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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Essential read: George Clooney’s NY Times op-ed urging President Biden to step aside. If Clooney, a rock-solid Dem and major fundraiser, has lost faith, it may portend a major turning point in the president’s stance on remaining in the race.  It reminds me of when legendary CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite denounced U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war. against the backdrop of the presidential race. In the aftermath of that newscast,  President Lyndon Johnson reportedly said, “If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.” The following month, Johnson announced he would not seek re-election… Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley believes that Kamala Harris would be the best choice to replace Biden on the Dem ticket even though she has “baggage galore.”  On the plus side, argues Riley, she’d attract Black voters, many of whom, otherwise may defect to Trump…The Federalist believes that Montana is hosting the second most important election in November.  Here’s why… Mick Jagger got no satisfaction at during a recent performance in Vancouver  The ageless Rolling Stones’ frontman voiced support for Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and he was met with a chorus of boos (Daily Caller)…Biden’s “big boy” NATO press conference is slated for 5:30 p.m. ET today.  Part of me wishes it’s another major fail and puts an end to this painful and  humiliating candidacy…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The Case for Vance

source: The American Conservative

Trump should redouble his appeal to the voters who backed him in 2016.

Barron Trump’s Debut Starts a New Chapter in Trump Family Politics

source: Washington Examiner

Trump brought his youngest son, Barron, onstage Tuesday. He has largely been removed from the media spotlight throughout both his childhood and high school tenure. This was Barron’s debut appearance at a rally and his first public outing in recent months,

Making the Economy Great Again

source: Washington Times

When the Trump economy got people back to work with good wages, critics called it a short-lived sugar high that would stoke inflation. But in fact, it would be less than 2%.

Make America Affordable Again

source: American Spectator

Republicans need a deregulation agenda.

SCOTUS Girls Gone Wild

source: Ann Coulter

With just two more votes on the Supreme Court, these deranged liberal justices would turn every city in America into a dystopian nightmare where zombie drug addicts crap outdoors and get high all day.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Free The Donald! On the home page of is an image of the convicted felon-in-chief with the headline “Political Prisoner.”  Naturally, below the image is a solicitation for donations from suckers -- I mean supporters…Most pundits have written that Trump’s choice for Veep comes down to three: J.D. Vance, Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum.  I think Trump will call an audible and pick someone else.  That would give him maximum buzz which matters most to him…Pray for Steve Bannon. That’s the advice from WNDs Scott Lively on behalf of the bloviating Trump advisor and podcaster who got sent to the Big House at the beginning of the month to do a 4-month stint.  “Only God can protect him where he is,” says Lively who writes with the benefit of experience. As a young man, he did time twice, he reveals in his column… Here’s a provocative headline from the Washington Free Beacon: “I am part of the resistance inside the Biden administration.  Please help.  The situation is worse than you think.” The article is labeled as satire although it has the ring of truth to it (sorry to say)…Bad news for Gretch?  Yesterday, I had an item about the July 9 availability of the popular Michigan governor's  new book detailing her political journey with a  link to its Amazon page.  It drew a yawn from TheRighting’s subscribers.  Only five people clicked on the link…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Hail to the Chick

source: PJ Media

Dirty Jill is at it again. Her gambit to keep Joe in office, brain damaged and confused, voters be damned, may just work.

Biden Marches His Party Off a Cliff

source: National Review

President Biden is kicking and screaming, refusing to give up the 2024 Democratic nomination.

Biden’s Cowardly Cabinet Is Shirking Its Duty to Remove Him

source: NY Post

The deliberate cover-up of the president’s condition by AG Merrick Garland, VP Kamala Harris and others is a national disgrace, putting our national security at risk and making a mockery

Late-Night Comedians Line Up with Dump-Biden Dems

source: NewsBusters

In the fervid public dispute over whether Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance should cause him to quit the campaign, the comedians are not-so-subtly suggesting they are on Team Quit.

Stars Jumping Ship from Biden Bandwagon


It's a celebrity exodus!  Stars include Jon Stewart and Michael Moore.

George Clooney Throws Biden Under the Bus

source: RedState

In a NY Times op-ed, Clooney is confirming what we all saw. Heck, it’s what we've all seen for a long time at all kinds of events before Democrats like him started to admit it.  It isn't just "one bad night," it's every day and night that is bad.

Why the Biden 2024 Freakout Differs from Trump 2016

source: Washington Examiner

In 2016, Republican elites thought Trump was a buffoon, far too vulgar and unrefined for the highest office. And they were right in the sense that Trump was far different than most Republicans. But Trump never tried to hide these qualities from Republican primary voters.

Putin Endorses Biden as “Better for Russia”

source: National Pulse

Putin said that President Joe Biden would be “better” for Russia than a return of President Donald J. Trump. The comments came during an interview with Russia’s Rossiya 1 TV.

Hysteria Over Biden’s Decay Gives Off Soviet Vibes

source: The Federalist

We get front-row seats to a dangerous internal power struggle between rival factions inside America’s ruling class.

The Cracks in the Dem Party Are Evident as Biden’s Scam-Paign Shatters

source: NY Post

Watching Joe Biden take a daily pounding from fellow Democrats and former media co-conspirators is almost enough to make you feel sorry for him.

Do Anti-Trumpers Still See Biden as a Viable Vehicle?

source: American Spectator

Polling suggests he’s barely a viable candidate.

Kamala’s Legacies

source: FrontPage

Ignoring victims of terrorist mass murder, legalizing crime, and voter fraud.