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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! A rollicking DNC is keeping Donald Trump busy at the keyboard. Last night, the Madman of Mar-A-Lago posted yet another list of 30 of “the most radical, extreme, and outrageous moments from day three of the DNC disaster.” And in his trademark “I know you-are, but what am I-style,” Trump dissed Bill Clinton for repeatedly mispronouncing Kamala’s name.  (…Dept. of Sticks & Stones: Star DNC Night 3 speaker Oprah Winfrey, was described this morning by FrontPage as a “portly talk show racist.”  That’s a low false blow even for this ultra-right fringe outlet…Breitbart’s Joel Pollak’s new  tome The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days. includes a foreword from incarcerated felon Steve Bannon.  That tells you all you need to know about the book… Kamala Harris is a “financial illiterate.” That’s the claim of one Scott Bessent, the founder and CEO of Key Square Group, a global macro investment firm. Bessent told Breitbart that Kamala will  crash the economy if she takes the White House.…Hot Air  seems true to its name when it makes a tepid case that Joe Biden is plotting some kind of revenge at the DNC…The Wall Street Journal calls Kamala Harris “the least known presidential nominee in modern times.” Maybe, still it’s hardly like she’s a complete unknown (in the immortal words of Bob Dylan) after four years as Veep.  Also, where’s it written into law that the public needs 18 months of presidential campaigning  to “know” a candidate.”  Three or four months is plenty for me…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

In Chicago, Dems Veer Left

source: American Spectator

Independent voters are an afterthought in Chicago.

Is That It, Democrats?

source: Human Events

The DNC is something arguably worse than bad: it’s dull.

Dems Truly Hate Us Normal People

source: Townhall

By Kurt Schlichter: The elite of the Democrat Party hates us. It doesn’t just dislike us. It doesn’t find us merely annoying and tiresome. It certainly doesn’t want to live and let live. It wants to rule and let us die.

Walz Accepts VP Nomination in Speech Combining Misleading Attacks and Cheery Optimism

source: National Review

Walz falsely claimed that Republicans are seeking to ban IVF and abortion nationwide.

Lyin’ Tim Walz Wants to Be Your Neighbor

source: Washington Free Beacon

Hundreds of quivering "Coach Walz" signs greeted the VP nominee at the United Center, his former career as a teacher and assistant football coach being vital to the narrative Democrats have carefully crafted. Alas, the slight embellishment reflects a long history of falsehoods Walz has peddled throughout his political career

China Watchers Sound Alarm on Walz’s Cozy Relationship with China

source: Daily Caller

Lawmakers and China experts told the Daily Caller they have grave concerns about Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz and his close ties with Beijing.

Did Kamala Peak Too Soon?

source: American Thinker

The betting markets say that Kamala’s soaring poll numbers are returning to earth despite the media’s frantic efforts to prop her up.

Kamala’s Far-Left Platform

source: Washington Examiner

Harris has made every effort to moderate her positions on immigration and government spending since she helped push Biden out of the race. The Democratic Party platform goes in the opposite direction, adopting far-left positions on every hot-button issue voters care about. Republicans should make every effort to tie Harris to this radical document.

Donald Trump Supports Israel

source: Fox News

Kamala Harris will not.

Trump Says He Would Welcome Elon Musk into His Cabinet If He Wins Election

source: The Lid

One thing is certain, Musk knows a LOT more about running things than Joe Biden and the democrats.

Biden May Have Escaped a Well-Deserved Impeachment, But His Crimes Will Follow Him Everywhere

source: NY Post

It’s infuriating that House Republicans waited so long to release their devastating report that President Biden committed impeachable offenses when he “actively participated” in a foreign influence-peddling conspiracy to enrich his family.

The Obama-Fest at the DNC: Overdosing on Hope and Nostalgia

source: Victory Girls

Michelle did give a stemwinder of a speech for Kamala Harris, directly tying Barack and Kamala together with “hope.” If you had played a drinking game with Michelle Obama and taken a shot every time she said “hope” in her speech? Six shots in twenty minutes. Not even Ted Kennedy’s liver could do that.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of Nattering Nabob of Negativity: Donald Trump has a list of the more than two dozen “most outrageous moments” from DNC Day 2. (…Last night, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff gave a first-rate speech that underscored the humanity, decency and joy of the Harris/Waltz ticket.  Still, it was Michelle Obama who gave the show-stopper  call-to-arms address (see speech here). The one-two punch of Michele and her husband and fellow headliner Barack Obama raises the bar for Kamala’s acceptance address tomorrow night. Hard to top that duo.…The Daily Signal has an even-handed list of takeaways from DNC Day 2…Minnesota’s Attorney General Keith Ellison, a practicing Muslim, will speak at the DNC tonight about achieving peace in Gaza. Given the rift Gaza has caused among the Dems this could be one of the convention’s most consequential speeches. (The Nation)…Will coastal Albania be the new hot holiday destination?  Jared Kushner  is betting on it.  According to the Washington Post, the former first-son-in-law wants to build a luxury resort on an undeveloped stretch of Albania’s Mediterranean coast. Environmentalists are opposing Mister Ivanka’s plans...According to TheRighting’s monthly Trump Link Tracker, The Donald  favors linking to outlets, such as Fox News and the New York Post, despite repeated Trump World rifts with Rupert Murdoch’s media empire.  In addition, Trump is linking more to mainstream news organizations, including the New York Times, but only when they’re taking swipes at his adversaries…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

DNC Day 2: Angry, Delusional and Devoid of Solutions


And over the next two days, Americans will have the displeasure of hearing from the two individuals least qualified to lead America into the future: Comrade Kamala and Freakish Slob Timothy Walz.

The DNC Is Pure Anti-Americanism

source: Newsmax

White straight guys have to be wondering what all these other groups are saying about them.

Can’t Anyone Here Run a Convention?

source: National Review

Do the people who planned the DNC not realize that it’d be better if Barack Obama and Bill Clinton spoke while most Americans happened to be — ya know — awake?

Walz Is the Perfect Salesman for the Democrat’s Anti-White Policies

source: Blaze Media

Harris’ vice presidential pick shows that Democrats recognize their potential problem with white voters. Walz offers a friendly face to white voters in hopes that they overlook the pervasive anti-whiteness within the modern Democratic Party.

Obama Makes Trashy Joke About Penis Size During DNC Speech

source: The Gateway Pundit

While speaking about crowd sizes, Obama made hand gestures implying he also meant penis sizes.