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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Monday morning laugh: Prize-winning sports columnist and novelist Mike Lupica posted on X that JD Vance is such a bad pick, he “can’t believe the Jets didn’t draft him.” If you’re a follower of the woeful NFL team, you’ll get the joke on the first bounce…Over the weekend, National Review posted two provocative pieces:  Friday, it dropped a truth bomb declaring that Trump trails Kamala for reasons other than the media hype behind the Veep’s White House run, but because of the electorate’s tiring of the Blowhard of Bedminster’s act. However, yesterday, in a piece more in line with conservative complaints about mainstream media, the publication shredded Axios and Politico.  The two outlets are accused by National Review of “producing election coverage that reads more like Democratic National Committee press releases. The combined coverage is consistently sycophantic, lowbrow, and gossipy”…Blaze Media charges that FDR and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter transformed the nation into a bureaucratic nightmare because the power duo “aimed to centralize government power in the administrative state”…Get ready for the September launch of a new streaming service for the “nonwoke.”  We the People is selling itself as a “wholesome, family-friendly entertainment” alternative to Netflix, Amazon Prime and company.  Among We the People’s offering is Tito Ortiz vs Sea Monster, a reality show featuring the MMA fighter fishing for some of the mightiest ocean monsters…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Kamala’s “Joyful” War on Entrepreneurs

source: Wall Street Journal

When Democrats talk about boosting the middle class, what they mean is government employees.

How Kamala Lost Her Chance to Convince Voters

source: Newsmax

Voters who are undecided didn't get a rousing speech that would explain how Harris would make America better and stronger. She rattled off a list of ideas, but she didn't sell those policies. It was a squandered opportunity.

The DNC Featured a Pearl-Clutching Cult of Personality

source: NY Post

Policy-wise, genitals are top of the agenda. Hoo, it’s abortion city. Madam Prosecutor has made clear that she will write Roe v Wade “into law” the moment she gets into the White House, so — in the absence of almost any other hint of a policy — the convention has run with it in the only way American politics knows how: to terrifying extremes.

Maggots, Abortions and Wandering Adulterers


A recap of the DNC Convention.

It Would Be Great If Walz Could Tell the Truth About Anything

source: PJ Media

One of the reasons that Walz was supposedly chosen to be Madame Veep's running mate was to add some folksy midwestern authenticity to the ticket. That's a tough trick to pull off given that he's one of the more inauthentic American politicians in recent memory. Walz struggles with veracity.

Dems Have Fired Their Best Shots and Trump Is Still Standing

source: Townhall

We may not be in the best position, but the good news is like a bloodied boxer who has taken a few punches yet isn’t finished yet, we’re still standing, and now it’s time for our side to launch a few of our own haymakers.

Biden Is on Vacation Again

source: Daily Wire

Who is running the country?

Time Magazine Pays the Price for Lost Credibility

source: NewsBusters

Last week, Time magazine glorified Democrat presidential nominee VP Kamala Harris in a major cover story. A week later, Time announced layoffs for 22 staffers, which could be seen as the consequences for Time for tilting so visibly for Democrats.

Covid-19: The Preventable Pandemic

source: Daily Signal

The global pandemic was “totally preventable,” in the words of Commissioner Dr. Robert Redfield, an experienced virologist. Had the Chinese government been more transparent and cooperative at the outset of the pandemic, millions of lives and trillions of dollars could have been spared.

Texas Ends Practice of Allowing Transgenders to Change Their Sex on Their Driver’s License

source: The Lid

Let’s hope this is the first move in this direction, one other states will follow.

Everyone Is Better Off When People Make Marriage a Priority

source: The Federalist

Will America become a majority-childless society? A new Pew Research Center survey suggest that sadly may be the case. Such a direction would have alarming consequences for not just individuals but also for our nation.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  Breakfast cereal of the day for fans of Kamala: Special K…I expect this is a minority opinion, but I thought former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta gave one of the most important speeches of the DNC’s closing night. Delivered by a public servant with a distinguished career, it wasn’t filled with razzle dazzle phrases, yet  it was an illuminating discourse on the challenges facing the nation.  When Panetta talks, it pays to listen (see it here)…The NY Post’s Douglas Murray hands out “Oscars” to the Democrats who deserve applause contributing to the “fake all-an-act convention.”  Recipients include Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton…Donald Trump sat down for an hour-long interview with comedian and Joe Rogan-wannabe Theo Von (see it here).  Hollywood in Toto says the Trump/Von gabfest should scare the Dems because it humanized The Donald in a way that will have a positive impact on independent voters...The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedyard estimates that the media is giving  Kamala Harris more positive coverage than any presidential candidate in  modern history.  Bedyard  bases his analysis on data from the  conservative Media Research Center…Conservatives rejoice! The feature film “Reagan,” starring Dennis Quaid as the GOP icon, opens theatrically August 30.  Penelope Ann Miller plays Nancy Reagan (see trailer here)…If  you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Kamala’s Collection of Clichés

source: National Review

The vice president delivered a serviceable convention speech, but she remains a complete cipher.

Kamala’s Acceptance Speech Was a Clichéd Lib Facebook Post

source: PJ Media

Because she's a dullard, Harris wasn't even able to come up with some new lies of her own. She just reflexively belched out one tired untruth after another. Imagine reading a low-info lib Facebook screed that's accompanied by narration and you'll have a sense of what Madame Veep's speech was like.

Kamala Gave Us No Idea What She’d Do as President

source: NY Post

Other than not being Donald Trump or Joe Biden, who is she? What does she really believe and what would she do as president? If she knows the answers, she’s keeping them a secret.

Kamala Offers a “New Way Forward” of Platitudes

source: Wall Street Journal

The Vice President was vigorous and confident in her DNC acceptance speech, but her lack of substance leaves an opening for Donald Trump.

From Vasectomy Vans to Hotties for Harris, the DNC Was Truly a Freak Show

source: Daily Caller

Throughout the Democratic National Convention, Democrats made a big show out of being “normal,” of standing for “freedom” and traditional, patriotic values. They did their best, but of course it is all a lie; there’s nothing normal about them.

Kamala Is Still a Fill-in-the-Blanks Candidate

source: Fox News

Harris’ speech was catnip to Democrats who are indeed joyful that Joe Biden is no longer their candidate, but her work has just begun