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Meet the Texas Billionaire Quietly Becoming the New George Soros

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

John Arnold has spent nearly $50 million on progressive criminal justice reforms.

Nikki’s Campaign Staffers Appear to Be Double Dipping on Campaign and PAC Salaries

source: Loomered


FEC records show that Nikki Haley’s senior campaign staffers received large payments from Stand for America, a super PAC supporting Haley, just before, after, or on Haley’s February 14th, 2023, Presidential announcement.


Chicago Mayor Calls for Gaza Ceasefire, While His Own City Needs One

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

A rule of thumb among progressive mayors whose cities are awash in chaos is to virtue signal on some unrelated topic.

Trump’s Lack of Discipline Looms Over 2024

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

He will only continue to sink winnable races going forward, most likely including his own.

We’ve Got a Ballgame

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Donald Trump and Nikki Haley are in a real race.

Can Christians Really Vote for Trump?

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

The reality is that Christians have a choice between a candidate who won’t post mean tweets but will actively pursue policies that fly in the face of biblical morals and ethics or a rude and crude man with loose ethics who will presumably advocate values they herald.

Trump’s VP Pick

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

By J. Robert Smith: Will Trump surprise us with an unexpected veep choice? Well, if he does, I’ll go with Vivek Ramaswamy.

The GOP Is Now the Trump Party

source: National Review

National Review

And it can’t win.

Foolish Republicans Are About to Get Fooled Again

source: Townhall


Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats. They always end up stealing your pants, and you end up hanging from the high school flagpole by your undies.

Trump Throws a New Hampshire Temper Tantrum

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

By Karl Rove: After his primary victory he should be trying to unify the GOP. Instead he’s spreading ill will.

Is Michelle Obama a Threat to Trump?

source: Newsmax


By Dick Morris: The mirage of Michelle Obama could prove a good contrast to the supposed dangers of a Trump presidency. Republicans and conservatives must prepare for the eventuality that it is Michelle, not Joe, who we will face in November.

Matt Gaetz Emerges as the “Heir to the Trump Movement”

source: Big League Politics

Big League Politics

He is the leader of the populist America First movement, leading a successful revolt against former House Speaker McCarthy and flexing the muscle of House conservatives with a boldness that lives up to his self-proclaimed “Firebrand” monicker.

The Beclowning of NH Gov. Chris Sununu

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

He is an arrogant, entitled clown whose political success is owed entirely to the New Hampshire Communist (Democrat) Party running candidates so far to the Left that not even the very Left-of-center New Hampshire electorate could stomach them.

A Woke Europe Now Confronts Two Threats: Ideological and Military

source: Hungarian Conservative

Hungarian Conservative

A woke Europe presents two existential threats to its foundational values and to the sustainability of all that it has contributed to civilization. These two threats are, firstly, ideological and, secondly, a pivoting away from peace and toward militarization.

FBI’s DEI Hires Putting the Country’s Safety at Risk

source: NY Post

NY Post

An alarming deterioration in recruitment standards for the FBI has been exposed in a report delivered to the House Judiciary Committee by an alliance of retired and active-duty agents.

CNN Journalists Give Aid and Comfort to Democrats

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

Saving democracy one softball question at a time.

Joy Reid’s Open Endorsement of Porn for Kids

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

By Mary Rooke: MSNBC host Joy Reid wanting more context on why parents are worried about school libraries displaying pornographic books that portray rape and incest perfectly encapsulates why parents should never trust the media.