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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of Sticks & Stones: There’s an entire Wikipedia page devoted to the derogatory nicknames that Trump gives his adversaries.  An astonishing 120 nicknames are listed including “Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley, Gavin “Governor Newscum” Newsom, and Adam “Pencil Neck” Schiff. It’s a shameful compilation of low-brow insults from the former leader of the free world and it reflects poorly on the United States…Dept. of Surprises: Red Sox player Jarren Duran has the top-selling jersey on the Major League Baseball website after calling a belligerent fan a homosexual slur, according to Breitbart.  He was suspended for two games and then sales started taking off.  “Despite the team’s woke response to the incident, many fans seem to have had the opposite reaction,” Breitbart wrote…Job with least security: Ivy League university president.  Five presidents have left their jobs in the last year, most due to campus unrest.  Columbia’s Minouche Shafik is the latest. (Politico)…Trump’s rallies may have become political losers.  That’s the opinion of the Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Henninger because they do nothing to expand his base. Henninger suggests town halls instead….Not good news for female Secret Service agents.  Susan Crabtree of Real Clear Politics tweets this morning that a female agent left her post without permission at a North Carolina Trump rally to breastfeed her baby.  Alarm has spread among right wing outlets like The Gateway Pundit, Hot Air and RedState….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Kamala’s Media Bodyguards

source: American Spectator

Her record on crime and immigration is abysmal but the media won't admit it.

Kamala’s Campaign Isn’t About Joy

source: Human Events

It's about toxic positivity.

Walz Failed Minnesota Public School Students

source: Newsmax

Since January 2019, Walz has been governor of Minnesota, but his state's public school fourth and eighth graders performed horrendously in math and reading on the 2022 "Nation's Report Card," as compared to their superb results on the pre-pandemic 2019 exams.

Walz Denigrated Himself

source: Conservative View from NH

Should Tim Walz drop out of the race because of what he said? Probably not, but he should own it. He must stop the excuse approach, apologize to all Americans, and never do it again.

Muslim Cleric Who Praised Hitler Was Invited to Walz’s 2019 Inauguration

source: The Lid

Imam Asad Zaman has not only praised Hitler, but he also celebrated Hamas for their attack on Israel on Oct. 7. Walz has also been seen praising Zaman, and even invited the hate-filled, extremist, terror-lover to his inaguration.

Ann Coulter’s Proposed Deal with the MAGA Base

source: Ann Coulter

This is the last @#$%^&* time I vote for Trump. In exchange for the votes of those of us who noticed that Trump didn’t build a wall, deport “Dreamers,” jettison the carried interest loophole or end the anchor baby scam (etc.), leaving us with nothing but Trump’s charming personality, you’re agreeing to never run him for president again.

Fetterman Failed to Disclose Kids’ Sizable Investment Portfolio as He Pushed Stock Bans for Senators and Immediate Family

source: Washington Free Beacon

Many of the holdings are in major banks, which Fetterman regulates

Dems Have Officially Abandoned God

source: Washington Times

It appears the Democrats are prepared to abandon God once and for all, with the draft of the 2024 Democratic Party Platform offering no mentions of “God,” “Lord” or “Almighty.

There Is No Western Civilization without Christianity

source: Townhall

The West is being overrun because it has grown soft and complacent, disdainful of religion (at least, of Judeo-Christianity), arrogant and egotistical in its belief that either there is no God, or that man's reason -- often phrased as "science" -- should supplant faith.

The Billionaire Bros Banter on X


If the leftists and Iran tried to stymie the exchange, it failed. The dynamic duo still managed to cover a lot of ground once they got up and running, including how illegal immigration saved Trump’s life.

Social Media Star Who Promoted Vaccines and Masks Dies from Myocarditis at 30

source: Infowars

The cause of death of a popular Australian YouTube content creator, who once promoted Covid masks, vaccines and lockdowns, was revealed to be a rare heart condition known as lymphocytic myocarditis.  The star, known as Pretty Pastel Please, discussed her on her channel her severe adverse reactions to the “Covid MRNA Vaccine boosters.”

Prof Who Hoped Trump Shooting Would Inspire Others Will Teach This Fall

source: College Fix

Rutgers University had put Tracy Budd “under review” following her social media comments (which also included “They shot his wig. Sad”), but university spokeswoman Megan Schumann said Budd is slated to return to the classroom.

Kamala Names Muslim Liaison Who Supported Gitmo Terrorists

source: FrontPage

Nasrina Bargzie is a piece of work with a lot of unanswered questions about her background which after September 11 were being asked by the FBI.

Have Trump Rallies Become a Political Loser?

source: Wall Street Journal

They no longer bring in any new voters. He should try holding town halls instead.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Got 125 minutes to kill?  If so, check out Elon Musk's chat with Donald Trump that was botched so terribly Monday night.  Be sure to note Trump’s lisp which is quite pronounced at time. It’s posted here…Meanwhile, on his website, Trump is crowing that the interview “broke the internet.”  Trust me, the Dark Duke of Mar-A-Lago was referring to the hundreds of thousands who tuned in, not the broken technology that marred the conversation…The Washington Examiner thinks that JD Vance is doing a fine job running for VP, and  gushes that he “hits his stride and defines Kamala Harris while swatting away talking heads.”  Seems like they may have confused Vance with Kamala’s running mate Tim Waltz…The National Review is pleased that feminist breakdancer Raygun didn’t win a medal at the just-concluded Olympics…The Free Press claims Planned Parenthood has become a leading supplier of testosterone which is used in gender transition therapies. Last year, roughly 40,000 patients went to Planned Parenthood for this purpose, per TFP..…Neo-com commentator Eli Lake says America needs a new national anthem because “The Star Spangled Banner” doesn’t capture the nation’s rock n’ roll soul.  Lake has some soft rock in mind to celebrate the United States 250th birthday in 2026, including  Elton John’s “Philadelphia Freedom.”  He also campaigns for “We Are the World,” which he argues is appropriate because we are a nation of immigrants. Not a bad idea. (The Free Press)…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The Deep State Still Wants to Kill Trump Before the Election

source: PJ Media

Donald Trump is still a target because the Left wants him to be a target. There has been nothing to indicate that the alleged incompetence that allowed a disturbed young man to take a shot at Trump won't happen again.

Of Course They Tried to Kill Trump

source: American Thinker

Now who “they” are is yet to be answered, but it is clear this was a perfect setup -- from their perspective -- but the dang shooter missed! This seems to be the only flaw in their plan

Trump Needs a New Playbook…Fast

source: Daily Caller

Forget about national earned media coverage. Presidential elections are not popularity contests anyway, as the Trump campaign well knows. Focus on local markets in battleground states and invest heavily in paid media instead.