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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Fifty years ago today, President Richard M. Nixon announced that he was resigning from office the following day.  Here’s his 19-minute address to the nation, which ended a dark chapter in America's political history.…Food for thought: The Wall Street Journal published an in-depth story today on a growing conservative movement that believes Americans have drifted away from backing heterosexual couples and their offspring. Democrats hoping to reach independent voters would be wise to take a look…Another Biden blooper:  When asked yesterday by CBS News’s Robert Costa if he expects a peaceful transfer of power in January 2025, POTUS responded, “No, I’m not confident at all.”  He quickly corrected himself, adding, “I mean if Trump loses, I'm not confident at all.”  WND has the details here. The entire interview with Biden airs Sunday morning on CBS…Birth and death notices: RIP CNN’s Reliable Sources newsletter, a huge supporter of our work at TheRighting. Indeed, Reliable Sources founder, Brian Stelter touted  TheRighting’s launch in 2017 and that’s how we got our first 35 subscribers. The last edition of Reliable Sources in its current form gets published tonight.  However, ace media critic Oliver Darcy, the main force behind Reliable Sources since Stelter left CNN  two years ago, is exiting the all-news-network and launching his own nightly media-focused newsletter called Status.  Darcy is a sharp wordsmith who knows how to make words dance. Look for the first edition Monday.  Here’s a link to the Status home page….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Kamala’s Abuse of Staff Exemplifies Leftist Culture

source: American Greatness

If you know where to look, there is already plenty of information on what Harris is going to do if she has the chance to impose California’s liberal progressive agenda on the entire nation.

Doug Emhoff’s Character Problem Could Hurt Kamala’s Campaign

source: American Spectator

The narrative that Emhoff is the feminist model of the perfect husband has come crashing down.

Kamala and Walz Are the BLM Ticket

source: Washington Examiner

While Walz failed to get a handle on the riots and allowed them to erupt out of control, Harris helped contribute to them. She helped boost the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a relatively unknown organization, during the riots. In her words, this was to “help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”

Freedom, Walz Style

source: Power Line

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz declared an emergency on March 25, 2020, and ruled by decree for the following 15 months. His rule was arbitrary, petty, deceitful, tyrannical, and hugely destructive to life, liberty, jobs, commerce, and family. (This blog is based in Minnesota.)

Walz Picked Wedding Date to Coincide with Tiananmen Square Anniversary, Then Honeymooned in China

source: Breitbart

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who debuted as Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign running mate on Tuesday, reportedly chose to get married on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre and honeymooned in communist China.

Why Were Walz, Biden and Others in Communist Countries?

source: Newsmax

In the 1930s, if any Republican politician chose to go to Hitler’s Germany for his honeymoon, they would have been hounded from office. But in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s three Democrats and one Independent chose to go to communist countries for their honeymoon.

Walz Wants to Trans Your Kids

source: Human Events

Walz signed a law making Minnesota a "trans refuge." This means that if a mother takes her child to Minnesota, against the father's wishes or a court order, to medically transition the child, that father has no rights to have the child returned to him.

Derelict Walz’s Military Service Proves One Thing

source: NY Post

His abandonment issues make him a weak leader.

With Shapiro Snub, Leftists Display Their Antisemitism

source: The Federalist

With her capitulation to the antisemitic mob, it’s clear that Democrats of 2024 can’t abide seeing a Jewish person on the ticket. And whether you are a Democrat or Republican, that says a lot about the sad state of affairs in the United States of America.

How Not to Pick a Jew for VP

source: Townhall

By Ben Shapiro:Shapiro seemed to be the obvious pick. But there was one overriding problem with Josh Shapiro in the age of the Squad: Josh Shapiro is a Jew. And there will be no Jewish VP for Kamala. All of which tells you a lot about Kamala.  As a candidate, she's a coward.

Antisemites Rejoice After Kamala Snubs Jew

source: Washington Free Beacon

The 'Squad' and other Hamas sympathizers are all in for Tim Walz.

Only Trump Can Go to Tehran

source: The American Conservative

He’s uniquely positioned to restore the Iran nuclear deal.

In an Election Season Defined by Chaos, Trump Is the Portrait of Manliness and Virtue

source: The Gateway Pundit

Trump has displayed a kind of stoicism, typical in the Founding generation, that never gets overly emotional or histrionic in the face of infinite chaos, so uncommon in our age of paranoia, effeminacy, and conspiracy. That quality of remaining calm in the face of turbulence has been a critical part of his success in politics.  

Where’s Biden?

source: PJ Media

It's anyone's guess what he does the rest of the time. The vice president, who one might hope was filling in the leadership void, is instead gallivanting about, running for office. As the world splinters and shudders and slips into war, there's no one at the wheel.

It’s a Beautiful Day in the Missouri Congressional District One Neighborhood

source: RedState

Cori Bush, along with the rest of the squad, has been the primary cheerleader for Hamas and any other anti-Israel group. With roughly 60,000 Jewish constituents, you have to wonder how Bush's pro-Hamas cheerleading is going over with them. Could it be that maybe part of the reason she will be packing her bags and heading home is that the answer to that is "not well"?

Five Controversies Surrounding VP Nominee Tim Walz

source: Fox News

Includes DUI, BLM riots, and Covid-19 lockdowns,

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! There’s a lot to like about Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as Kamala’s Veep choice.  However, I’m not completely sold on him because he doesn’t do enough to lock down Pennsylvania for the Democrats. And Walz (60) and Kamala (turning 60 in October) ain’t exactly the youth ticket I was hoping for.  The Minnesota governor has spunk as he exhibited in his first official campaign appearance in Philadelphia late yesterday afternoon (here's the 18-minute video).  However, Josh Shapiro would have projected more youth and vitality that the ticket needs. And he’s geographically desirable..Those nasty right wingers keep raining on the Dem parade by reminding voters that Walz is younger than Brad Pitt…Trump is really howling at the moon on Truth Social.  In this post, he predicts that Biden might crash the DNC in Chicago later this month to take back the nomination and secure another chance to debate.  The ex-POTUS also has a new name for Kamala.  He calls her Kamabla (sorry, I don’t get the joke)… Not classy! Favored derogatory nickname for Governor Walz now being used by right wing media: Tampon Tim…Clever! A video just posted by the Daily Signal is headlined: “Harris Contracts Walzheimer’s”…Dept. of Surprises: has published an op-ed from former Rep. Charles Djou (R-HI) endorsing Gov. Walsh.  “More than ever, America needs a normal guy like Tim Walz to help lead our nation and bring us together,” he writes.  This is a rare instance of a right wing media outlet not trashing the selection of Walz to the Harris ticket…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Nixon Shouldn’t Have Resigned

source: Wall Street Journal

The good news for Nixon is that the worst has been said. His antagonists are left with no rungs to climb on their ladder of hatred. On the other hand, records continue to unfold in the archives of the misconduct among his pursuers. Time and history are on Nixon’s side.