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Tucker’s on the Verge of Something Big

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Tucker’s much anticipated new media company is barreling towards launch. It has begun building a paid subscription base, where subscribers will gain access to members-only content and a collection of behind-the-scenes footage.

The Press Fearmongers About Trump at the Behest of Biden

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Three weeks ago, the Biden campaign told the media to stir up fear about a second Trump term. And boy did they deliver!

The Liberal Media’s Desperate New “Trump Will Be Dictator” Narrative

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

The leftwing media recently got its orders from the Biden campaign on a new narrative to smear Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential campaign.

Rumors Abound for Ben Carson as Trump’s VP Pick

source: ConservativeHQ


Would the combo work?

Kari Lake Steps Up to Help Families Suffering Under Bidenflation This Christmas

source: Western Journal

Western Journal

Call it a one-two punch from Arizona senatorial candidate Kari Lake: collecting toys for needy Arizona families and torpedoing President Joe Biden’s administration for its handling of inflation at the same time.

The Wicked Witch of D.C.

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

Nancy Pelosi isn’t just corrupt and evil.  She is wicked beyond words.

Biden Should Fire All White House Interns Over Anonymous Pro-Hamas Letter

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

In an open letter to President Biden, a group of more than 40 leftists portrayed Israel as a bloodthirsty aggressor while offering only passing condemnation to Hamas for its horrific assault on Israeli civilians on Oct.

Chevrolet Leads the Way in Upholding American Values

source: WND


Ordinary folks like to deal with those who appreciate their values, their needs and their heritage. The company should be praised for its Chevrolet Christmas commercial.

Washington Post Staffers Go on Strike from Destroying America

source: FrontPage


Finally a strike we can all support.

Republicans Hate Matt Gaetz

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

It’s not a secret that there is a majority of Republicans who hate Matt Gaetz and find him so disgusting that they want him out. Even before the ousting of Speaker McCarthy, Republicans have not liked Gaetz for a long time now.

Nikki Haley Vows War with China, Russia and Tik Tok

source: Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

There’s a lot not to like about China — intellectual property theft, COVID, selling us dog food that killed dogs — but complaining about TikTok makes Haley sound less like Gen. Patton and more like an uptight PTA mom afraid of comic books.


Our Antisemitic Universities

source: WND


By Ben Shapiro: Imagine that instead of antisemitism, there had been a radical uptick in anti-black racism on campus: calls for genocide, celebration of terror attacks against black Americans, physical threats. Does anyone think the respective university presidents would have sat, grinning at the lawmakers quizzing them on their actions?

How Were the Universities Lost?

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

The Ivy league and their kindred so-called elite campuses may soon go the way of Disney and Bud Light.

California Is the Eye of the Jew-Hating Storm Ravaging Campuses

source: Campus Reform

Campus Reform

California is the vanguard for the ideological rationalization of anti-Semitism. Its progressive regime imposes it on students from K-12 through higher education.

Elite Universities Grew Endowments by $65 Billion While Raking in Taxpayer Cash

source: The College Fix

The College Fix

A report from Open The Books showed how institutions like Harvard University take in taxpayer subsidies, even though they have plenty of money to spend. The leader of the watchdog group said elite universities need to “start paying their own way.”

Colleges Must Bring More Conservative Academics into the Fold

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

Colleges have descended from coveted citadels of intellectual freedom to illiberal sewers of intolerance and bigotry.

Harvard’s President Gay Has Failed

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

President Gay does not seem to understand her role.