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You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List

source: WND


We're all fair game now, easy targets for inclusion on some FBI watch list or another.

The Libs Are Coming for Mary Lou Retton

source: Outkick


Now that Mary Lou has survived pneumonia and appears ready to get on with life, albeit with an oxygen tank, the libs appear ready to destroy the gold medalist darling because her family won’t disclose what they did with financial donations that were sent to Mary Lou to pay for her medical bills.

Preparing for the Collapse of Society

source: The Late Prepper

The Late Prepper

If you have not figured out where you want to be located during the chaotic years that are ahead, that is the first thing that you need to do. Once you have settled on a location, then you need to store up enough food and supplies for yourself and for everyone that will be depending upon you for as long as you plan to stay alive.


Name the Veep Now

source: Fox News

Fox News

Once a running mate is named by the nominee, that would-be veep packs a traveling bag and begins the endless tour of donor events. With eight months stretching out between Super Tuesday on March 5 and Election Day on November 5, there are 240 days full of donor events.

Kayleigh McEnany Has Advice for Trump

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

Her advice will be for Trump not to be Trump and to pick a Corporate-approved person as his Vice President. McEnany is beautiful, smart and well-spoken, but she is like everyone else in the chattering class who thinks that Trump is a stupid vulgarian.

Mainstream Media Claim Trump Is Losing His Mind

source: Conservative Firing Line

Conservative Firing Line

Now that the race for President is getting tighter, and all their plots and twists seem to be failing, they came up with something else. ‘Trump is losing his mind.’

Michelle Obama as President?


With their kids all grown up now, and a husband by her side (as well as his former presidential administration already running things), Michelle would have all the time in the world to be the president and strategize like her hubby did how to further destroy the country.

Nikki Haley’s Sad Path to the Moderate Middle

source: WND


Her record started going downhill after she became governor. She refused in 2016 to support a bill that would require transgenders to use restrooms based on their gender assigned at birth. She said that global warming is manmade.

America Is Better Off That DeSantis Will Govern for Four More Years

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

His day will come in 2032.

DeSantis Should Sue His Campaign Consultants

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

What DeSantis needed to do was ignore Haley, Vivek, and the rest of the Island of Misfit Republicans and hammer Trump on Covid.

Jamie Dimon’s MAGA Warning to Dems Is Right on Target

source: NY Post

NY Post

The J.P. Morgan Chase CEO had liberals clutching at their pearls when he copped to a simple but (in some circles) unutterable truth: Former President Donald Trump — or the GOP in general — was right about a lot.

Jamie Dimon Is Right

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

While attending the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, he praised President Trump’s record, warning Democrats to be “more respectful” of Trump supporters.

Let’s Hope the Tables Turn Against Davos Tyranny

source: Newsmax


Part of the genius of Davos has been cultivating the elite with a myriad of private receptions and glitzy parties and boundless opportunities for wheeling and dealing. These activities provide a smokescreen of legitimacy for the radically global agenda of WEF.

The Jig Is Up for the World Economic Forum

source: Human Events

Human Events

This enclave of globalist authoritarians is worried; this club of unelected tyrants who want you to eat insects and own nothing is distracted; and they seem to know that the jig is up in terms of convincing common folk that there is nothing sinister about the WEF’s plans for the world.

Diversity Strikes Again

source: European Conservative

European Conservative

DEI’s proponents are running out of straight white men to bash over the head.

DEI Is Worth Saving from Its Excesses

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Companies should root out discrimination and hostile training sessions and focus on optimizing talent.

The Founding Fathers Would Be Ashamed at How Few Men Still Hunt

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in October 2023 released its latest report on recreational hunting and fishing. It revealed that only 9 percent of all American males ventured out into the woods to hunt wild game in 2022.