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Biden Wants Hamas to Win

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Biden and Tony Blinken, his secretary of state, don’t want Israel to achieve its main objective which is to eliminate Hamas’s threat to its national existence. They want to tether Israel to a very short leash.

A Progressive Dem Is Asked About Hamas’ Mass Rape of Israeli Women

source: Townhall


CNN’s Dana Bash asked Rep. Pramila Jayapal why there is such silence from the Left about the mass rape of women in Israel. The answer is simple: they support Hamas and hate Jews. But, of course, the Washington Democrat can’t say or acknowledge that—she says she has condemned Hamas.

Western Media Has Become Hamas’ Devastating Weapon of War

source: Geller Report

Geller Report

Legacy media outlets have been doing Hamas’s filthy work for it. An industry of lies.

Did Hamas Accidentally Crush Cancel Culture?

source: Hollywood in Toto

Hollywood in Toto

Campuses are defending free speech now that radical students are getting canceled for their pro-Hamas stances. The timing is … interesting, no?

Teen Muslim Convert in Vegas Busted in Bomb Plot

source: FrontPage


It’s been a busy day of terror for the Religion of Peace. So far there’s been a bombing of a Catholic mass in the Philippines, a terror plot against a Christmas market in Germany, and a Muslim going on a stabbing spree in Paris. Closer to home, another American teenager decided to pick up a Koran, convert and kill his former fellow Americans.

Liberal Nerd Threatens Innocent Black Man Who Grazed His Bicycle

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

A white socialist nerd riding his stupid bicycle in Brooklyn ate shit on the asphalt after a black moped driver gently grazed him during an otherwise flawless passing maneuver.

First They Came for the Cars, Then the Cows

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

The climate lobby is now aiming to use taxes and regulation to restrict your meat consumption.

San Francisco’s Public Poo Problem Hits Record Levels

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

The brownout spreads.

Conservative Ballers

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Thanks to the the "Daily Wire" and its movie "Lady Ballers," Hollywoke no longer has the last word.


ABC News Misrepresents Issue of Young Gunshot Victim

source: Bearing Arms

Bearing Arms

The news media has been sure to bring us tales of woe in an effort to sway the gun debate. ABC New decided to share one of those of a young people’s stories, someone who, thankfully, survived a gunshot, but then they misrepresent data elsewhere.


DeSantis Scorches Newsom in Debate

source: ConservativeHQ


Last night’s debate between conservative Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida and Far Left Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom of California finally demonstrated why DeSantis tops the “not Trump” list of Republican candidates.

DeSantis Dominates in Debate with Newsom

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

He wiped the floor with Newsom, who wouldn't know a truthful statement if it hit him in the head. Over and over again, the Florida governor used facts to back up his claims and called out Newsom for saying things that were not true. 

Newsom Lost Big Time

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

Newsom’s malevolent, self-serving nature came through loud and clear.

Newsom Comes in at Number Two After DeSantis Dumps Poo Map

source: Twitchy


We expected a poo-flinging contest. We didn't expect it to be quite so literal.

Gavin Newsom Is Not Ready for Prime Time

source: National Review

National Review

He lost the Fox News debate against DeSantis not only on the merits, but on his stage presence and charisma as well.

The Left Disgustingly Dances on Kissinger’s Grave Because It Hates America

source: NY Post

NY Post

The left detests him for being an unrepentant enemy of communism and a Cold War warrior. So it was no surprise Kissinger, who died this week at 100, was the target of widespread, lazy vitriol.

Henry Kissinger’s Century

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

As national security adviser and secretary of state, he combined grand strategy with indefatigable ‘shuttle diplomacy’ and an ability to read his foreign counterparts.