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Black Actress Worth Estimated $12 Million Cries About Low Pay, Cites Racism

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

This Christmas, we bring to you a real tear-jerker of a Tiny Tim story featuring millionaire black actress Taraji P. Henson playing the world’s smallest violin for herself on corporate state media, who wants the world to know and feel her pain as a put-upon minority in the entertainment industry.  

The DEI Rollback of 2023

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

States start to limit programs that sow racial and political division.

DEI Stands for Degradation, Exclusion and Intolerance

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

DEI isn’t diverse, it isn’t equitable, and it certainly isn’t inclusive. In fact, DEI is nothing but exclusionary revenge against non-racists by racists, and all to address nonexistent “systemic racism” and long-defunct slavery.

It’s DEI or Bust for the American College of Surgeons

source: National Review

National Review

The organization has launched a diversity, equity, and inclusion tool kit to ‘help’ doctors, advocating principles that have no place in medicine.

America’s Cities Are Dying from “Woke” and “Sanctuary” Baggage

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

If the wages of sin are death, surely the wages of “woke” must be the death of America’s cities.

If Trump Is an “Insurrectionist” for Criticizing an Election, What Does That Make Hillary?

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

Hillary Clinton frequently called the 2016 election “stolen” and President Trump “illegitimate.”

Barring Trump from Ballots Is a Recipe for Violence

source: Hot Air

Hot Air

By Ben Shapiro: The weaponization of the legal system creates an all-consuming fire, burning everything in its path. There is simply no 2024 result likely to result in anything but complete – and perhaps violent — chaos at this point.

Trump Should Be Studied at Universities

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

The Trump Presidency would make an invaluable university curriculum and fill a dire gap in the promotion of free thinking and love of democracy for students and faculty alike. 

Nikki Haley Makes the Worst Possible Argument Against Trump

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Haley is telling voters to support her because ‘rightly or wrongly, chaos follows’ Trump, but it’s absurd to think a different GOP president won’t also face an utterly lawless and well-coordinated attack on his legitimate use of power.

Nikki Haley Is an Anchor Baby Who Is Unqualified to Be President of the U.S.

source: Loomered


Nikki Haley is constitutionally ineligible from holding the position of President or Vice President of the United States due to being born to legal immigrants that were not U.S. Citizens at the time of her birth.

Biden Aiding Illegal Immigrants Instead of Veterans Is Illegal

source: Fox News

Fox News

By Sen. Tommy Tuberville: Democrats only care about illegal immigrants because it's an election year.

Thanks to Elites, Marriage Now a Countercultural Phenomenon

source: Newsmax


What else would we expect from a generation hopelessly addicted to Chinese TikTok spyware and indoctrinated by left-wing activist teachers to think of the nuclear family as "patriarchal" and "repressive"?

Christian America, Now and Forever

source: Clash Daily

Clash Daily

Considering all the nations in the world and the dominating religions within those nations, Christianity is the most beneficial. When Christians are in the majority, it is good for everyone who resides there.

Draining the Academic Swamp

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Americans are shocked at revelations of the vile rot dominating much of academe. Hiding behind green ivy, shiny buildings and glossy brochures is a mass of cultural festering filth.


Leftist Idiocy Is the Gift That Keeps on Giving

source: Townhall


By Kurt Schlichter: We patriots are lucky to have leftists, if only because our own Republicans are so tragically incompetent – right now, the leftists are inadvertently making a better case against leftism than most of our feckless GOP politicians ever could.

Frozen Embryos Are the New Orphan Crisis

source: Christianity Today

Christianity Today

More than a million unused IVF embryos are in cryostorage. Are they the next pro-life frontier?


Colorado’s Fascist Four Unify GOP Behind Trump

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

His Republican rivals have rallied to defend the former president — and democracy.