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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  Much to the likely outrage on the right, it appears there won't be charges brought against two men caught having sex in a Senate hearing room last December, one of whom was an aide to Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD),  according to Breitbart. The Daily Caller broke the story of the backroom hanky panky back in December…Powerline’s John Hinderaker reveals that his office in a Minneapolis suburb was firebombed last Saturday, and he blames leftists.  Here’s his story.Political pugilist, Trump tormentor and Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt lost his dog Sophie and it broke his heart. On his Substack newsletter, Schmidt posted an eloquent tribute that brought me to tears.…Our contributor Michael Lovito has an exclusive look at “In Sheep’s Clothing,  a conspiracy-laden documentary that warns of a communist takeover of America.  Don’t be too quick to dismiss it. Lovito writes that “In Sheep’s Clothing” could become a hit with the rancorous far right and fuel the nation’s "conspiratorial political landscape”…RIP Adele Springsteen, 98-year-old mother of rock icon and American songwriting/singing treasure Bruce Springsteen.  She died Wednesday. “The Boss” often credited his mom for being a key inspiration in his stellar musical career and our culture is better because of it…Weekend Watch: The Greatest Night in Pop.  This feel-good Netflix documentary goes inside one magical January night in 1985 when the world’s greatest pop legends gathered in Los Angeles to record  We Are the Word, which raised millions of dollars to address starvation in Africa. It’s as inspirational as it is entertaining…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Say Goodbye to America

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

We're in danger, and it's not just because our military has gone woke or because the federal government seems to care more about every other issue than national security. We're in serious trouble because our open border allows so many hostiles to come in and embed themselves in this country. 

Whatever Happens in Texas Will Decide the Fate of the Nation

source: Human Events

Human Events

Texas has been doing the work the Biden administration refused to do: securing the US-Mexico border against invasion.

Texas Gov. Abbott Is Right About America Being Invaded

source: NY Post

NY Post

Across the globe, hostile nations like Russia are using migration, instead of tanks, as a weapon of war to destabilize and even bankrupt countries and facilitate terrorist attacks from within. Migration is being used to attack Finland, Italy, France, Poland and — no surprise — America.

Biden, Keep Your Hands Off the Texas National Guard

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Taking away Texas’ authority to command the National Guard, while within the President’s authority, would remove thousands of troops from the border and only serve the interest of the most dangerous drug cartels on the planet. 

Texas Stands Strong While Biden Retaliates

source: WND


Biden has had three years to prove that he can secure our borders, but instead he has done the opposite, with devastating effects on Texas and our entire country.

The People Are Responding to the Border Crisis

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

Our country is being invaded. Biden will not stop the assault. Biden is preventing the states from protecting their borders.. The people have had enough, and a convoy of citizen truckers left Virginia earlier this week and are on their way to the Southern Border to draw attention to the crisis the media is keeping from the people.

Syphilis Spike Was Caused by Open Borders

source: FrontPage


Open borders spread disease, but no one wants to talk about it.

Now It’s Syphilis

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

Now we see that syphilis cases are reaching record numbers, and the Centers for Disease Control predictably blames the problem on the federal government not throwing enough money at it.

Nikki Haley, Authoritarian-in-Waiting

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

When it comes to traditional American freedoms, Donald Trump’s sole remaining competitor for the GOP nomination has little to recommend her.

Nikki’s Last Song, Dance and Supper with Big Donor Devils

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

By Peter Navarro: Billionaires still think they can buy the Oval Office

Dem Campaign Strategy Is “The Other Guy Is Worse Than Our Guy”

source: Townhall


 In his senility, Biden has become a totally selfish human being, a power-mad megalomaniac, with no morality, no conscience, and no self-control. He, and even more, his wife, desperately want back in the White House.

Why Is Biden Running?

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Too late, the media begins asking whether Joe is throwing the country under a bus.

Fani Willis Axed Employee Who Blew Whistle on Misuse of Federal Funds

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

Embattled Georgia DA has a 'pattern' of 'ethical violations, abuse of power' and misusing funds, whistleblower says.

Stacey Abrams Group in Danger of Folding Despite $100 Million in Seed Money

source: National Review

National Review

Super Bowl commercials, donations to campaigns, and $25 million to a friend’s law firm — talk about bloated.

Rep. Cori Bush Facing Criminal Probe

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) is the subject of a criminal probe by the Department of Justice over mishandling of federal security money. What’s more, it comes after the Office of Congressional Ethics *cough* dismissed such charges last year.

Is This the Taylor Swift vs Joe Rogan Election?

source: Hollywood in Toto

Hollywood in Toto

Two pop superstars. Two very different takes on America in 2024.

Leftists Will Use Any Means to Steal Your Children

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

The Left is so determined to force its unrealistic worldview on us all that it will stop at nothing to forcefully kidnap children from their own parents.