical Experts Gave Biden a Memory Pass

source: Wall Street Journal

They ignored the president’s obvious cognitive troubles and then attacked anyone who pointed them out.

The Rats Are Fleeing the Sinking S.S. Biden

source: Townhall

It is not only a personal embarrassment for Biden, but it is also an embarrassment for the entire country. It conveys weakness and confusion, not the signals we should be sending to the rest of the world.

The Media Want the Flaming Wreckage of Their Biden Campaign to Explode

source: National Review

To cover their tracks.

The Biden Propagandists Lied Until They Couldn’t Lie Anymore


Most of us have known for years that Biden doesn’t have the mental capacity to be president. But the leftists lied, lied and lied again to make us think that WE were the crazy ones

The Media’s Anti-Biden Campaign Is Just as Fake as Its Pro-Biden Claims

source: FrontPage

It’s all coordinated propaganda.

The Media Skipped the Dem Warning of Biden’s Mental Decline

source: Daily Signal

It would be fascinating for reporters who ignored Dean Phillips for months to interview him now and ask how he feels about his campaign based on Biden’s cognitive decline, and how he was dismissed as a “wasted vote,”

The Debate Changes Nothing, Because the Election Remains Rigged

source: Granite Grok

To Republican candidates up and down the ballot, to Republican voters … the “Democrats” have not yet begun to cheat, and they have no intention of holding a free-and-fair election in 2024, no matter who the nominal candidate is.  

Rob Reiner Does a 180 on Biden and Says He Should Step Down

source: Hollywood in Toto

The Hollywood director is the poster child for Trump Derangement Syndrome, warning that a Trump sequel will be, all together now, the “end of democracy.” Yet he’s seen enough of Trump’s opponent to say it’s time for a change.

Kamala Zones Out on Helicopter. Is She OK?

source: The Gateway Pundit

Harris was seen zoning out Saturday night on a Marine helicopter at Joint Base Andrews after she returned from a grueling afternoon at the Essence Festival. Harris appeared almost unresponsive as the helicopter prepared to take her to the vice president’s residence in Washington, D.C.

France Just Committed Suicide

source: PJ Media

Everyone from French Stalinists to the country's business interests banded together to defeat the country's "far right" at the polls. But the far right is not the threat, and the crocodile snapping at everyone's heels is the accelerating Islamification of France.