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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! One would think that the devastating Los Angeles wildfires would all but smother the 2028 White House ambitions of California Governor Gavin Newsom.  PJ Media thinks otherwise and pegs the camera-ready Newsom as the Dems’ frontrunner in four years….Professional bomb thrower, GOP antagonist and ace wordsmith Steve Schmidt has written what are surely the definitive words about Republican critics who are dancing on the ashes of beleaguered Los Angeles.  “Among the great grotesqueries and stupidities of our time is the sheer number of MAGA politicians who openly disdain the nation’s economic, technological, social, cultural, and innovation furnace,” Schmidt wrote on his Substack. “There is no scenario in which America succeeds with a failing California. Only an imbecile would root for California to fail or burn, and tragically, there is no shortage of fools in America rooting for both”…The Victory Girls blog hopes that Melania Trump wears a “chic Zhivago-style hat, complete with fur” to her husband’s inauguration as “nod to her critics”…Speaking of the incoming First Lady, she gave an eight-minute prerecorded interview on “Fox & Friends” this morning.  Melania  wasn’t as bad as I expected, but she answered the barrage of softball questions with all the warmth and humor of an elderly accountant discussing a new tax code…Last week’s craziest right wing headline courtesy of PJ Media: “Canada’s Commie Soy Boy Slithers off in Ignominy.”  The reference, of course, was to Justin Trudeau…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Our Long National Biden Nightmare Is Almost Over

source: Fox News

Joe Biden, our weakest president is soon to be followed by Donald Trump our most audacious president

The Pentagon Needs a New Kind of Leader

source: Washington Examiner

It needs one who will restore a foreign policy strategy of deterrence and peace through strength. Army National Guard veteran Pete Hegseth is President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for the job and the new kind of leader we need.

The Political Left Increasingly Parallels Nazism

source: Western Journal

Nazis hated Jews and perpetrated and condoned all sorts of horrors against the Jewish people. Today’s political left almost uniformly condemns Israel and excuses or outright supports unprovoked attacks and killings of Jews in Israel and even against Jews seeking to peacefully exist in Western democracies.

Sanctuary Cities Are in Insurrection

source: American Spectator

Localities and even entire states have been exceeding their constitutional authority. It has to end.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  Adios NBC Today Show co-host Hoda Kolb.  Today marked the last day of her full-time job at NBC News.  I was initially not a Hoda fan when she was named co-host in 2018 but I quickly grew to respect and even admire her skills as deft broadcaster with a light touch who could also handle hard news…Former Fox News prime time host Bill O’Reilly, who exited the network almost eight years ago in disgrace, was a guest at a recent Mar-a-Lago strategy session with the president-elect.  Mr. O’Reilly provides some details of the knee-bending meeting on his website…Podcaster/comedian Adam Carolla apparently applied to be a Los Angeles firefighter several years ago but was told he had to wait seven years because he wasn’t Black, Hispanic or female. (Hollywood in Toto)…Pizzagate gunman Edgar Welch was shot by North Carolina cops during a traffic stop on January 4.  He died two days later. Mr. Welch, who believed right wing conspiracy theories that a child sex trafficking ring was run out of a DC-area pizza restaurant, fired a rifle inside the restaurant in 2016.  He was sentenced to four years in prison by Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.  (Gateway Pundit)…Weekend Watch:  As a Bob Dylan fan I’m heartily recommending A Complete Unknown.  Timothée Chalamet steals the show as the young troubadour roaming Greenwich Village, breaking hearts and shattering conventions.  To get the proper context of the movie, I suggest viewers also watch the Coen Brothers Inside Llewyn Davis and the mockumentary A Mighty Wind, which gives the folk scene a well-deserved but humorous skewering…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Climate Change Didn’t Cause the LA Fire Catastrophe

source: Unleash Prosperity

You can always count on leftists to blame every natural disaster on climate change. Forest fires were much worse in the 1930s than today and that was long before we had 300 million cars and trucks and homes had gas stoves.

Blame LA Fire Horror on the Woke Religion’s Ruin of Our Cities

source: NY Post

The devastation of Los Angeles occurred largely as a result of people in power adhering blindly and madly to a very bad religion. It was the woke religion, which judges people by the color of their skin and not the content of their character, that propelled Karen Bass to the highest office in town.

People Who Blame All Natural Disasters on Climate Change Should Be Clubbed Like Baby Seals

source: PJ Media

The Climate Church dullards are an international embarrassment whose only real skill is the ability to move goal posts in order to help them sell their latest load of ideological horse dung.

Podcaster Megyn Kelly Unloads on LA Mayor After Trip to Africa


Joe Biden sent her there as part of a U.S. delegation for inauguration of Ghana President John Mahama. Like, who gives a crap? Why is the L.A. mayor going to Ghana for some political event? What the actual eff?

Gay Choirs, Trans Cafes and Social Justice Art

source: Daily Caller

What Los Angeles spent its money on while cutting its fire budget.

How California’s DEI-Obsessed Anarchotyrants Threw Money at Everything But Water and Hydrants

source: The Federalist

California has enormously expensive and intrusive government that can’t even provide firefighters or water when your neighborhood burns down.

LA Gave Away “Surplus” Fire Fighting Equipment to Ukraine in 2022

source: Post Millennial

Just months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, hoses, nozzles, helmets, body armor, bunker gear, and other personal protective equipment were sent over to the Eastern European country.

In LA, Environmental Activism Backfires into a Blazing Hellscape

source: Fox News

Whacko policies meant to clean the air and save trees and fish have killed people, burned forests and polluted the skies

What Will It Take to Change California Politics?

source: RedState

What more proof do you need that the Democrat cabal that has been running your state has no idea what they are doing?

David Muir: Narcissism Burning

source: Victory Girls

From his “fact checking” during the 2024 Presidential debates to his latest stint “on the scene” in Los Angeles, David Muir gets the award for the best display of narcissism in the land of anchorman.

ABC’s David Muir Exposed as a Flaming Narcissist

source: Washington Free Beacon

Reporting live from a smoldering Los Angeles, Muir wore a yellow safety jacket over his signature tight black T-shirt. It would appear that Muir was unhappy with the baggy fit of the jacket so he performed some emergency clothespin tailoring to ensure his muscled physique would not be concealed.

Why Was John Lennon’s Atheist Anthem “Imagine” Sung at Jimmy Carter Funeral?

source: American Thinker

He was very different than the exemplary moral Christian man of popular myth. And the song sounds like a globalist woke anthem, as well.

Presidents Jimmy and Joe: Goodbye and Good Riddance

source: American Spectator

The same fake media that has lied to us for half a century is now canonizing Saint Jimmy — it won’t be long before the same treatment will be given to Joe.