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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  Outkick reveals that Lauren Boebert has joined the “Politicians in Bikinis” movement.  As proof, Outkick has a photo of the handsy, looney-right Colorado Congresswoman in a teeny weeny bikini displaying a massive vine-like torso tattoo. Outkick also offers images of GOP Congresswomen Anna Paulina Luna and Nancy Mace in skimpy swimwear…Word of the day: “Hicklib.”  Politico defines it as “a derogatory term used by some online conservatives to refer to a certain type of rural progressive.” A cousin of the hicklib, per Politico, is the “woke yokel”…The Donald just announced the formation of the Jewish Voices for Trump coalition.  According to the announcement on his website, the coalition is “for those in the Jewish community who feel politically homeless, for those who have been betrayed by the Biden administration’s many flip-flops on the safety and security of the Jewish community and the State of Israel, you do have a home. It’s with the Republican Party, and with President Donald J. Trump” Asking for a friend: Are the Dark Duke of Mar-A-Lago’s dining companions Nick Fuentes and Kanye West part of the coalition?…Got an extra $299?  The far-right Big League Politics is hawking emergency medical kits that include Ivermectin, 28 Amoxicillin tablets and 12 tabs of a generic antibiotic. One only needs fill out a short questionnaire before receiving the prescription-only meds….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Kamala’s Economic Plan Will Be a Disaster for Consumers

source: Townhall

She blames corporate greed as the driver of rising prices — not profligate stimulus; not incontinent monetary policy; not the supply-side chaos caused by Covid-19 and the attendant state-imposed lockdowns

Walz Administration Awarded $2 Million to Muslim Group Fundraising for al-Qaeda-Linked Charity

source: The Washington Examiner

Under Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), the state of Minnesota awarded over $2 million to an Islamic group that fundraises for a charity linked to an al Qaeda affiliate, according to funding records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

Walz Looks Like an Increasing Liability for Kamala

source: PJ Media

Despite the best efforts of the campaign and the mainstream media to brand him as a midwestern centrist and "America's dad," among other things, it's hard not to wonder if Walz will be the next candidate the campaign will force off the ticket to make for someone less controversial and with less baggage.

Is Walz Worse Than Newsom?

source: American Spectator

The people have cause to wonder.

It’s Still Trump’s Race to Lose

source: American Greatness

When one puts aside the hysteria of the mainstream media, obsession with mostly fake polls, and the fleeting trends of social media, the smart bet is still on a Trump victory in November.

Teflon Don Survives Assassin, Hackers, Burglars and Cyberattack


The man is a walking, talking, X-ing anomaly – a political phenomenon who just won’t quit, no matter who or what tries to take him down. So, for all the wannabe attackers out there, maybe it’s time to find a new hobby. But I know you won’t because TDS isn’t curable.

NBC Skips Columbia University President Finally Resigning

source: NewsBusters

Perhaps NBC was too busy freaking out over Senator and vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance promoting the benefits of children having a relationship with their grandparents.

Columbia President Shafik Resigns Before Fall Protests Start

source: Victory Girls

Columbia University is a sinking ship, and President Minouche Shafik is getting out while she still can.

The Jew Haters Who Took Out Minouche Shafik Are Coming for Kamala

source: Human Events

While Kamala is trying to keep the euphoria going, attempting to dance and sing her way into the White House, her base will be out in the street demanding answers.

ESPN Fires Sam Ponder Who Is Against Men in Women’s Sports

source: Daily Signal

Turns out defending women’s sports is a no-go if you want a long career at ESPN. Samantha Ponder, host of “Sunday NFL Countdown." was supposedly axed “for financial reasons. Yeah, right.

Democrats Have Given Us an Unrecognizable America

source: Granite Grok

First, Biden erased America’s sovereignty. He did it by flouting our immigration laws and shamelessly lying to the American people. We’ve only begun to see the impact of millions of unscreened foreign citizens flooding into our country, draining dry the social programs intended for Americans.

Planned Parenthood Came from the “Same Racist, Elitist Pseudoscience That Birthed the Holocaust

source: Washington Stand

In an article published on the Ohio State Senate’s website, Michele Reynolds wrote, “Abortion is killing the black community.” Abortion “is not health care,” it “is extermination.” And Reynolds is right — this industry is not only murderous, but its origins are inherently racist.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of Sticks & Stones: There’s an entire Wikipedia page devoted to the derogatory nicknames that Trump gives his adversaries.  An astonishing 120 nicknames are listed including “Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley, Gavin “Governor Newscum” Newsom, and Adam “Pencil Neck” Schiff. It’s a shameful compilation of low-brow insults from the former leader of the free world and it reflects poorly on the United States…Dept. of Surprises: Red Sox player Jarren Duran has the top-selling jersey on the Major League Baseball website after calling a belligerent fan a homosexual slur, according to Breitbart.  He was suspended for two games and then sales started taking off.  “Despite the team’s woke response to the incident, many fans seem to have had the opposite reaction,” Breitbart wrote…Job with least security: Ivy League university president.  Five presidents have left their jobs in the last year, most due to campus unrest.  Columbia’s Minouche Shafik is the latest. (Politico)…Trump’s rallies may have become political losers.  That’s the opinion of the Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Henninger because they do nothing to expand his base. Henninger suggests town halls instead….Not good news for female Secret Service agents.  Susan Crabtree of Real Clear Politics tweets this morning that a female agent left her post without permission at a North Carolina Trump rally to breastfeed her baby.  Alarm has spread among right wing outlets like The Gateway Pundit, Hot Air and RedState….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Trump Will Be Sentenced to Prison on Sept. 18

source: PJ Media

It is entirely possible, given the authoritarian bent of the Biden-Harris regime and its incandescent hatred for Trump, that he will indeed go to prison. In fact, Trump behind bars may be the left’s last resort, short of another assassination attempt. They’ve tried framing him for crimes, including a bogus “insurrection.”

Trump Won’t Choke Against Weak Kamala

source: NY Post

Self-doubt is not part of his DNA, and he’s proud of the fact that when the going gets tough, he’s at his best.  So when the bedwetters and Monday-morning quarterbacks freak out over Kamala Harris’ honeymoon polls and start leaking stories about “Donald in meltdown,” they’re probably mistaking his real-time retooling and war-gaming for panic. 

Trump’s Creative, Funny Nicknames vs Dems’ Tired “Hitler” Slur

source: WND

Even Jesus called Herod a "fox" (Luke 13:32), and the Pharisees "a generation of vipers" (Matthew 12:34).

Kamala Shares Blame for Afghanistan Debacle

source: Washington Examiner

Harris has been in the room for almost every bad decision the Biden administration has made since coming to power in 2021. And nowhere has the Biden-Harris administration’s failure of judgment been so painfully clear as in Afghanistan.

How Bad Could a Kamala Presidency Be?

source: Fox News

Far worse than you can imagine unless you have spent much time in San Francisco.