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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! With Tuesday’s high stakes presidential debate on the horizon, Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan suggests that if Donald Trump wants to win over undecided centrists voters, he must demonstrate he’s “sane enough” for a second spin in the Oval Office.  Noonan sets a low bar which The Donald lately trips on with frightening frequency…Kudos to PJ Media’s Stephen Green who wondered in yesterday’s column, “What the hell is wrong with Tucker Carlson?” He wrote the article after Tucker’s sit down with  Hitler apologist Daryl Cooper.  Green calls out Cooper as either a “loon or a fraud.”  Carlson described him as the “best and most honest popular historian in the United States"…Lost in the weeds: Conservative commentator Ben Kew blames marijuana consumption for at least half of the mass shootings in this country, according to his Wednesday tweet…Right wing influencers for outlets such as Blaze Media were duped into working for a Russian psych-ops operation aimed at increasing political upheaval in the U.S. (Associated Press)...How will folks on all sides of the aisle react to the new Abraham Lincoln documentary Lover of Men? The documentary, which opens today, claims Honest Abe, who fathered four sons with Mary Todd Lincoln, swung both ways…Weekend Watch: Apple+’s Slow Horses.  Season 4 just dropped and I’m happy to report it’s still as engrossing as ever.  Gary Oldham as the seedy, flatulent master English spy Jackson Lamb steals every scene. I particularly like that it’s available less than a year after the conclusion of Season 3 making it easier to remember all the well-wrought characters and narrative threads…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

Like Any Good Tyrant, Kamala Wants the Government to Ban Speech She Dislikes

source: American Thinker

Whether speaking in 2019 or today, Kamala’s on record wanting to have the government determine what Americans may or may not say.

Want Empty Stores? Vote for Kamala

source: Fox News

Kamala Harris ‘price gouging’ plan is designed to score political points, not fix problems

Not Even Football Stars Are Safe in Blue State Cities

source: Washington Examiner

The life of an NFL rookie is difficult. You must learn a new playbook, deal with multiple rookie chores, and try to avoid being shot when your new home is run by Democrats. San Francisco 49ers first-round pick Ricky Pearsall found this out the hard way.

A New Quarterback, the Same Broken Playbook

source: The American Conservative

The Harris economic plan is both radical and tired.

The Left Is Attempting to Take Over Local Election Offices

source: The Federalist

The left is targeting the electoral system and local election boards. Their strategy appears to be simple: Make the rules. Decide the game.

Are You Ready for the Big Steal Again?

source: WND

The 2024 election is already full of Democrats' "fun and games," as they vow to "guard democracy."

Another Preventable Tragedy: The Georgia School Shooting and the Failure to Act

source: Bearing Arms

We must honor the memories of those lost by working together to create a safer future for our children, while respecting the rights enshrined in our Constitution. It is our duty to ensure that the Second Amendment is preserved and exercised responsibly, with the full understanding that with great rights come great responsibilities.

Banning Guns Is Not the Answer to School Shootings

source: American Greatness

When a drunk driver kills someone, there are no calls for legislation to ban vehicles or alcohol. The root cause of these senseless killings must be addressed.

Walz’s Deceptions Reveal Why We Can’t Trust the Dems’ Presidential Ticket

source: Daily Caller

By Sen. Rick Scott: Walz’s outright fabrications about his service tell us he does not share the values we hold as Americans, especially telling the truth and being accountable. If elected, Walz would be next in line to be Commander-in-Chief. His tall tales currently should disqualify him from that.

Las Vegas Teen Converts to Islam. Guess What Happens Next?

source: FrontPage

Las Vegas’ KLAS reported Thursday that Joshua Robles, 16, has been “accused of plotting an ISIS-inspired terror attack.”

Liz Cheney Is Desperate to Be Somebody

source: Victory Girls

Good heavens, Liz Cheney, has made headlines with her endorsement of Kamala Harris. Come on, old Lizzy. Are you that desperate to keep your name whispered abou

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Embarrassing. That’s how NewsBusters’ describes Gayle King’s “salivating” sitdown with Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.  NewsBusters provides clips and quotes King kvelling: ,“I just met her, and I’m floating”…A transgender “cult” has Sweet Briar College in its crosshairs, according to Victory Girls.  Last month, the Virginia-based women-only institution of higher learning announced it would only accept applicants if they were born female, and consistently live and identify as a woman. However, the Sweet Briar  faculty, at odds with the college’s administration, passed a resolution condemning the new policy…Right wing Blaze Media just dropped a documentary, the 75-minute “Scamdemic,” which claims $200 billion in Covid relief money vanished overnight. (see trailer)…Gwynth Paltrow is being applauded by the right for criticizing fellow feminists for not speaking out in greater numbers about Hamas atrocities. Count me in on  praising Paltrow as well. (Hollywood in Toto)… It must be a slow news day at WND because they are reporting gleefully on the arrest of Fani Willis’s 25-year-old daughter for driving with a suspended license....Looks like Donald Trump is saving bigly on room and board costs for his son Barron Trump’s college education.  The youngest Trump child is a freshman at New York University this week and decided to bunk at The Donald’s  posh Fifth Ave. digs, instead of a NYU dorm. (NY Post)…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

NYC Is an Illegal Crime Cesspool


Three-quarters of criminals arrested are "migrants."

Media Bias Makes It Easier to Run a “Flawless” Campaign

source: NewsBusters

The media act like the wind beneath Kamala’s wings, and then they praise her flying skills.Her weaknesses are buried as Trump’s strengths are attacked.

Kamala Spews Lies to Fake, Bussed-In Attendees at New England Rally

source: Loomered

The Kamala Harris astroturf show made a stop in New Hampshire on Wednesday. Harris’s speech to the Granite State was complete with a bused-in crowd, policy lies, a pledge to raise taxes, and no press conference with the media.

Is the Harris Honeymoon Over?

source: Liberty Nation News

With the DNC in the rearview mirror, someone needs to start hitting the policy platform hard. (Podcast)

The More People Hear from Kamala, the Less They Like Her

source: Townhall

The “enthusiasm,” as far as it goes, on the left is canned. Democrats weren’t excited for Kamala, they were excited to be rid of Joe Biden. They would have cheered anyone.

How Long Can the Left Cover for Kamala’s Mangled Messaging?

source: Newsmax

After being handed her party's presidential nomination without any votes in an inside job a month ago followed by a pre-taped CNN August 29 interview along with her emotional support chaperone and VP pick Tim Walz, Kamala has yet to reveal why voters might wish to choose her to lead the nation.