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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Joe Biden, late night host?  Most of the East Coast was probably asleep by the time the President took the stage just before 11:30 at last night’s DNC.  That was a kick in the dentures to POTUS Joe, as well as a disservice to his supporters who wanted to see him take a bow and graciously anoint Kamala Harris.  Still, there was a lot to like last night, such as call-to-arms speeches by Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez and Hillary Clinton (her best ever, IMO).  The pundit class has been busy all morning showering praise on the DNC high points.  One of my favorites was Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr who led  the USA basketball team to Olympic  gold.  He was funny, irreverent, insightful, and best of all he was succinct. Kerr’s basketball credentials give him strong appeal to young male voters the Dems want to pull it. Hope Kerr’s  full-throttled support of democracy and the Harris/Waltz ticket won't cost  him future employment and endorsements but he’s got my vote for whatever he does...A Wall Street Journal op-ed appears strategically timed for the start of DNC. GOP Veep hopeful and cat lady hater JD Vance writes in the WSJ that Kamala Harris is waging a war on U.S. energy…Week’s weirdest headline from the right, courtesy of WND: “How the German Gay Movement Groomed Hitler.” Apologies, but I can’t bring myself to read it…In his latest column for us, TheRighting’s David Lieberman reveals that Wall Street has soured on right wing media companies including one owned by a certain ex-president…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Biden’s Deranged DNC Speech

source: FrontPage

Biden was in fine form, repeating the usual lies and clichés, raging and mumbling his way through the same speech that he’s been giving for four years in which he acts like he’s the last guard of democracy against anyone who disagrees with him while trying to also uphold his legacy as America’s savior.

They Ripped the Torch from His Hand

source: Conservative View from NH

The opening night of a Presidential convention is reserved for the least important people in government. In a final blow to Joe Biden, the DNC has slotted him for late on Monday night. The East Coast will already be sleeping, as will Joe. This disrespect is Kamala saying good night, Joe, and I won’t be needing you on the campaign trail.

Boring: Biden Makes His Lonngg Farewell Speech

source: American Thinker

Lies, gaslights, and bizarre claims of "success." Even Kamala couldn't take it.

Treatment of Biden at Convention Exposes the Anti-Democrats

source: American Spectator

The new Anti-Democrat Party humiliates Biden again and seeks total control of elections and speech.

Biden, the Forgotten Man

source: Townhall

Democrats and their media friends want the American people to quickly forget about the Biden record and just buy into the Harris hype, no questions asked.

Joe Biden, Trump Casualty

source: The American Conservative

The Joe Biden who addressed the convention last night was already a ghost, one fated to haunt the White House until January 20. He’s an angry, impotent spirit. Heedless of his naked hypocrisy, he linked Trump to neo-Nazis in one breath and insisted in the next that he had been a president for all Americans

Trump Is Correct to Label Liberal Media Enemy of the People

source: Washington Times

On Jan. 21, 2017, his second day in office, then-President Donald Trump created a firestorm by referring to the liberal mainstream media as “among the most dishonest human beings on earth.”

Right Wing Media Lose Luster on Wall Street

source: A Righting Original

By David Lieberman: You can add Wall Street investors to the pollsters and prediction market gamblers who believe Kamala Harris has begun to derail Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Free Enterprise Is Not Welcome in Kamala’s Amerika

source: WND

Kamala Harris has spoken about the future. Her government will set the price of food in America. The first policy decision of her own, and she stole it from the Soviet Union.

DEI Maroons Its First Astronauts

source: Uncategorized

Boeing’s misaligned priorities have caused yet another high-profile spectacle — this time marooning two astronauts in space — as faulty parts and critical errors have put lives at risk, illustrating that heavily-prioritized social and environmental goals lead to dangerous situations and financial losses.

Snow White and the Witches of Hollywoke

source: American Spectator

The whole industry is committed to going down with the Message — that anything men can do, women can do better.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! The Democratic National Convention opens tonight in Chicago, putting me in a Windy City state of mind. And to help you get in the mood for four nights of political fanfare in Chi-town, here’s a random sampling of songs, books, films and TV that showcase the heart and soul of the City of Big Shoulders: Songs: My Kind of Town, Chicago Is(Frank Sinatra) and Sweet Home Chicago (Blues Brothers version of the Robert Johnson classic);  Books: The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair and Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago, by Mike Royko; TV: The Bear; Movies: The Untouchables. And most on point, Medium Cool, filmed during the tumultuous 1968 DNC…Just in time for school! In his latest column, John Stossel, former resident libertarian at Fox Business News and ABC News, is promoting the tome  Lies My Liberal Teacher Taught Me, by Wilfred Reilly…NewsBusters has a bone to pick with the current issue of Time magazine featuring a drawing of Kamala Harris with the cover line “Her Moment.”  They describe Time’s depiction of her as “somewhere between Miss America and a religious icon.”  My issue with the cover is the quality of the artwork because it looks more like an unfinished sketch…Pat Boone just released a new song that should be music to the ears of MAGA-world and a certain resident of Mar-a-Lago.  The title says it all: Where Did America Go?  The 90-year-old crooner, who decades ago was a Top Ten sensation with limp versions of classics by Little Richard and Chuck Berry,  belts out the song draped in a baggy American flag shirt….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Kamala’s “Hope and Joy” vs Chaos and Boarded-Up Businesses

source: Breitbart

Wherever Democrats go, chaos follows. We’ve seen it in Baltimore, Ferguson, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Oakland, etc., etc., And now that the entire Democrat elite and their palace guards in the fake media have landed in Chicago — a city already bucking under the horrors of decades of one-party rule (Democrats)

Rumors Fly About Possible Kamala Drinking Problem

source: American Thinker

A lot of people are wondering if alcoholism helps explain Kamala’s incoherence and inappropriate cackling.

Entering DNC Week, Kamala Finds Her Honeymoon Flaming Out

source: The Gateway Pundit

Roiled by bad press, a fumbling speech on economic policy, and now reports that the pressures of the campaign have exacerbated an ongoing problem with alcohol, Kamala Harris enters DNC week in a much weaker position than she was in just three short weeks ago.

Why Kamala’s Laugh Is So Annoying

source: Daily Caller

By Ann Coulter: Could someone teach Kamala to laugh only when something is funny?It’s not the sound of Kamala Harris’s laugh that is so irritating although, to be fair, it is. It’s that she laughs when nothing remotely funny has been said.

Kamala Is Cooked

source: American Greatness

Kamala has not reinvented herself. She’s still the same politician who had to bow out of the 2020 Democratic Primaries in December of 2019 because she was polling in the low single digits.

Kamala Wants to Impose a Soviet-Style Medical System

source: The Federalist

The Medicare for All world Harris wants for America would mean no care providers, no money for care, death-by-queue, and national bankruptcy.