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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of Grassy Knolls: FrontPage wonders who ordered the hit last month on Donald Trump.  “The evidence that the assassination attempt took place with the collusion of its top officials is mounting up,” FrontPage’s Robert Spencer wrote without offering any evidence… Hollywood in Toto charges Rosie O’Donnell with spreading “insane Trump conspiracy” theories about the attempt on The Donald’s life. “She suggested the event was staged to make him look heroic,” writes Christian Toto.  “Why else would he pop up after being hit and raise his fist in the air?” Toto believes O’Donnell is taking verbal aim at Trump because the Bedminster Bloviator has a long history of sending nasty insults her way…Toldja: A month ago The Righting  predicted traffic to news sites would rise in July in the wake of the Trump assassination attempt and Joe  Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 White House race.  Our research released this morning from TheRighting shows a majority of the news websites we track on both sides of the aisle generated significant audience increases from July 2023 to July 2024.  Even Trump-controlled Truth Social had a record-breaking traffic boost from the dramatic July news cycle…I’m grabbing a fishing pole and heading to the ocean tomorrow to get an early start on the long weekend so TheRighting won’t be in your inbox Friday.  Wishing you all a peaceful Labor Day weekend. We’re going to need all the rest we can get to face the next 68 days till November election. See you in September. …If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

Kamala Claims She Worked at McDonald’s, But She Never Mentioned It Until She Ran for President

source: Washington Free Beacon

Harris's résumé a year after she graduated college makes no mention of McDonald's.  Did she really toil beneath the Golden Arches.

JD Vance Is Crushing It as Trump’s Running Mate

source: Townhall

By Kurt Schlichter: The Democrats may think he's weird, or at least claim he is, but that's only because they are weirdos. JD doesn't think that women can become men, nor does he think that socialism is the answer, nor does he create elaborate reasons for dodging his duty – when duty called, JD Vance, unlike Tim Walz, didn't let it go to voicemail. He’s normal. Like us

The Adept Mr. Vance

source: National Review

He hasn’t made a misstep.

Pro-Hamas Radicals Waste No Time Disrupting Campus as School Begins

source: Young America’s Foundation

As students return to campus, one thing is already clear: the Left’s radical pro-Hamas activists are back, determined to push their pro-terror agenda and disrupt campus life once more. On the first day of classes, leftist protesters rallied outside the residence of George Washington University President Ellen Granberg demanding the school “divest from Israel.”

The Affirmative Action Roots of Campus Antisemitism

source: American Spectator

Jewish liberals sowed the seeds when they betrayed their principles.

We Came THIS Close to RFK vs Trump Instead of RFK Endorsing Trump

source: PJ Media

By Stephen Green: I'm not sure there's a scenario where RFK Jr wouldn't have won the Democrat nomination for president.

Gold Star Families Had Trouble Getting Trump into Arlington Until House Speaker Intervened

source: Daily Caller

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson had to intervene to get former President Donald Trump into Arlington National Cemetery for the third anniversary of the Afghanistan withdrawal with Gold Star families, a family told the Daily Caller.

Major Hospital Systems Put White People at the Back of Treatment Lines

source: The Federalist

Patients and their families should reject programs that undermine individualized medicine in favor of racially balanced outcomes.

Why Jack Smith Should Have Indicted Antony Blinken

source: WND

Had Blinken not orchestrated a genuine "conspiracy to impair, obstruct, and defeat the federal government function through dishonesty, fraud, and deceit," the election would not have been close enough to contest.

Are You Sure an American Holocaust Couldn’t Happen?

source: Washington Examiner

Radical prosecutors are subordinating law enforcement to leftist ideology and ignoring crimes committed by favored groups, such as illegal immigrants. At the same time that America’s commitment to the rule of law has weakened, it has also become harder to say with conviction that the nation is strong, or to disbelieve in the possibility of national disaster

Traffic to Right Wing Websites Skyrockets in July

source: A Righting Research Exclusive

“An earthquake rumbled through the national political terrain in July after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and President Biden dropped out of the presidential race,” said Howard Polskin, President, TheRighting.  “Those two dramatic events drew audiences back to news websites, reversing a year-long trend.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Trump is practically begging visitors on his website for campaign contributions.  The home page copy reads, “PLEASE please give just $10 to STAND WITH TRUMP ASAP”… The Federalist CEO Sean Davis has a bone to pick with Kamala Harris about the interview she and running mate Tim Walz are doing with CNN’s Dana Bash tomorrow night. “Joe Biden can’t get into a car or up a flight of stairs without a handler, and apparently Kamala Harris can’t even talk to a CNN reporter by herself.  Embarrassing,” Davis  tweeted…The University of Colorado  has appointed a “conservative thought professor” at the famously progressive school.  Prof. Patrick Deneen’s reading list for students in his class includes works by Leo Strauss, Allan Bloom, Wendell Berry, Matthew Crawford, Robert Nisbet and Christopher Lasch. (The College Fix)… Serious concerns continue to be raised from the right about Trump’s campaign appearances that have become increasingly erratic since Joe Biden exited the White House sweepstakes.  The Daily Caller urges the Bedminster Bloviator  to stop with the tired schoolyard name calling schtick before it’s too late. “Trump can’t beat Harris with insults,” advises writer J.D. Foster.  Agreed! … Just in time for back to school shopping!  Tucker Carlson has opened an online store, but you’re going to have to open your wallet wide to order anything.  T-shirts start at $30, and hats, including a MAGA red one emblazoned with Carlson’s mug, sell for $32. There’s even a Kid Rock collection offering two types of t-shirts….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Kamala Is Bringing a Mansplainer Chaperone to Her First “Interview”

source: PJ Media

Madame Veep was going to have to plop her pantsuit down in front of a television interviewer at some point. It's finally happening, with a twist that speaks volumes about how little faith her handlers have in her to articulate a case for her election.

Kamala Finally Agrees to an Interview on Thursday Night

source: National Pulse

But not without a white man to hold her hand.

Hidin’ Harris 2024 Is a Terrible Strategy and a Danger to Our Democracy

source: Fox News

If the Hidin’ Harris 2024 model is successful, if it becomes the new norm, we will no longer have presidential elections about ideas, but rather, simple, tribal, political party exercises in winning over small margins.

Kamala May Be to Blame for the Two Astronauts Stuck in Space Until 2025

source: Western Journal

Who is highest up in the government leadership overseeing the security of NASA operations? The answer: Vice President Harris.

Giggler and Snitch: Two Phonies Atop the Democrat Ticket

source: American Thinker

What must be exposed is what these two poseurs at the top of the Democrat ticket really are. They are phonies.

Gold Star Families Still Have Not Heard from Biden or Kamala

source: Victory Girls

The Gold Star Families of the thirteen service members killed at Abbey Gate have not been contacted by the meat puppets in the White House. Not one time in the past three years have Biden, Harris, Lloyd Austin, or any of the other anime avatars in this administration contacted the families of those killed or those grievously wounded.