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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Just in time for this week’s kickoff of the NFL season, The Action Network has revealed the presidential preferences of 3,000 football fans on a team-by-team basis.  According to the popular sports betting news outlet, the Tennessee Titans and Indianapolis Colts have the Trumpiest fans.  Sixty-two percent of all surveyed fans said they plan to vote for The Donald.  The Phoenix Cardinals and New Orleans Saints also have a majority pro-Trump fan base. However, 61% of the Baltimore Ravens supporters are in the Kamala Harris camp, followed by the New York Jets (54%), Philadelphia Eagles (54%), and Detroit Lions (54%).  Meanwhile, half of New York Giants fans say they’d vote for Harris.  Wondering why Jets fans are more pro-Kamala than those who root for the Giants….Over the sleepy holiday weekend when there wasn’t much earth-shaking political news, the NY Times published my favorite article over the three-day period with a searing and much overdue takedown of the lowly penny. The lead sentence says it all: “Most pennies produced by the U.S. Mint are given out as change but never spent.” I’ll look favorably on any politician who pushes for the elimination of the dirty little coin that serves no purpose other than to occupy space in my old Smuckers jelly jar...The Daily Signal has a list of what it claims are  the top seven Tim Walz lies.  Here’s No. 3: Walz claimed his wife conceived through IVF…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

“Reagan” Is a Cinematic Tribute Long Overdue

source: Hollywood in Toto

The film takes its cues from the filter of Reagan's desire to crush Communism. It’s the driving force behind Reagan’s political life. Komrade Kamala won’t be amused.

Progressives Hate New “Reagan” Movie But Audiences Love It

source: National Review

The gap between critics and theatergoers has never been bigger.

Dennis Quaid Turns in Triumphal Performance as Ronald Reagan in New Movie

source: American Spectator

The veteran star was stupendous, easily worthy of an Oscar, and a glass of champagne.

“Reagan” Movie Gets 97% Audience Approval

source: NewsBusters

But liberal snob film critics hate it.

Globalists Demand the Persecution of Elon Musk Following Arrest of Telegram Founder

source: Big League Politics

They are at war against free speech.

Dems Hate Elon Musk Because He Allows You to Speak

source: Townhall

Elon Musk isn’t trying to make you speak; he’s offering a megaphone for anyone who wants to use it. Democrats want to control who can use it. Disagree with them, displease them, and you are garbage. Empower the great unwashed, and you must be destroyed.

Is the Western World Still Free?

source: American Greatness

A shift in values has led to a rise in censorship in the West. As these new values gain prominence, the internet’s early, libertarian ethos has mostly faded.

Biden Is Back from the Beach to Give His Hamas Buddies Some Love

source: PJ Media

He is a senile terrorist-appeaser.

Brittany Mahomes Has More Courage Than Most Washington Republicans

source: The Federalist

If Mahomes were anything like the GOP politicians in Congress, she would likely try to shy away from the controversy or cover it up to stay in the good graces of the newest cohort of Taylor Swift-inspired Chiefs’ fans. But even after she had unliked the post, Mahomes never tripped over herself to appease demands from the mob.

JD Vance Is Mostly Right About Women Having Children

source: WND

Everyone knows that children turn out better on average if there is a parent at home raising them – even better if homeschooled. You can be a career woman and admit this; there is no contradiction.

On CNN, Looking Small Next to Tim Walz Wasn’t Kamala’s Only Problem

source: NY Post

In her interivew with Dana Bash on CNN, Kamala Harris appeared physically small compared to running-mate Tim Walz, but even worse, she failed to answer key questions

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of Grassy Knolls: FrontPage wonders who ordered the hit last month on Donald Trump.  “The evidence that the assassination attempt took place with the collusion of its top officials is mounting up,” FrontPage’s Robert Spencer wrote without offering any evidence… Hollywood in Toto charges Rosie O’Donnell with spreading “insane Trump conspiracy” theories about the attempt on The Donald’s life. “She suggested the event was staged to make him look heroic,” writes Christian Toto.  “Why else would he pop up after being hit and raise his fist in the air?” Toto believes O’Donnell is taking verbal aim at Trump because the Bedminster Bloviator has a long history of sending nasty insults her way…Toldja: A month ago The Righting  predicted traffic to news sites would rise in July in the wake of the Trump assassination attempt and Joe  Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 White House race.  Our research released this morning from TheRighting shows a majority of the news websites we track on both sides of the aisle generated significant audience increases from July 2023 to July 2024.  Even Trump-controlled Truth Social had a record-breaking traffic boost from the dramatic July news cycle…I’m grabbing a fishing pole and heading to the ocean tomorrow to get an early start on the long weekend so TheRighting won’t be in your inbox Friday.  Wishing you all a peaceful Labor Day weekend. We’re going to need all the rest we can get to face the next 68 days till November election. See you in September. …If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

Kamalita Perón

source: American Thinker

Who wants to turn America into Argentina? This lady.

Kamala’s First “Interview” Will Really Be an Infomercial

source: NY Post

Kamala Harris will sit for her first interview on Thursday, but it won't be live with an objective reporter but pre-taped, hosted by her adoring fan CNN's Dana Bash.

Kamala’s Debate Dodge Fails


With the ABC presidential debate set to launch in 13 days, VP Kamala Harris tried to change the rules on Orange Man Bad. Instead of standing toe-to-toe with the America First leader, her team wanted to have a seated debate, complete with opening statements and – wait for it – notes.

Is Tim Walz There to Hold Kamala’s Hand Tonight?

source: Liberty Nation News

Is it smart politics, or Linus with the security blanket?

Kamala Is Too Busy for a Platform

source: Granite Grok

By Ray Cardello: Go to the Kamala Harris website and find the page outlining her policies and vision for the future. Look hard because it is harder to find than Waldo. There is no page, nor will there be one before this election. This election is a con job.

It Sure Looks Like Kamala Made Up Her Hard Knocks Tale of Working at McDonald’s

source: RedState

Did Kamala Harris ever work at McDonald's and if so, did the job help her "put herself through college?" Those might not seem like important questions on the surface, but when you consider the Democrat presidential nominee has been using the claim to fluff her supposedly hard-knock background, the truth of the matter becomes just a bit more relevant.